CHMOD(1) CHMOD(1) chmod -- chmod []... [,]... ... chmod []... - ... chmod []... --reference= ... GNU chmod. chmod . , , , . The format of a symbolic mode is [ ugoa...][[-+=][perms...]...], where perms is either zero or more letters from the set rwxXst, or a single letter from the set ugo. Multiple symbolic modes can be given, separated by commas. ugoa , : , (u), (g), , (o), (a). , , (a), , umask, . + ; - -- ; = -- , , . rwxXst : (r), (w), ( ) (x), , (X), (s), (t). ugo: , (u), , (g) , (o). (0-7). 4, 2 1. , . (4), (2) (1). - : (4), (2) (1). , -- , , . chmod ; chmod . , . , chmod , . , chmod . SETUID SETGID chmod , , . . chmod. , , . chmod , . , , u+s g-s. , , , 00755, , , -6000, <<>>, , =755. , . , ; . , , , /tmp. ', ; . . --reference, . -c, --changes verbose, , -f, --silent, --quiet -v, --verbose --no-preserve-root <> ( ) --preserve-root <> --reference= . , . -R, --recursive --help --version '[ugoa]*([-+=]([rwxXst]*|[ugo]))+|[-+=][0-7]+'. David MacKenzie Jim Meyering. GNU coreutils: - (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc. GPLv3+: GNU GPL 3 . : . , , . . chmod(2) : info '(coreutils) chmod invocation' Yuri Chornoivan ; , GNU General Public License Version 3 . . , , : . GNU coreutils 9.4 2024 CHMOD(1)