.\" Process this file with .\" groff -man -Tascii bpkg.1 .\" .TH bpkg 1 "June 2024" "bpkg 0.17.0" .SH NAME \fBbpkg\fR \- package dependency manager .SH "SYNOPSIS" .PP \fBbpkg --help\fR .br \fBbpkg --version\fR .br \fBbpkg help\fR [\fIcommand\fR | \fItopic\fR] .br \fBbpkg\fR [\fIcommon-options\fR] \fIcommand\fR [\fIcommand-options\fR] \fIcommand-args\fR\fR .SH "DESCRIPTION" .PP The \fBbuild2\fR package dependency manager is used to manipulate build configurations, packages, and repositories using a set of commands that are summarized below\. .PP For a detailed description of any command or help topic, use the \fBhelp\fR command or see the corresponding man page (the man pages have the \fBbpkg-\fR prefix, for example \fBbpkg-help(1)\fP)\. Note also that \fIcommand-options\fR and \fIcommand-args\fR can be specified in any order and \fIcommon-options\fR can be specified as part of \fIcommand-options\fR\. .PP A \fBbpkg\fR \fIbuild configuration\fR is a directory that contains packages built with similar settings\. For example, a configuration can be for a specific target (\fBi686\fR, \fBx86_64\fR), compiler (\fBclang\fR, \fBgcc\fR) compile options (\fB-O3\fR, \fB-g\fR), and so on\. Configurations are relatively cheap and can be created and thrown away as needed\. Configurations can be moved and copied by simply moving and copying the directories\. Note, however, that a move or copy may render some packages out-of-date\. In the \fBbuild2\fR build system terms a \fBbpkg\fR build configuration is an amalgamation that contains packages as subprojects (see \fBbpkg-cfg-create(1)\fP for details)\. .PP Build configurations can be linked with each other so that while a package is built in one configuration, some of its dependencies can be built in linked configurations (see \fBbpkg-cfg-create(1)\fP for details)\. .PP A \fIbpkg package\fR is an archive or directory (potentially in a version control system) that contains a \fBbuild2\fR project plus the package \fBmanifest\fR file\. \fBbpkg\fR can either use package archives/directories directly from the filesystem or it can fetch them from repositories\. .PP A \fIbpkg repository\fR is a collection of packages as well as information about prerequisite and complement repositories\. \fIArchive\fR, \fIdirectory\fR and \fIversion control\fR-based repositories are supported\. A repository is identified by its location which can be a local filesystem path or a URL\. See \fBbpkg-repository-types(1)\fP for details on the repository structures and URL formats\. .PP If the same version of a package is available from multiple repositories, then they are assumed to contain identical package content\. In such cases \fBbpkg\fR prefers local repositories over remote and among local repositories it prefers the ones with external packages (see \fBbpkg-pkg-unpack(1)\fP for details on external packages)\. .PP A typical \fBbpkg\fR workflow would consist of the following steps\. .IP "\fBCreate Configuration\fR" .br .nf bpkg create cc \\ config\.cxx=clang++ \\ config\.cc\.coptions=-O3 \\ config\.install\.root=/usr/local \\ config\.install\.sudo=sudo .fi .IP "\fBAdd Source Repositories\fR" .br .nf bpkg add https://pkg\.cppget\.org/1/stable bpkg add https://example\.org/foo\.git .fi Repeat this command to add more repositories\. .IP "\fBFetch Available Packages List\fR" .br .nf bpkg fetch .fi .IP "\fBFetch and Build Packages\fR" .br .nf bpkg build foo bar .fi .IP "\fBDrop Package\fR" .br If some packages are no longer needed, we can remove them from the configuration\. .nf bpkg drop foo .fi .IP "\fBRefresh Available Packages List\fR" .br .nf bpkg fetch .fi .IP "\fBUpgrade Packages\fR" .br .nf bpkg build bar .fi .IP "\fBInstall Packages\fR" .br .nf bpkg install bar .fi .SH "COMMANDS" .IP "\fBhelp\fR [\fItopic\fR]" \fBbpkg-help(1)\fP \(en show help for a command or help topic .IP "\fBcfg-create\fR|\fBcreate\fR" \fBbpkg-cfg-create(1)\fP \(en create configuration .IP "\fBcfg-info\fR" \fBbpkg-cfg-info(1)\fP \(en print configuration information .IP "\fBcfg-link\fR|\fBlink\fR" \fBbpkg-cfg-link(1)\fP \(en link configuration .IP "\fBcfg-unlink\fR|\fBunlink\fR" \fBbpkg-cfg-unlink(1)\fP \(en unlink configuration .IP "\fBrep-info\fR" \fBbpkg-rep-info(1)\fP \(en print repository information .IP "\fBrep-add\fR|\fBadd\fR" \fBbpkg-rep-add(1)\fP \(en add repository to configuration .IP "\fBrep-remove\fR|\fBremove\fR" \fBbpkg-rep-remove(1)\fP \(en remove repository from configuration .IP "\fBrep-list\fR|\fBlist\fR" \fBbpkg-rep-list(1)\fP \(en list repositories in configuration .IP "\fBrep-fetch\fR|\fBfetch\fR" \fBbpkg-rep-fetch(1)\fP \(en fetch list of available packages .IP "\fBrep-create\fR" \fBbpkg-rep-create(1)\fP \(en create repository .IP "\fBpkg-status\fR|\fBstatus\fR" \fBbpkg-pkg-status(1)\fP \(en print package status .IP "\fBpkg-build\fR|\fBbuild\fR" \fBbpkg-pkg-build(1)\fP \(en build package .IP "\fBpkg-drop\fR|\fBdrop\fR" \fBbpkg-pkg-drop(1)\fP \(en drop package .IP "\fBpkg-install\fR|\fBinstall\fR" \fBbpkg-pkg-install(1)\fP \(en install package .IP "\fBpkg-uninstall\fR|\fBuninstall\fR" \fBbpkg-pkg-uninstall(1)\fP \(en uninstall package .IP "\fBpkg-update\fR|\fBupdate\fR" \fBbpkg-pkg-update(1)\fP \(en update package .IP "\fBpkg-test\fR|\fBtest\fR" \fBbpkg-pkg-test(1)\fP \(en test package .IP "\fBpkg-clean\fR|\fBclean\fR" \fBbpkg-pkg-clean(1)\fP \(en clean package .IP "\fBpkg-bindist\fR|\fBbindist\fR" \fBbpkg-pkg-bindist(1)\fP \(en generate binary distribution package .IP "\fBpkg-verify\fR" \fBbpkg-pkg-verify(1)\fP \(en verify package archive .IP "\fBpkg-fetch\fR" \fBbpkg-pkg-fetch(1)\fP \(en fetch package archive .IP "\fBpkg-unpack\fR" \fBbpkg-pkg-unpack(1)\fP \(en unpack package archive .IP "\fBpkg-checkout\fR" \fBbpkg-pkg-checkout(1)\fP \(en check out package version .IP "\fBpkg-configure\fR" \fBbpkg-pkg-configure(1)\fP \(en configure package .IP "\fBpkg-disfigure\fR" \fBbpkg-pkg-disfigure(1)\fP \(en disfigure package .IP "\fBpkg-purge\fR" \fBbpkg-pkg-purge(1)\fP \(en purge package .SH "HELP TOPICS" .IP "\fBcommon-options\fR" \fBbpkg-common-options(1)\fP \(en details on common options .IP "\fBdefault-options-files\fR" \fBbpkg-default-options-files(1)\fP \(en specifying default options .IP "\fBrepository-types\fR" \fBbpkg-repository-types(1)\fP \(en repository types, structure, and URLs .IP "\fBrepository-signing\fR" \fBbpkg-repository-signing(1)\fP \(en how to sign repository .IP "\fBargument-grouping\fR" \fBbpkg-argument-grouping(1)\fP \(en argument grouping facility .SH "COMMON OPTIONS" .PP The common options are summarized below with a more detailed description available in \fBbpkg-common-options(1)\fP\. .IP "\fB-v\fR" Print essential underlying commands being executed\. .IP "\fB-V\fR" Print all underlying commands being executed\. .IP "\fB--quiet\fR|\fB-q\fR" Run quietly, only printing error messages\. .IP "\fB--verbose\fR \fIlevel\fR" Set the diagnostics verbosity to \fIlevel\fR between 0 and 6\. .IP "\fB--stdout-format\fR \fIformat\fR" Representation format to use for printing to \fBstdout\fR\. .IP "\fB--jobs\fR|\fB-j\fR \fInum\fR" Number of jobs to perform in parallel\. .IP "\fB--no-result\fR" Don't print informational messages about the outcome of performing a command or some of its parts\. .IP "\fB--structured-result\fR \fIfmt\fR" Write the result of performing a command in a structured form\. .IP "\fB--progress\fR" Display progress indicators for long-lasting operations, such as network transfers, building, etc\. .IP "\fB--no-progress\fR" Suppress progress indicators for long-lasting operations, such as network transfers, building, etc\. .IP "\fB--diag-color\fR" Use color in diagnostics\. .IP "\fB--no-diag-color\fR" Don't use color in diagnostics\. .IP "\fB--build\fR \fIpath\fR" The build program to be used to build packages\. .IP "\fB--build-option\fR \fIopt\fR" Additional option to be passed to the build program\. .IP "\fB--fetch\fR \fIpath\fR" The fetch program to be used to download resources\. .IP "\fB--fetch-option\fR \fIopt\fR" Additional option to be passed to the fetch program\. .IP "\fB--fetch-timeout\fR \fIsec\fR" The fetch and fetch-like (for example, \fBgit\fR) program timeout\. .IP "\fB--pkg-proxy\fR \fIurl\fR" HTTP proxy server to use when fetching package manifests and archives from remote \fBpkg\fR repositories\. .IP "\fB--git\fR \fIpath\fR" The git program to be used to fetch git repositories\. .IP "\fB--git-option\fR \fIopt\fR" Additional common option to be passed to the git program\. .IP "\fB--sha256\fR \fIpath\fR" The sha256 program to be used to calculate SHA256 sums\. .IP "\fB--sha256-option\fR \fIopt\fR" Additional option to be passed to the sha256 program\. .IP "\fB--tar\fR \fIpath\fR" The tar program to be used to extract package archives\. .IP "\fB--tar-option\fR \fIopt\fR" Additional option to be passed to the tar program\. .IP "\fB--openssl\fR \fIpath\fR" The openssl program to be used for crypto operations\. .IP "\fB--openssl-option\fR \fIopt\fR" Additional option to be passed to the openssl program\. .IP "\fB--auth\fR \fItype\fR" Types of repositories to authenticate\. .IP "\fB--trust\fR \fIfingerprint\fR" Trust repository certificate with a SHA256 \fIfingerprint\fR\. .IP "\fB--trust-yes\fR" Assume the answer to all authentication prompts is \fByes\fR\. .IP "\fB--trust-no\fR" Assume the answer to all authentication prompts is \fBno\fR\. .IP "\fB--git-capabilities\fR \fIup\fR=\fIpc\fR" Protocol capabilities (\fIpc\fR) for a \fBgit\fR repository URL prefix (\fIup\fR)\. .IP "\fB--pager\fR \fIpath\fR" The pager program to be used to show long text\. .IP "\fB--pager-option\fR \fIopt\fR" Additional option to be passed to the pager program\. .IP "\fB--options-file\fR \fIfile\fR" Read additional options from \fIfile\fR\. .IP "\fB--default-options\fR \fIdir\fR" The directory to load additional default options files from\. .IP "\fB--no-default-options\fR" Don't load default options files\. .IP "\fB--keep-tmp\fR" Don't remove the \fBbpkg\fR's temporary directory at the end of the command execution and print its path at the verbosity level 2 or higher\. .SH "ENVIRONMENT" .PP Commands executed by \fBbpkg\fR while the current and linked build configuration databases are open will have the \fBBPKG_OPEN_CONFIGS\fR environment variable set to the space-separated, \fB"\fR-quoted list of absolute and normalized configuration directory paths\. This can be used by build system hooks and/or programs that they execute\. .SH "EXIT STATUS" .IP "\fB0\fR" .br Success\. .IP "\fB1\fR" .br Fatal error\. .IP "\fB2\fR" .br Recoverable error which is likely to disappear if the command is re-executed\. .SH "ENVIRONMENT" .PP The \fBBPKG_DEF_OPT\fR environment variable is used to suppress loading of default options files in nested \fBbpkg\fR invocations\. Its values are \fBfalse\fR or \fB0\fR to suppress and \fBtrue\fR or \fB1\fR to load\. .SH BUGS Send bug reports to the users@build2.org mailing list. .SH COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2014-2024 the build2 authors. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the MIT License.