CALIBRE-SERVER(1) calibre CALIBRE-SERVER(1) NAME calibre-server - calibre-server calibre-server [] [...] calibercalibre calibre :command: ` calibre-server`calibre :command: ` calibre-server`: "/some path/with spaces" [] --access-log --ajax-timeout (). --auth-mode . HTTPSSL"basic" "auto"SSL"basic""digest" --auto-reload --ban-after . IP --ban-for IP. IP --book-list-mode . . . The default is to use a cover grid. --compress-min-size (). --custom-list-template JSONcaliber->-> --daemonize Linux --displayed-fields . /opds /mobile : my_rating,my_tags --enable-allow-socket-preallocation, --disable-allow-socket-preallocation systemd. , --enable-auth, --disable-auth . , --enable-fallback-to-detected-interface, --disable-fallback-to-detected-interface . listen_on , --enable-local-write, --disable-local-write . calibre calibredb calibre calibre , --enable-log-not-found, --disable-log-not-found HTTP 404(). HTTP , --enable-use-bonjour, --disable-use-bonjour BonJourOPDS. BonJourOPDSOPDS , --enable-use-sendfile, --disable-use-sendfile . , --help, -h --ignored-fields . /opds /mobile : my_rating,my_tags --listen-on . The default is to listen on all available IPv6 and IPv4 interfaces. You can change this to, for example, "" to only listen for IPv4 connections from the local machine, or to "" to listen to all incoming IPv4 connections. --log (stdout) --manage-users Manage the database of users allowed to connect to this server. You can use it in automated mode by adding a --. See calibre-server --manage-users -- help for details. See also the --userdb option. --max-header-line-size HTTP KB. --max-job-time . () --max-jobs . CPU --max-log-size MB. --max-opds-items OPDS. OPDS --max-opds-ungrouped-items OPDS. / --max-request-body-size MB. --num-per-page . --pidfile PID --port . --search-the-net-urls "Internet"URLJSON->->CalibreURL --shutdown-timeout (). --ssl-certfile SSL. --ssl-keyfile SSL. --timeout (). --trusted-ips IP. CalibreIPCalibredbCalibreIPCalibre --url-prefix URL. , /calibre URL --userdb SQLite:option: ` --manage-users` --version --worker-count . AUTHOR Kovid Goyal COPYRIGHT Kovid Goyal 7.10.0 5 03, 2024 CALIBRE-SERVER(1)