ATD(8) System Manager's Manual ATD(8) atd - , atd [-l load_avg] [-b batch_interval] [-d] [-f] [-s] atd , at(1). -l , , , , 0,8. SMP n , , , , n-1. -b ( 60). -d ; (standard error) syslog(3). -f. -f atd . -s at/batch . at; atd -s atrun. atd , spool NFS, no_root_squash. /var/spool/atd The directory for storing jobs; this should be mode 700, owner daemon. /var/spool/atd The directory for storing output; this should be mode 700, owner daemon. /etc/at.allow, /etc/at.deny , at. at(1), at.deny(5), at.allow(5), cron(8), crontab(1), syslog(3). atd cron(8). () Aleksandr Felda Kirill Rekhov ; GNU (GNU General Public License - GPL, 3 ) , - . - , , () () () <>. 14 2009 . ATD(8)