CTAGS-LANG-GDSCRIPT(7) Universal Ctags CTAGS-LANG-GDSCRIPT(7) NAME ctags-lang-gdscript - Random notes about tagging GDScript source code with Universal Ctags SYNOPSIS ctags ... --languages=+GDScript ... ctags ... --language-force=GDScript ... ctags ... --map-GDScript=+.gd ... DESCRIPTION This man page gathers random notes about tagging GDScript source code with Universal Ctags. STORING ANNOTATIONS Like the Python parser storing decorations to decorations field, the GDScript parser stores annotations starting from @ to the language specific field, annotations. Though the field is enabled explicitly in following examples, the field is enabled by default. "input.gd" @export var s = "Hello" @master func f(msg): print(msg) "output.tags" with "--options=NONE --sort=no --fields-GDScript=+{annotations} -o - input.gd" s input.gd /^var s = "Hello"$/;" v annotations:export f input.gd /^func f(msg):$/;" m annotations:master EXTRACTING FUNC A language object defined with func keyword is tagged with method kind. Like annotations, the parser stores keywords modifying func like static to the annotations field. "input.gd" func f(x): return x static func f_s(x): reutrn x remote func f_r(x): return x "output.tags" with "--options=NONE --sort=no --fields=+K --fields-GDScript=+{annotations} -o - input.gd" f input.gd /^func f(x):$/;" method f_s input.gd /^static func f_s(x):$/;" method annotations:static f_r input.gd /^remote func f_r(x):$/;" method annotations:remote TAGGING IMPLICITLY DEFINED CLASSES "A file is a class!" in GDScript. A class is implicitly defined. Functions, variables, constants, and signals are parts of the class though the class is unnamed by default. If the language specific extra, implicitClass, is enabled, the parser makes a anonymous tag for the class. The parser fills the scope fields of the tags for all language objects defined in the file with the anonymous tag. Let's see an example demonstrating the effect of the extra. Turning off the extra: "input.gd" func f(x): return x "output.tags" with "--options=NONE --fields=+KZ --extras-GDScript=-{implicitClass} -o - input.gd" f input.gd /^func f(x):$/;" method Turning on the extra: "input.gd" func g(x): return x "output.tags" with "--options=NONE --fields=+KZ --extras-GDScript=+{implicitClass} -o - input.gd" anon_class_84011bee0100 input.gd /^func g(x):$/;" class g input.gd /^func g(x):$/;" method scope:class:anon_class_84011bee0100 TAGGING THE NAME SPECIFIED WITH CLASS_NAME class_name is a keyword for giving a name to the implicitly defined class. If implicitClass is turned off, the parser just extract the name coming after the keyword with class kind. If implicitClass is turned on, the parser converts the anonymous tag to a non-anonymous tag with the specified name. When converting, the parser also updates scope fields of the other tags in the file. Turning off the extra: "input.gd" class_name c func f(x): return x "output.tags" with "--options=NONE --fields=+KZ --extras-GDScript=-{implicitClass} -o - input.gd" c input.gd /^class_name c$/;" class f input.gd /^func f(x):$/;" method Turning on the extra: "input.gd" class_name C func g(x): return x "output.tags" with "--options=NONE --fields=+KZ --extras-GDScript=+{implicitClass} -o - input.gd" C input.gd /^class_name C$/;" class g input.gd /^func g(x):$/;" method scope:class:C FILLING INHERITS FIELD extends keyword specifies the super class for the implicitly defined class. If implicitClass extra is turned on, the parser fills inherits field of the tag for the implicitly defined class with the name of super class. "input.gd" extends B class_name C "output.tags" with "--options=NONE --fields=+Ki --extras-GDScript=+{implicitClass} -o - input.gd" C input.gd /^class_name C$/;" class inherits:B When --extras=+r is given, the parser extracts the class specified with the extends keyword as a referece tag of class kind with extended role. "input.gd" extends B "output.tags" with "--options=NONE --fields=+rEK --extras=+r -o - input.gd" B input.gd /^extends B$/;" class roles:extended extras:reference SEE ALSO ctags(1) 6.1.0 CTAGS-LANG-GDSCRIPT(7)