CALIBRE(1) calibre CALIBRE(1) NAME calibre - calibre calibre [options] [path_to_ebook or calibre url ...] Launch the main calibre Graphical User Interface and optionally add the e-book at path_to_ebook to the database. You can also specify calibre URLs to perform various different actions, than just adding books. For example: calibre://view-book/test_library/1842/epub Will open the book with id 1842 in the EPUB format from the library "test_library" in the calibre E-book viewer. Library names are the folder names of the libraries with spaces replaced by underscores. A full description of the various URL based actions is in the User Manual. Whenever you pass arguments to calibre that have spaces in them, enclose the arguments in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with spaces" [SECENEKLER] --detach Detach from the controlling terminal, if any (Linux only) --help, -h bu yardim iletisini goster ve cik --ignore-plugins Ozel eklentileri yoksay, Calibre'nin baslamasina engel olan eklentiler kurmussaniz faydali olacaktir --no-update-check Guncellemeleri denetleme --shutdown-running-calibre, -s Calismakta olan bir Calibre oturumu varsa kapanmasini saglar. Devam etmekte olan islemler olmasi halinde uyari vermeksizin kapatilacagi icin dikkatle kullaniniz. --start-in-tray Sistem cekmecesinde kuculterek baslat. --verbose, -v Yoksayin, kullanmayin. Sadece eski nedenlerle mevcut --version programin surum numarasini goster ve cik --with-library Belirtilen konumdaki kitapligi kullan. AUTHOR Kovid Goyal COPYRIGHT Kovid Goyal 7.10.0 Mayis 03, 2024 CALIBRE(1)