CCT(1) PROJ CCT(1) NAME cct - Coordinate Conversion and Transformation SYNOPSIS cct [-cIostvz [args]] +opt[=arg] ... file ... or cct [-cIostvz [args]] {object_definition} file ... Where {object_definition} is one of the possibilities accepted by proj_create(), provided it expresses a coordinate operation o a proj-string, o a WKT string, o an object code (like "EPSG:1671" "urn:ogc:def:coordinateOperation:EPSG::1671"), o an object name. e.g. "ITRF2014 to ETRF2014 (1)". In that case as uniqueness is not guaranteed, heuristics are applied to determine the appropriate best match. o a OGC URN combining references for concatenated operations (e.g. "urn:ogc:def:coordinateOperation,coordinateOperation:EPSG::3895,coordinateOperation:EPSG::1618") o a PROJJSON string. The jsonschema is at New in version 8.0.0. NOTE: Before version 8.0.0 only proj-strings could be used to instantiate operations in cct. or cct [-cIostvz [args]] {object_reference} file ... where {object_reference} is a filename preceded by the '@' character. The file referenced by the {object_reference} must contain a valid {object_definition}. New in version 8.0.0. DESCRIPTION cct is a 4D equivalent to the proj projection program, performs transformation coordinate systems on a set of input points. The coordinate system transformation can include translation between projected and geographic coordinates as well as the application of datum shifts. The following control parameters can appear in any order: -c Specify input columns for (up to) 4 input parameters. Defaults to 1,2,3,4. -d New in version 5.2.0. Specify the number of decimals to round to in the output. -I Do the inverse transformation. -o , --output= Specify the name of the output file. -t