EBOOK-CONVERT(1) calibre EBOOK-CONVERT(1) NAME ebook-convert - ebook-convert ebook-convert input_file output_file [options] Convert an e-book from one format to another. input_file is the input and output_file is the output. Both must be specified as the first two arguments to the command. The output e-book format is guessed from the file extension of output_file. output_file can also be of the special format .EXT where EXT is the output file extension. In this case, the name of the output file is derived from the name of the input file. Note that the filenames must not start with a hyphen. Finally, if output_file has no extension, then it is treated as a folder and an "open e-book" (OEB) consisting of HTML files is written to that folder. These files are the files that would normally have been passed to the output plugin. After specifying the input and output file you can customize the conversion by specifying various options. The available options depend on the input and output file types. To get help on them specify the input and output file and then use the -h option. For full documentation of the conversion system see E-book conversion Whenever you pass arguments to ebook-convert that have spaces in them, enclose the arguments in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with spaces" The options and default values for the options change depending on both the input and output formats, so you should always check with: ebook-convert myfile.input_format myfile.output_format -h Below are the options that are common to all conversion, followed by the options specific to every input and output format. o VSTUPNE NASTAVENIA o VYSTUPNE NASTAVENIA o VZHLAD o HEURISTIC PROCESSING o NAJST A NAHRADIT o STRUCTURE DETECTION o OBSAH o METADATA o DEBUG --help, -h zobrazit tuto napovedu a skoncit --input-profile Nastavenie vstupneho profilu. Vstupny profil preda konverznemu systemu konverzie informacie o tom, ako interpretovat rozne informacie vo vstupnom dokumente. Napriklad rozlisenie zavisi od dlzky (tj dlzky v pixeloch). Moznosti su: cybookg3, cybook_opus, default, hanlinv3, hanlinv5, illiad, irexdr1000, irexdr800, kindle, msreader, mobipocket, nook, sony, sony300, sony900 --list-recipes List builtin recipe names. You can create an e-book from a builtin recipe like this: ebook-convert "Recipe Name.recipe" output.epub --output-profile Specify the output profile. The output profile tells the conversion system how to optimize the created document for the specified device. In some cases, an output profile can be used to optimize the output for a particular device, but this is rarely necessary. Choices are:cybookg3, cybook_opus, default, hanlinv3, hanlinv5, illiad, ipad, ipad3, irexdr1000, irexdr800, jetbook5, kindle, kindle_dx, kindle_fire, kindle_oasis, kindle_pw, kindle_pw3, kindle_scribe, kindle_voyage, kobo, msreader, mobipocket, nook, nook_color, nook_hd_plus, pocketbook_inkpad3, pocketbook_lux, pocketbook_hd, pocketbook_900, pocketbook_pro_912, galaxy, sony, sony300, sony900, sony-landscape, sonyt3, tablet, generic_eink, generic_eink_hd, generic_eink_large --version zobrazit verziu programu a skoncit VSTUPNE NASTAVENIA Nastavenia, ktore ovladaju spracovanie vstupnych mobi suborov --input-encoding Kodovanie znakov vystupneho dokumentu. Toto kodovanie, ak bude nastavene, bude pouzite prednostne pred kodovanim uvedenym v samotnom dokumente. Tymto parametrom je mozne doplnit chybajuce alebo opravit nespravne kodovanie znakov. VYSTUPNE NASTAVENIA Nastavenia, ktore ovladaju spracovanie vystupnych epub suborov --dont-split-on-page-breaks Turn off splitting at page breaks. Normally, input files are automatically split at every page break into two files. This gives an output e-book that can be parsed faster and with less resources. However, splitting is slow and if your source file contains a very large number of page breaks, you should turn off splitting on page breaks. --epub-flatten Tato volba je potrebna len ak chcete pouzit EPUB v FBReaderJ. Zplosti suborovy system v EPUB tak, ze vsetky subory da do priecinka najvyssej urovne. --epub-inline-toc Vlozit vnoreny Obsah, ktory sa zobrazi ako sucast knizneho obsahu. --epub-max-image-size The maximum image size (width x height). A value of none means use the screen size from the output profile. A value of profile means no maximum size is specified. For example, a value of 100x200 will cause all images to be resized so that their width is no more than 100 pixels and their height is no more than 200 pixels. Note that this only affects the size of the actual image files themselves. Any given image may be rendered at a different size depending on the styling applied to it in the document. --epub-toc-at-end Vlozeny vnoreny Obsah umiestnite na koniec knihy namiesto na jej zaciatok. --epub-version Verzia suboru EPUB, ktory chcete vygenerovat. EPUB 2 je najkompatibilnejsi, EPUB 3 pouzite len vtedy, pokial viete, ze ho skutocne potrebujete. --extract-to Extract the contents of the generated EPUB file to the specified folder. The contents of the folder are first deleted, so be careful. --flow-size Split all HTML files larger than this size (in KB). This is necessary as most EPUB readers cannot handle large file sizes. The default of 260KB is the size required for Adobe Digital Editions. Set to 0 to disable size based splitting. --no-default-epub-cover Zvycajne ak vstupny subor nema ziadny obal knihy, a ziadny nespecifikujete, predvoleny obal je generovany s nazvom, autormi, atd. Tato moznost zakaze generaciu tychto obalok. --no-svg-cover Nepouzivajte SVG pre knizne obalky. Tuto moznost pouzite, ak vas EPub bude pouzity v zariadeni, ktore nepodporuje SVG, napr.v iPhone alebo JetBook Lite. Bez tejto volby, zobrazia zariadenia obalku ako prazdnu stranku. --preserve-cover-aspect-ratio Pri pouziti obalky SVG, tato volba sposobi, ze obalka pokryje dostupnu oblast obrazovky, ale stale zachovat pomer stran (pomer sirky k vyske). To znamena, ze moze vzniknot biela hranica na bokoch alebo hornej a dolnej casti obrazu, ale obraz uz nikdy nebude naruseny. Bez tejto volby obraz moze byt mierne skresleny, ale bez hranic. --pretty-print Ak je specifikovany, vystupny plugin skusi vytvorit vystup citatelny pre cloveka. Nemusi mat ziadny efekt pre niektore vystupne pluginy. --toc-title Title for any generated inline table of contents. VZHLAD Nastavenia vyzoru vystupnych suborov --asciiize Transliterate Unicode characters to an ASCII representation. Use with care because this will replace Unicode characters with ASCII. For instance it will replace "Pele" with "Pele". Also, note that in cases where there are multiple representations of a character (characters shared by Chinese and Japanese for instance) the representation based on the current calibre interface language will be used. --base-font-size The base font size in pts. All font sizes in the produced book will be rescaled based on this size. By choosing a larger size you can make the fonts in the output bigger and vice versa. By default, when the value is zero, the base font size is chosen based on the output profile you chose. --change-justification Zmena zarovnania textu. Hodnota "left" zmeni vsetok zarovnany text v zdroji dolava (t.j. nezarovnany) text. Hodnota "justify", zmeni vsetok nezarovnany text na zarovnany do bloku. Hodnota "original" (predvolena) zarovnanie v zdrojovom subore nezmeni. Vsimnite si, ze len niektore vystupne formaty podporuju zarovnanie. --disable-font-rescaling Zakazat vsetky prepocty velkosti pisma. --embed-all-fonts Embed every font that is referenced in the input document but not already embedded. This will search your system for the fonts, and if found, they will be embedded. Embedding will only work if the format you are converting to supports embedded fonts, such as EPUB, AZW3, DOCX or PDF. Please ensure that you have the proper license for embedding the fonts used in this document. --embed-font-family Embed the specified font family into the book. This specifies the "base" font used for the book. If the input document specifies its own fonts, they may override this base font. You can use the filter style information option to remove fonts from the input document. Note that font embedding only works with some output formats, principally EPUB, AZW3 and DOCX. --expand-css By default, calibre will use the shorthand form for various CSS properties such as margin, padding, border, etc. This option will cause it to use the full expanded form instead. Note that CSS is always expanded when generating EPUB files with the output profile set to one of the Nook profiles as the Nook cannot handle shorthand CSS. --extra-css Nastavit cestu k stylom CSS alebo surovemu CSS. Tento CSS bude pripojeny k stylom zo zdrojoveho suboru, takze je ho mozne pouzit na potlacenie tychto pravidiel. --filter-css Zoznam CSS vlastnosti, ktore budu odstranene zo vsetkych pravidiel CSS. Je to uzitocne ak nejaka informacia v styloch zabranuje jej predefinovaniu v zariadeni. Napr.: font-family,color,margin-left,margin-right --font-size-mapping Mapovanie z nazvov pisma CSS k velkosti pisma v bodoch. Priklad nastavenie je 12,12,14,16,18,20,22,24. Jedna sa o mapovanie pre velkosti xx-small na xx-large, s konecnou velkost pre velke fonty. Algoritmus k prepoctu pisma pouziva tieto rozmery pre inteligentne preskalovanie pisma. Predvolena je pouzitie mapovanie na zaklade vystupu vybraneho profilu. --insert-blank-line Vlozit prazdny riadok medzi odseky. Nebude fungovat, ak zdrojovy subor nepouziva odseky (


tagy). --insert-blank-line-size Nastavi vysku vlozenych prazdnych riadkov (v jednotkach em). Vyska riadkov medzi odstavcami bude dvojnasobkom tejto hodnoty. --keep-ligatures Preserve ligatures present in the input document. A ligature is a combined character of a pair of characters like ff, fi, fl et cetera. Most readers do not have support for ligatures in their default fonts, so they are unlikely to render correctly. By default, calibre will turn a ligature into the corresponding pair of normal characters. Note that ligatures here mean only unicode ligatures not ligatures created via CSS or font styles. This option will preserve them instead. --line-height Vyska riadka v bodoch. Urcuje medzery medzi susednymi riadkami textu. Pouzije sa len na prvky, ktore nemaju nastavenu vlastnu vysku riadka. Vo vacsine pripadov je uzitocnejsia volna minimalna vyska riadka. Vo vychodzom stave sa nerobi ziadna uprava vysky riadkov. --linearize-tables Niektore zle navrhnute dokumenty pouziju tabulky pre kontrolu rozlozenia textu na stranke. Pri prevode tychto dokumentov maju casto text, ktory bezi mimo stranku a dalsie artefakty. Tato volba bude extrahovat obsah z tabuliek a predlozi ho linearne. --margin-bottom Set the bottom margin in pts. Default is 5.0. Setting this to less than zero will cause no margin to be set (the margin setting in the original document will be preserved). Note: Page oriented formats such as PDF and DOCX have their own margin settings that take precedence. --margin-left Set the left margin in pts. Default is 5.0. Setting this to less than zero will cause no margin to be set (the margin setting in the original document will be preserved). Note: Page oriented formats such as PDF and DOCX have their own margin settings that take precedence. --margin-right Set the right margin in pts. Default is 5.0. Setting this to less than zero will cause no margin to be set (the margin setting in the original document will be preserved). Note: Page oriented formats such as PDF and DOCX have their own margin settings that take precedence. --margin-top Set the top margin in pts. Default is 5.0. Setting this to less than zero will cause no margin to be set (the margin setting in the original document will be preserved). Note: Page oriented formats such as PDF and DOCX have their own margin settings that take precedence. --minimum-line-height Minimalna vyska riadka ako percento vypocitanej velkosti pisma prvku. Calibre zaisti, ze kazdy prvok bude mat aspon tuto vysku riadka bez ohladu na specifikaciu vstupneho dokumentu. Nastavte nulu pro zakazanie. Vychodzia hodnota je 120%. Ak si nie ste isty, co robite, uprednostnite toto nastavenie pred priamym urcenim vysky riadka. Napriklad dvojnasobne riadkovanie mozete dosiahnut nastavenim hodnoty 240. --remove-paragraph-spacing Odstranit medzery medzi odsekmi. Tiez stanovuje zarazky odsekov 1.5em. Odstranenie medzier nebude fungovat, ak zdrojovy subor nepouziva odseky (


tagy). --remove-paragraph-spacing-indent-size Ak Calibre odstrani prazdne riadky medzi odstavcami, automaticky, pre lahsie odlisenie, text odsadi. Tato volba urcuje sirku odsadenia (v jednotkach em). Pri nastaveni zapornej hodnoty sa pouzije hodnota odsadenia uvedena vo vstupnom dokumente - Calibre odsadenie nezmeni. --smarten-punctuation Convert plain quotes, dashes and ellipsis to their typographically correct equivalents. For details, see https://daringfireball.net/projects/smartypants. --subset-embedded-fonts Subset all embedded fonts. Every embedded font is reduced to contain only the glyphs used in this document. This decreases the size of the font files. Useful if you are embedding a particularly large font with lots of unused glyphs. --transform-css-rules Path to a file containing rules to transform the CSS styles in this book. The easiest way to create such a file is to use the wizard for creating rules in the calibre GUI. Access it in the "Look & feel->Transform styles" section of the conversion dialog. Once you create the rules, you can use the "Export" button to save them to a file. --transform-html-rules Path to a file containing rules to transform the HTML in this book. The easiest way to create such a file is to use the wizard for creating rules in the calibre GUI. Access it in the "Look & feel->Transform HTML" section of the conversion dialog. Once you create the rules, you can use the "Export" button to save them to a file. --unsmarten-punctuation Skonvertovat ozdobne uvodzovky, pomlcky a trojbodky na ich obycajne ekvivalenty. HEURISTIC PROCESSING Modifikovat text a strukturu dokumentu pomocou spolocnych znakov. Standardne je vypnute. Pouzite --enable-heuristics na zapnutie. Jednotlive akcie mozu byt zakazane pomocou volby --disable- * . --disable-dehyphenate Analyzovat delenie slov v celom dokumente. Dokument samotny sa pouzije ako slovnik na urcenie, ci maju byt rozdelenia ponechane, alebo odstranene. --disable-delete-blank-paragraphs Odstranit prazdne odstavce z dokumentu ak sa nachadzaju medzi kazdym dalsim odstavcom --disable-fix-indents Preklopit odsadenie z viacerych nedelitelnych medzier do CSS. --disable-format-scene-breaks Left aligned scene break markers are center aligned. Replace soft scene breaks that use multiple blank lines with horizontal rules. --disable-italicize-common-cases Hladat zvycajne slova a vzorce, ktore oznacuji kurzivou a previest ich na kurzivu. --disable-markup-chapter-headings Detekovat neformatovane hlavicky a podhlavicky kapitol. Zmenit ich na znacky h2 a h3. Toto nastavenie nevytvori Obsah, ale spolu s detekciou struktury moze byt pouzite na jeho vytvorenie. --disable-renumber-headings Hlada vyskyty znaciek


nasledujucich po sebe. Znacky sa precisluju, cim sa zabrani rozdeleniu uprostred hlaviciek kapitol. --disable-unwrap-lines Nezalamovat riadky pouzivajuce interpunkciu a dalsie formatovacie stopy. --enable-heuristics Povolit heuristicke zpracovanie. Aby bolo umoznene akekolvek heuristicke spracovanie, musi byt tato volba povolena. --html-unwrap-factor Mierka pouzivana na urcenie dlzky, od ktorej sa riadok nema zalomit. Platne hodnoty su desatinne cisla medzi 0 a 1. Standard je 0,4; tesne pod strednou dlzkou riadka. Ak iba niekolko riadkov v dokumente nevyzaduju zalomenie, mala by sa tato hodnota znizit. --replace-scene-breaks Nahradit zalomenie sceny zadanym textom. V povodnom stave je pouzity text zo vstupneho suboru. NAJST A NAHRADIT Upravit text a strukturu dokumentu pomocou urcenych sablon. --search-replace Path to a file containing search and replace regular expressions. The file must contain alternating lines of regular expression followed by replacement pattern (which can be an empty line). The regular expression must be in the Python regex syntax and the file must be UTF-8 encoded. --sr1-replace Nahrada za text najdeny pomocou sr1-search. --sr1-search Hladany retazec (regularny vyraz), ktory sa ma nahradit pomocou sr1-replace. --sr2-replace Nahrada za text najdeny pomocou sr2-search. --sr2-search Hladany retazec (regularny vyraz), ktory ma byt nahradeny pomocou sr2-replace. --sr3-replace Nahrada za text najdeny pomocou sr3-search. --sr3-search Hladany retazec (regularny vyraz), ktory ma byt nahradeny pomocou sr3-replace. STRUCTURE DETECTION Autodetekcia struktury dokumentu. --add-alt-text-to-img When an tag has no alt attribute, check the associated image file for metadata that specifies alternate text, and use it to fill in the alt attribute. The alt attribute is used by screen readers for assisting the visually challenged. --chapter An XPath expression to detect chapter titles. The default is to consider


tags that contain the words "chapter", "book", "section", "prologue", "epilogue" or "part" as chapter titles as well as any tags that have class="chapter". The expression used must evaluate to a list of elements. To disable chapter detection, use the expression "/". See the XPath Tutorial in the calibre User Manual for further help on using this feature. --chapter-mark Nastavenie sposobu oznacenia detekovanych kapitol. Hodnota "pagebreak" vlozi pred kapitoly zlom stranky. Hodnota "rule" vlozi pred kapitoly riadok. Hodnota "none" zakaze oznacovanie kapitol a hodnota "both" bude oznacovat kapitoly zlomami stranky aj riadkami. --disable-remove-fake-margins Niektore dokumenty specifikuju okraje stranok urcenim praveho a laveho okraja v kazdom odstavci samostatne. Calibre sa pokusi taketo okraje najst a odstranit. Niekedy to moze sposobit odstranenie aj tych okrajov, ktore nemali byt odstranene. V takom pripade mozete odstranovanie okrajov vypnut. --insert-metadata Insert the book metadata at the start of the book. This is useful if your e-book reader does not support displaying/searching metadata directly. --page-breaks-before An XPath expression. Page breaks are inserted before the specified elements. To disable use the expression: / --prefer-metadata-cover Obalka najdena v zdrojovom subore ma prednost pred zvolenou obalkou. --remove-first-image Remove the first image from the input e-book. Useful if the input document has a cover image that is not identified as a cover. In this case, if you set a cover in calibre, the output document will end up with two cover images if you do not specify this option. --start-reading-at An XPath expression to detect the location in the document at which to start reading. Some e-book reading programs (most prominently the Kindle) use this location as the position at which to open the book. See the XPath tutorial in the calibre User Manual for further help using this feature. OBSAH Ovlada automaticke generovania Obsahu Knihy. Standardne, v pripade, ze zdrojovy subor ma Obsah Knihy, bude pouzity prednostne pred automaticky generovanym. --duplicate-links-in-toc Povolit duplicitne polozky pri vytvarani obsahu z odkazov vo vstupnom dokumente. Tzn. povolit viac poloziek s rovnakym nazvom za predpokladu, ze odkazuju na rozdielne miesta. --level1-toc Vyraz XPath urcujuci vsetky znacky, ktore by mali byt pridane do Obsahu na prvej urovni. Ak je hodnota zadana, ma prednost pred ostatnymi formami autodetekcie. Pozrite si priklady v Skoleni XPath v Uzivatelskej prirucke Calibre. --level2-toc Vyraz XPath urcujuci vsetky znacky, ktore by mali byt pridane do Obsahu na druhej urovni. Kazda polozka je pridana pod predchadzajucu polozku prvej urovne. Pozrite si priklady v Skoleni XPath v Uzivatelskej prirucke Calibre. --level3-toc Vyraz XPath urcujuci vsetky znacky, ktore by mali byt pridane do Obsahu na tretej urovni. Kazda polozka je pridana pod predchadzajucu polozku druhej urovne. Pozrite si priklady v Skoleni XPath v Uzivatelskej prirucke Calibre. --max-toc-links Maximalny pocet odkazov na vlozenie do TOC. Nastavte na 0 pre vypnutie. Predvolena hodnota je: 50. Odkazy su pridane do obsahu, ak je zistena nizsia ako prahova hodnota poctu kapitol. --no-chapters-in-toc Nepridavat automaticky najdene kapitoly do obsahu. --toc-filter Odstranit polozky z Obsahu ktorych nazvy vyhovuju zadanemu regularnemu vyrazu. Taketo polozky su odstranene vratane vsetkych ich potomkov. --toc-threshold Ak pocet automaticky najdenych kapitol neprekroci tuto hodnotu, budu odkazy na ne pridane do obsahu. Predvolena hodnota je 6. --use-auto-toc Ak ma zdrojovy subor Obsah, standardne je uprednostneny pred automaticky generovanym. Pomocou tejto volby bude vzdy pouzity automaticky generovany. METADATA Nastavenia vystupnych metadat --author-sort Retazec, ktory bude pouzity pri triedeni podla autora. --authors Nastavit autorov. Viac autorov by malo byt oddelene znakmi. --book-producer Zadajte vyrobcu knihy --comments Nastavit popis e-knihy. --cover Nastavenie obalky ako specifickeho URL soboru --isbn Vlozit ISBN knihy --language Nastavit jazyk. --pubdate Set the publication date (assumed to be in the local timezone, unless the timezone is explicitly specified) --publisher Nastavit vydavatela e-knihy. --rating Ohodnotit. Mozno vlozit cislo medzi 1 a 5 --read-metadata-from-opf, --from-opf, -m Citanie metadat z specifikovaneho OPF soboru. Precitane metadata z tohto suboru prepisu metadata v zdrojovom subore. --series Nastavit seriu, do ktorej tato e-kniha patri. --series-index Zadajte poradove cislo knihy v ramci tejto serie. --tags Zadajte znacky pre knihy. Mali by byt oddelene ciarkami. --timestamp Nastav casovy udaj (uz to viac nie je nikde pouzite) --title Nastavit nazov --title-sort Verzia nazvu pouzita pre triedenie. DEBUG Volby na pomoc s ladenim konverzie. --debug-pipeline, -d Save the output from different stages of the conversion pipeline to the specified folder. Useful if you are unsure at which stage of the conversion process a bug is occurring. --verbose, -v Level of verbosity. Specify multiple times for greater verbosity. Specifying it twice will result in full verbosity, once medium verbosity and zero times least verbosity. AUTHOR Kovid Goyal COPYRIGHT Kovid Goyal 7.17.0 augusta 23, 2024 EBOOK-CONVERT(1)