buildah-manifest-inspect(1) General Commands Manual NAME buildah-manifest-inspect - Display a manifest list or image index. SYNOPSIS buildah manifest inspect listNameOrIndexName DESCRIPTION Displays the manifest list or image index stored using the specified image name. RETURN VALUE A formatted JSON representation of the manifest list or image index. OPTIONS --authfile path Path of the authentication file. Default is ${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}/containers/auth.json, which is set using buildah login. If the authorization state is not found there, $HOME/.docker/config.json is checked, which is set using docker login. --tls-verify bool-value Require HTTPS and verification of certificates when talking to container registries (defaults to true). TLS verification cannot be used when talking to an insecure registry. EXAMPLE buildah manifest inspect mylist:v1.11 SEE ALSO buildah(1), buildah-manifest(1), buildah-manifest-create(1), buildah- manifest-add(1), buildah-manifest-remove(1), buildah-manifest- annotate(1), buildah-manifest-push(1), buildah-rmi(1) buildah September 2019 buildah-manifest-inspect(1)