APT(8) APT APT(8) apt - apt [-h] [-o=] [-c=] [-t=] [-a=] {list | search | show | update | install [{= | /}]... | remove ... | upgrade | full-upgrade | edit-sources | {-v | --version} | {-h | --help}} apt apt-get(8) apt-cache(8) APT apt man update (apt-get(8)) update upgrade (apt-get(8)) upgrade sources.list(5) When a package is supplied as an argument, the package will be installed prior to the upgrade action. full-upgrade (apt-get(8)) full-upgrade When a package is supplied as an argument, the package will be installed prior to the upgrade action. install, reinstall, remove, purge (apt-get(8)) regex(7)glob(7) 1 (+) (-) (=) (/) (bookwormtrixiesid ...) (stabletestingunstable) () purge autoremove (apt-get(8)) autoremove apt- mark(8) install satisfy (apt-get(8)) satisfy satisfies dependency strings, as used in Build-Depends. It also handles conflicts, by prefixing an argument with "Conflicts: ". Example: apt satisfy "foo, bar (>= 1.0)" "Conflicts: baz, fuzz" search (apt-cache(8)) search regex(7) apt- file(1) show (apt-cache(8)) apt(8) list list is somewhat similar to dpkg-query --list in that it can display a list of packages satisfying certain criteria. It supports glob(7) patterns for matching package names, apt-patterns(7), as well as options to list installed (--installed), upgradeable (--upgradeable) or all available (--all-versions) versions. edit-sources () edit-sources sources.list(5) showsrc, depends, rdepends, policy (summarised in apt-cache(8)) source, build-dep, download, changelog, clean, distclean, autoclean (summarised in apt-get(8)) APT apt(8) apt(8) apt-get(8) apt-cache(8) APT apt(8) (apt.conf(5) ) () apt-get(8)apt-cache(8)sources.list(5)apt.conf(5)apt- config(8)apt-patterns(7)/usr/share/doc/apt-doc/ APT apt_preferences(5)APT Howto. apt 0 100 APT [1] APT /usr/share/doc/debian/bug-reporting.txt reportbug(1) (2003-2006,2009-2012), Takuma Yamada (2016), Debian JP Documentation ML [FAMILY Given] 1. APT https://bugs.debian.org/src:apt APT 2.9.6 12 3 2024 APT(8)