asciinema-rec(1) General Commands Manual asciinema-rec(1) NAME asciinema-rec - Record a terminal session SYNOPSIS asciinema rec [-I|--input] [-a|--append] [-f|--format] [--overwrite] [-c|--command] [--filename] [--env] [-t|--title] [-i|--idle-time-limit] [--headless] [--tty-size] [--server-url] [-q|--quiet] [-h|--help] DESCRIPTION Record a terminal session OPTIONS -I, --input Enable input recording -a, --append Append to an existing recording file -f, --format=FORMAT Recording file format [default: asciicast] [possible values: asciicast, raw, txt] --overwrite Overwrite target file if it already exists -c, --command=COMMAND Command to record [default: $SHELL] --filename=TEMPLATE Filename template, used when recording to a directory --env=ENV List of env vars to save [default: TERM,SHELL] -t, --title=TITLE Title of the recording -i, --idle-time-limit=SECS Limit idle time to a given number of seconds --headless Use headless mode - don't use TTY for input/output --tty-size=COLSxROWS Override terminal size for the recorded command --server-url=SERVER_URL asciinema server URL -q, --quiet Quiet mode, i.e. suppress diagnostic messages -h, --help Print help Output path - either a file or a directory path rec asciinema-rec(1)