DISTROBOX-UPGRADE(1) User Manual DISTROBOX-UPGRADE(1) NAME distrobox-upgrade DESCRIPTION distrobox-upgrade will enter the specified list of containers and will perform an upgrade using the container's package manager. SYNOPSIS distrobox upgrade --help/-h: show this message --all/-a: perform for all distroboxes --running: perform only for running distroboxes --root/-r: launch podman/docker/lilipod with root privileges. Note that if you need root this is the preferred way over "sudo distrobox" (note: if using a program other than 'sudo' for root privileges is necessary, specify it through the DBX_SUDO_PROGRAM env variable, or 'distrobox_sudo_program' config variable) --verbose/-v: show more verbosity --version/-V: show version EXAMPLES Upgrade all distroboxes distrobox-upgrade --all Upgrade all running distroboxes distrobox-upgrade --all --running Upgrade a specific distrobox distrobox-upgrade alpine-linux Upgrade a list of distroboxes distrobox-upgrade alpine-linux ubuntu22 my-distrobox123 Automatically update all distro You can create a systemd service to perform distrobox-upgrade automatically, this example shows how to run it daily: ~/.config/systemd/user/distrobox-upgrade.service [Unit] Description=distrobox-upgrade Automatic Update [Service] Type=simple ExecStart=distrobox-upgrade --all StandardOutput=null ~/.config/systemd/user/distrobox-upgrade.timer [Unit] Description=distrobox-upgrade Automatic Update Trigger [Timer] OnBootSec=1h OnUnitInactiveSec=1d [Install] WantedBy=timers.target Then simply do a systemctl --user daemon-reload && systemctl --user enable --now distrobox-upgrade.timer Distrobox Mar 2024 DISTROBOX-UPGRADE(1)