.\" Generated by scdoc 1.11.3 .\" Complete documentation for this program is not available as a GNU info page .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .nh .ad l .\" Begin generated content: .TH "aports-lint" "1" "2024-10-14" .PP .SH NAME .PP aports-lint - A linter for Alpine Linux'\&s ports (aports) .PP .SH SYNOPSIS .PP \fBaports-lint\fR .PP .SH DESCRIPTION .PP aports-lint is a linter for packages in aports and their relation to other packages in the same repo, it searches for instances of policy violations, duplicate packages and others.\& See \fBalint(5)\fR under the aports-lint section for an explanation of each violation that aports-lint checks for.\& .PP aports-lint will print the policy violations found and exit 1, if no violations are found then nothing will be printed and it will exit 0.\& .PP .SH OUTPUT .PP aports-lint will print to stdout whenever a policy violation is found in the following format .PP .RS 4 SEVERITYCERTAINITY:[TAG]:PATH::MSG .PP .RE .PD 0 .IP \(bu 4 \fBSEVERITY\fR refers to how severe a violation is, ranging from \fBS\fR to \fBM\fR.\& .IP \(bu 4 \fBCERTAINITY\fR refers to how likely it is not a false positive, ranging from \fBC\fR to \fBP\fR .IP \(bu 4 \fBTAG\fR refers to the tag of the violation, see \fBalint(5)\fR for more details.\& .IP \(bu 4 \fBPATH\fR refers to the path given for \fBapkbuild-lint\fR to check.\& .IP \(bu 4 \fBMSG\fR is a short message meant for humans to know what is the violation.\& .PD .PP .SH EXPENSIVE FIND REPO .PP A slower yet more accurate version of the internal find_repo function used to detect whether a package is present in an upper repo can be accessed by setting the \fBEXPENSIVE_FIND_REPO\fR variable.\& Using it will cause time needed to process an APKBUILD to jump from miliseconds to seconds and is not recommended if providing feedback to the user in a timely manner is required (like running this as a vim ALE plugin).\& .PP .SH AUTHORS .PP Maintained by Leo .PP .SH SEE ALSO .PP \fBalint(5)\fR \fBapkbuild-lint(1)\fR