TESTING/EIG/dort03.f(3) Library Functions Manual TESTING/EIG/dort03.f(3) NAME TESTING/EIG/dort03.f SYNOPSIS Functions/Subroutines subroutine dort03 (rc, mu, mv, n, k, u, ldu, v, ldv, work, lwork, result, info) DORT03 Function/Subroutine Documentation subroutine dort03 (character*( * ) rc, integer mu, integer mv, integer n, integer k, double precision, dimension( ldu, * ) u, integer ldu, double precision, dimension( ldv, * ) v, integer ldv, double precision, dimension( * ) work, integer lwork, double precision result, integer info) DORT03 Purpose: DORT03 compares two orthogonal matrices U and V to see if their corresponding rows or columns span the same spaces. The rows are checked if RC = 'R', and the columns are checked if RC = 'C'. RESULT is the maximum of | V*V' - I | / ( MV ulp ), if RC = 'R', or | V'*V - I | / ( MV ulp ), if RC = 'C', and the maximum over rows (or columns) 1 to K of | U(i) - S*V(i) |/ ( N ulp ) where S is +-1 (chosen to minimize the expression), U(i) is the i-th row (column) of U, and V(i) is the i-th row (column) of V. Parameters RC RC is CHARACTER*1 If RC = 'R' the rows of U and V are to be compared. If RC = 'C' the columns of U and V are to be compared. MU MU is INTEGER The number of rows of U if RC = 'R', and the number of columns if RC = 'C'. If MU = 0 DORT03 does nothing. MU must be at least zero. MV MV is INTEGER The number of rows of V if RC = 'R', and the number of columns if RC = 'C'. If MV = 0 DORT03 does nothing. MV must be at least zero. N N is INTEGER If RC = 'R', the number of columns in the matrices U and V, and if RC = 'C', the number of rows in U and V. If N = 0 DORT03 does nothing. N must be at least zero. K K is INTEGER The number of rows or columns of U and V to compare. 0 <= K <= max(MU,MV). U U is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDU,N) The first matrix to compare. If RC = 'R', U is MU by N, and if RC = 'C', U is N by MU. LDU LDU is INTEGER The leading dimension of U. If RC = 'R', LDU >= max(1,MU), and if RC = 'C', LDU >= max(1,N). V V is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LDV,N) The second matrix to compare. If RC = 'R', V is MV by N, and if RC = 'C', V is N by MV. LDV LDV is INTEGER The leading dimension of V. If RC = 'R', LDV >= max(1,MV), and if RC = 'C', LDV >= max(1,N). WORK WORK is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (LWORK) LWORK LWORK is INTEGER The length of the array WORK. For best performance, LWORK should be at least N*N if RC = 'C' or M*M if RC = 'R', but the tests will be done even if LWORK is 0. RESULT RESULT is DOUBLE PRECISION The value computed by the test described above. RESULT is limited to 1/ulp to avoid overflow. INFO INFO is INTEGER 0 indicates a successful exit -k indicates the k-th parameter had an illegal value Author Univ. of Tennessee Univ. of California Berkeley Univ. of Colorado Denver NAG Ltd. Definition at line 154 of file dort03.f. Author Generated automatically by Doxygen for LAPACK from the source code. LAPACK Version 3.12.0 TESTING/EIG/dort03.f(3)