CALIBRE-CUSTOMIZE(1) calibre CALIBRE-CUSTOMIZE(1) NAME calibre-customize - calibre-customize calibre-customize opcije Prilagodi calibre ucitavanjem vanjskih prikljucaka. Whenever you pass arguments to calibre-customize that have spaces in them, enclose the arguments in quotation marks. For example: "/some path/with spaces" [OPCIJE] --add-plugin, -a Dodaj prikljucak specificirajuci put do ZIP datoteke u kojoj se nalazi. --build-plugin, -b For plugin developers: Path to the folder where you are developing the plugin. This command will automatically zip up the plugin and update it in calibre. --customize-plugin Customize plugin. Specify name of plugin and customization string separated by a comma. The customization string is the same as you would enter when customizing the plugin in the main calibre GUI. --disable-plugin Onesposobi imenovani prikljucak --enable-plugin Osposobi imenovani prikljucak --help, -h prikazi ovu poruku za pomoc i izadi --list-plugins, -l Izlistaj sve instalirane prikljucke --remove-plugin, -r Ukloni prilagodene prikljucke po imenu. Ovo nece utjecati na ugradene prikljucke. --version prikazi broj verzije programa i izadi AUTHOR Kovid Goyal COPYRIGHT Kovid Goyal 7.22.0 studenoga 29, 2024 CALIBRE-CUSTOMIZE(1)