.TH detect_reset 3 2019-08-01 "libchardet manuals" .\" Process with .\" nroff -man detect_reset.3 .\" 2019-08-01 JoungKyun Kim .SH NAME detect_reset - reset Detect structure .SH SNOPSIS .I #include .br .I void chardet_reset (Detect **handle); .SH DESCRIPTION reset Detect structure .SH "RETURN VALUE" void .PP .SH EXAMPLE .nf #include int main (void) { Detect * d; DetectObj * obj; int i, arrayNum; char *str[] = { "this is ascii", "ÀÌ°Ç euc-kr ÀÔ´Ï´Ù." }; arrayNum = sizeof (str) / sizeof (str[0]); if ( (d = detect_init ()) == NULL ) { fprintf (stderr, "chardet handle initialize failed\\n"); return CHARDET_MEM_ALLOCATED_FAIL; } for ( i=0; ibom with CHARDET_BOM_CHECK constant printf ("encoding: %s, confidence: %f, exists bom: %d\\n", obj->encoding, obj->confidence, obj->bom); detect_obj_free (&obj); } detect_destroy (&d); return 0; } .fi .SH AUTHORS JoungKyun.Kim .SH "BUG REPORTS" Use QnA board on https://github.com/Joungkyun/libchardet/issues .SH "SEE ALSO" detect_obj_init(3), detect_obj_free(3), detect_init(3), detect_handledata(3), detect_destroy(3)