.TH denial6 8 2022-11-01 THC IPv6 ATTACK TOOLKIT .SH NAME .B denial6 .SH SYNOPSIS denial6 interface destination test-case-number Performs various denial of service attacks on a target If a system is vulnerable, it can crash or be under heavy load, so be careful! .SH The following test cases are currently implemented 1 : large hop-by-hop header with router-alert and filled with unknown options 2 : large destination header filled with unknown options 3 : hop-by-hop header with router alert option plus 180 headers 4 : hop-by-hop header with router alert option plus 178 headers + ping 5 : AH header + ping 6 : first fragments of a ping with a hop-by-hop header with router alert 7 : large hop-by-hop header filled with unknown options (no router alert) .SH AUTHOR thc-ipv6 was written by van Hauser / THC The homepage for this toolkit is: https://github.com/vanhauser-thc/thc-ipv6 .SH COPYRIGHT denial6 3.8 (c) 2020 by van Hauser / THC www.github.com/vanhauser-thc/thc-ipv6