bpkg-pkg-verify(1) General Commands Manual bpkg-pkg-verify(1) NAME bpkg-pkg-verify - verify package archive SYNOPSIS bpkg pkg-verify [options] file DESCRIPTION The pkg-verify command verifies that the specified archive file is a valid bpkg package. Specifically, it checks that the file's name and the top-level directory inside the archive match the canonical name-version form and that there is a valid manifest file in that top- level directory. Additionally, if the --deep option is specified, it also checks that the required *-build values/files are present in the manifest/archive and the files referenced by the *-file manifest values are present in the archive and are not empty. PKG-VERIFY OPTIONS --silent Suppress the error messages about the reason why the package is invalid. Just return the error status. --deep Verify the presence of the required *-build values/files and the validity of files referenced by the *-file manifest values. --ignore-unknown Ignore unknown manifest entries. By default, bpkg will refuse to declare such a package valid since it cannot be sure the unknown entries are valid. Note that this option also ignores the version constraints in the special toolchain build-time dependencies. --manifest Instead of printing the successful verification result in the human-readable form, dump the package manifest to stdout. If the --deep option is specified, then in the resulting manifest the *-file values are replaced with the contents of the referenced files, the *-build values are automatically added (unless the corresponding files are absent), and the package dependency constraints are completed. COMMON OPTIONS The common options are summarized below with a more detailed description available in bpkg-common-options(1). -v Print essential underlying commands being executed. -V Print all underlying commands being executed. --quiet|-q Run quietly, only printing error messages. --verbose level Set the diagnostics verbosity to level between 0 and 6. --stdout-format format Representation format to use for printing to stdout. --jobs|-j num Number of jobs to perform in parallel. --no-result Don't print informational messages about the outcome of performing a command or some of its parts. --structured-result fmt Write the result of performing a command in a structured form. --progress Display progress indicators for long-lasting operations, such as network transfers, building, etc. --no-progress Suppress progress indicators for long-lasting operations, such as network transfers, building, etc. --diag-color Use color in diagnostics. --no-diag-color Don't use color in diagnostics. --build path The build program to be used to build packages. --build-option opt Additional option to be passed to the build program. --fetch path The fetch program to be used to download resources. --fetch-option opt Additional option to be passed to the fetch program. --fetch-timeout sec The fetch and fetch-like (for example, git) program timeout. --pkg-proxy url HTTP proxy server to use when fetching package manifests and archives from remote pkg repositories. --git path The git program to be used to fetch git repositories. --git-option opt Additional common option to be passed to the git program. --sha256 path The sha256 program to be used to calculate SHA256 sums. --sha256-option opt Additional option to be passed to the sha256 program. --tar path The tar program to be used to extract package archives. --tar-option opt Additional option to be passed to the tar program. --openssl path The openssl program to be used for crypto operations. --openssl-option opt Additional option to be passed to the openssl program. --auth type Types of repositories to authenticate. --trust fingerprint Trust repository certificate with a SHA256 fingerprint. --trust-yes Assume the answer to all authentication prompts is yes. --trust-no Assume the answer to all authentication prompts is no. --git-capabilities up=pc Protocol capabilities (pc) for a git repository URL prefix (up). --pager path The pager program to be used to show long text. --pager-option opt Additional option to be passed to the pager program. --options-file file Read additional options from file. --default-options dir The directory to load additional default options files from. --no-default-options Don't load default options files. --keep-tmp Don't remove the bpkg's temporary directory at the end of the command execution and print its path at the verbosity level 2 or higher. DEFAULT OPTIONS FILES See bpkg-default-options-files(1) for an overview of the default options files. For the pkg-verify command the following options files are searched for in the predefined directories (system, etc) and, if found, loaded in the order listed: bpkg.options bpkg-pkg-verify.options BUGS Send bug reports to the users@build2.org mailing list. COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2014-2024 the build2 authors. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the MIT License. bpkg 0.17.0 June 2024 bpkg-pkg-verify(1)