.TH "alpm-pkgrel" 7 .SH "NAME" .PP pkgrel \- version postfix to enforce a higher version consideration for ALPM based packages\. .SH "DESCRIPTION" .PP The \fBpkgrel\fP format is a version format, that is used as postfix to \fBpkgver\fP in a composite version string\. This format is used in build scripts or file formats for package data description or reproduction to indicate, that a composite version (e\.g\. \fBBUILDINFO\fP's \fBpkgver\fP) is to be considered newer than one with a lower value \fBpkgrel\fP component\. This functionality is used in the context of distributions to release new builds of upstream software based on an upstream release of the same version\. For each rebuild, the \fBpkgrel\fP value is incremented by '1'\. Once the upstream version represented by \fBpkgver\fP is incremented, the \fBpkgrel\fP is reset to '1'\. .PP The \fBpkgrel\fP value must consist of one or more numeric digits, optionally followed by a period (`\f[CR]\.\fP`) and one or more additional numeric digits\. The default value when using \fBpkgrel\fP is '1'\. .PP When used in a composite version string, \fBpkgver\fP is directly followed by a '\-' sign and the \fBpkgrel\fP\. .PP Compositive version strings with the same \fBpkgver\fP component are sorted according to their \fBpkgrel\fP, but \fBepoch\fP may be used to set higher ordering nevertheless\. Hence, the sorting precedence is: `\f[CR]epoch > pkgver > pkgrel\fP`\. .SH "EXAMPLES" .PP Compositive version strings with the same \fBpkgver\fP component are sorted according to their \fBpkgrel\fP component\. .RS .PP .nf "1\.0\.0\-1" < "1\.0\.0\-2" .fi .RE .PP An explicit \fBepoch\fP component is always considered before the \fBpkgver\fP and \fBpkgrel\fP components in a composite version string\. .RS .PP .nf "1:1\.0\.0\-1" > "1\.0\.0\-2" .fi .RE .SH "SEE ALSO" .PP \fBBUILDINFO\fP(5), \fBPKGBUILD\fP(5), \fBPKGINFO\fP(5), \fBSRCINFO\fP(5), \fBalpm\-epoch\fP(7), \fBalpm\-package\-version\fP(7), \fBalpm\-pkgver\fP(7), \fBvercmp\fP(8)