.TH DUB-LIST-OVERRIDES 1 "2024-07-07" "The D Language Foundation" "The D Language Foundation" .SH NAME dub-list-overrides \- Prints a list of all local package overrides .SH SYNOPSIS \fBdub list-overrides \fR\fIOPTIONS\&.\&.\&.\fR .SH DESCRIPTION This command is deprecated. Use path based dependency, custom cache path, or edit `dub.selections.json` to achieve the same results. .SH OPTIONS .SS COMMON OPTIONS See \fBdub\fR(1) .SH EXIT STATUS .TP .BR 0 DUB succeeded .TP .BR 1 usage errors, unknown command line flags .TP .BR 2 package not found, package failed to load, miscellaneous error .SH FILES \fIdub\&.sdl\fR, \fIdub\&.json\fR .SH AUTHOR Copyright (c) 1999-2024 by The D Language Foundation .SH ONLINE DOCUMENTATION .URhttp://code.dlang.org/docs/commandline http://code.dlang.org/docs/commandline .UE .SH SEE ALSO \fBdub\fR(1), \fBdub-add-override\fR(1), \fBdub-remove-override\fR(1)