APT-CACHE(8) APT APT-CACHE(8) apt-cache - APT apt-cache [-agipns] [-o=] [-c=] {gencaches | showpkg ... | showsrc ... | stats | dump | dumpavail | unmet | search ... | show [{= | /}]... | depends [{= | /}]... | rdepends [{= | /}]... | pkgnames [prefix] | dotty [{= | /}]... | xvcg [{= | /}]... | policy [...] | madison ... | {-v | --version} | {-h | --help}} apt-cache APT apt-cache apt-get 'update' apt-cache () -h --help gencaches gencaches APT showpkg ... showpkg () apt-cache showpkg libreadline2 Package: libreadline2 Versions: 2.1-12(/var/state/apt/lists/foo_Packages), Reverse Depends: libreadlineg2,libreadline2 libreadline2-altdev,libreadline2 Dependencies: 2.1-12 - libc5 (2 5.4.0-0) ncurses3.0 (0 (null)) Provides: 2.1-12 - Reverse Provides: libreadline2 version 2.1-12 libc5 ncurses3.0 libreadline2 libreadlineg2 libreadline2-altdev libreadline2 libreadline2 libc5, ncurses3.0, ldso libreadlineg2 libreadline2-altdev apt stats stats o o o () Debian "mail-transport-agent" "mail-transport-agent" "mail-transport-agent" o Debian "X11-text-viewer" "X11-text-viewer" xless o Debian "debconf" debconf-tiny o () o ( "stable" "unstable") o showsrc ... showsrc --only-source dump dump dumpavail dumpavail dpkg(1) dselect(1) unmet unmet show ... show dpkg --print-avail search ... search POSIX (regex(7) ) () --full show --names-only and depends ... depends rdepends ... rdepends pkgnames [prefix] APT --generate APT dotty ... dotty GraphViz[1] dotty APT::Cache::GivenOnly ) dotty xvcg ... dotty VCG tool[2] xvcg policy [...] policy madison ... apt-cache madison Debian madison madison APT (APT::Architecture) -f-,--no-f, -f=no -p, --pkg-cache : Dir::Cache::pkgcache -s, --src-cache gencaches : Dir::Cache::srcpkgcache -q, --quiet - 2 q -q=# : quiet -i, --important - unmet depends : APT::Cache::Important --no-pre-depends, --no-depends, --no-recommends, --no-suggests, --no-conflicts, --no-breaks, --no-replaces, --no-enhances depends rdepends : APT::Cache::Show : APT::Cache::ShowRecommends --implicit depends rdepends Conflicts: foo foo : APT::Cache::ShowImplicit -f, --full search : APT::Cache::ShowFull -a, --all-versions --no-all-versions --no-all-versions () show : APT::Cache::AllVersions -g, --generate --no-generate : APT::Cache::Generate --names-only, -n : APT::Cache::NamesOnly --all-names pkgnames : APT::Cache::AllNames --recurse depends rdepends : APT::Cache::RecurseDepends --installed depends rdepends : APT::Cache::Installed --with-source *.deb*.dsc*.changesSourcesPackages ! Sources Packages APT (_) : my.example_Packages.xz (apt-secure(8) ) : APT::Sources::With -h, --help -v, --version --audit Show audit (and notice) messages. This overrides the quiet option, but only for notice messages, not progress ones. -c, --config-file APT_CONFIG apt.conf(5) -o, --option Set a Configuration Option; This will set an arbitrary configuration option. The syntax is -o Foo::Bar=bar. -o and --option can be used multiple times to set different options. --no-color, --color Turn colors on or off. Colors are on by default on supported terminals for apt(8) and can also be disabled using the NO_COLOR or APT_NO_COLOR environment variables, or further configured by the APT::Color configuration option and scope, see apt.conf(5) for information on that. /etc/apt/sources.list : Dir::Etc::SourceList /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ : Dir::Etc::SourceParts /var/lib/apt/lists/ sources.list(5) : Dir::State::Lists /var/lib/apt/lists/partial/ : Dir::State::Lists ( partial ) apt.conf(5), sources.list(5), apt-get(8), apt-patterns(7) apt-cache 0 100 APT [3] APT /usr/share/doc/debian/bug-reporting.txt reportbug(1) (2003-2006,2009-2012), Takuma Yamada (2016), Debian JP Documentation ML Gunthorpe Jason[FAMILY Given] [FAMILY Given] 1. GraphViz https://graphviz.org/ 2. VCG tool https://www.rw.cdl.uni- saarland.de/people/sander/private/html/gsvcg1.html 3. APT https://bugs.debian.org/src:apt APT 2.9.6 14 3 2024 APT-CACHE(8)