DUB-CONVERT(1) The D Language Foundation DUB-CONVERT(1) NAME dub-convert - Converts the file format of the package recipe. SYNOPSIS dub convert OPTIONS... DESCRIPTION This command will convert between JSON and SDLang formatted package recipe files. Warning: Beware that any formatting and comments within the package recipe will get lost in the conversion process. OPTIONS -f, --format=VALUE Specifies the target package recipe format. Possible values: json, sdl -s, --stdout Outputs the converted package recipe to stdout instead of writing to disk. COMMON OPTIONS See dub(1) EXIT STATUS 0 DUB succeeded 1 usage errors, unknown command line flags 2 package not found, package failed to load, miscellaneous error FILES dub.sdl, dub.json AUTHOR Copyright (c) 1999-2024 by The D Language Foundation ONLINE DOCUMENTATION http://code.dlang.org/docs/commandline SEE ALSO dub(1), dub-add(1), dub-init(1) The D Language Foundation 2024-07-07 DUB-CONVERT(1)