bluetoothctl-mgmt - Management Submenu

bluetoothctl [--options] [mgmt.commands]

Select a different index

# select <index>

Get the MGMT Revision

# revision

List supported commands

# commands

Show configuration info

# config

Show controller info

# info

Show extended controller info

# extinfo

Power all available features

# auto-power

Toggle powered state

# power <on/off>

Toggle discoverable state

# discov <yes/no/limited> [timeout]

Toggle connectable state

# connectable <on/off>

Toggle fast connectable state

# fast-conn <on/off>

Toggle bondable state

# bondable <on/off>

Toggle bondable state

# pairable <on/off>

Toggle link level security

# linksec <on/off>

Toggle SSP mode

# spp <on/off>

Toggle SC support

# sc <on/off/only>

Toggle HS support

# hs <on/off>

Toggle LE support

# le <on/off>

Toggle LE advertising

# advertise <on/off>

Toggle BR/EDR support

# bredr <on/off>

Toggle privacy support

# privacy <on/off> [irk]

Set device major/minor class

# class <major> <minor>

Disconnect device

# disconnect [-t type] <remote address>

List connections

# con

Discover nearby devices

# find [-l|-b] [-L]


Discover nearby service

# find-service [-u UUID] [-r RSSI_Threshold] [-l|-b]

Stop discovery

# stop-find [-l|-b]

Set local name

# name <name> [shortname]

Pair with a remote device

# pair [-c cap] [-t type] <remote address>

Cancel pairing

# cancelpair [-t type] <remote address>

Unpair device

# unpair [-t type] <remote address>

Load Link Keys


Load Long Term Keys

# ltks

Load Identity Resolving Keys

# irks [--local index] [--file file path]

Block Device

# block [-t type] <remote address>

Unblock Device

# unblock [-t type] <remote address>


# add-uuid <UUID> <service class hint>

Remove UUID

# rm-uuid <UUID>

Clear UUIDs

# clear-uuids

Local OOB data

# local-oob

Remote OOB data

# remote-oob [-t <addr_type>] [-r <rand192>] [-h <hash192>] [-R <rand256>] [-H <hash256>] <addr>

Set Device ID

# did <source>:<vendor>:<product>:<version>

Set static address

# static-addr <address>

Set public address

# public-addr <address>

External configuration

# ext-config <on/off>

Toggle debug keys

# debug-keys <on/off>

Get connection information

# conn-info [-t type] <remote address>

Set IO Capability

# io-cap <cap>

Set Scan Parameters

# scan-params <interval> <window>

Get Clock Information

# get-clock [address]

Add Device

# add-device [-a action] [-t type] <address>

Remove Device

# del-device [-t type] <address>

Clear Devices

# clr-devices


Local OOB data (BR/EDR)

# bredr-oob


Local OOB data (LE)

# le-oob

Show advertising features

# advinfo

Show advertising size info

# advsize [options] <instance_id>

Add advertising instance

# add-adv [options] <instance_id>

Remove advertising instance

# rm-adv <instance_id>

Clear advertising instances

# clr-adv

Add extended advertising params

# add-ext-adv-parms [options] <instance_id>

Add extended advertising data

# add-ext-adv-data [options] <instance_id>

Set appearance

# appearance <appearance>

Get/Set PHY Configuration


Toggle Wideband-Speech support

# wbs <on/off>

Show security information

# secinfo

Show experimental features

# expinfo

Set debug feature

# exp-debug <on/off>

Set LL privacy feature

# exp-privacy <on/off>

Set bluetooth quality report feature

# exp-quality <on/off>

Toggle codec support

# exp-offload <on/off>

Read System Configuration

# read-sysconfig

Set System Configuration

# set-sysconfig <-v|-h> [options...]

Get device flags

Set device flags

# set-flags [-f flags] [-t type] <address>


Free use of this software is granted under ther terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licenses (LGPL).

July 2023 BlueZ