DAXCTL-OFFLINE-MEMORY(1) daxctl Manual DAXCTL-OFFLINE-MEMORY(1) NAME daxctl-offline-memory - Offline the memory for a device that is in system-ram mode SYNOPSIS daxctl offline-memory [...] [] EXAMPLES o Reconfigure dax0.0 to system-ram mode # daxctl reconfigure-device --mode=system-ram --human dax0.0 { "chardev":"dax0.0", "size":"7.87 GiB (8.45 GB)", "target_node":2, "mode":"system-ram" } o Offline the memory # daxctl offline-memory dax0.0 dax0.0: 62 sections offlined offlined memory for 1 device DESCRIPTION Offline the memory sections associated with a device that has been converted to the system-ram mode. If one or more blocks are already offline, attempt to offline the remaining blocks. If all blocks were already offline, print a message and return success without actually doing anything. This is complementary to the daxctl-online-memory command, and may be used when it is wished to offline the memory sections, but not convert the device back to devdax mode. OPTIONS -r, --region= Restrict the operation to devices belonging to the specified region(s). A device-dax region is a contiguous range of memory that hosts one or more /dev/daxX.Y devices, where X is the region id and Y is the device instance id. -u, --human By default the command will output machine-friendly raw-integer data. Instead, with this flag, numbers representing storage size will be formatted as human readable strings with units, other fields are converted to hexadecimal strings. -v, --verbose Emit more debug messages COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2016 - 2022, Intel Corporation. License GPLv2: GNU GPL version 2 . This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. SEE ALSO daxctl-reconfigure-device(1),daxctl-online-memory[1] daxctl 2024-01-12 DAXCTL-OFFLINE-MEMORY(1)