alpm-pkginfo-create-v1(1) General Commands Manual alpm-pkginfo-create-v1(1) NAME alpm-pkginfo-create-v1 - Create a PKGINFO version 1 file SYNOPSIS alpm-pkginfo create v1 <--pkgname> <--pkgbase> <--pkgver> <--pkgdesc> <--url> <--builddate> <--packager> <--size> <--arch> [--license] [--replaces] [--group] [--conflict] [--provides] [--backup] [--depend] [--optdepend] [--makedepend] [--checkdepend] [-h|--help] [FILE] DESCRIPTION Create a PKGINFO version 1 file OPTIONS --pkgname=PKGNAME The pkgname to use in the PKGINFO The pkgname must follow the alpm-package-name format (see `man 7 alpm-package-name`). May also be specified with the PKGINFO_PKGNAME environment variable. --pkgbase=PKGBASE The pkgbase to use in the PKGINFO The pkgbase must follow the alpm-package-name format (see `man 7 alpm-package-name`). May also be specified with the PKGINFO_PKGBASE environment variable. --pkgver=PKGVER The pkgver to use in the PKGINFO The pkgver value must follow the alpm-pkgver format (see `man 7 alpm-pkgver`). May also be specified with the PKGINFO_PKGVER environment variable. --pkgdesc=PKGDESC The package description to use in the PKGINFO The value must follow the format described in the PKGINFO format (see `man 5 PKGINFO`). May also be specified with the PKGINFO_PKGDESC environment variable. --url=URL Provide a url May also be specified with the PKGINFO_URL environment variable. --builddate=BUILDDATE Provide a builddate May also be specified with the PKGINFO_BUILDDATE environment variable. --packager=PACKAGER Provide a packager May also be specified with the PKGINFO_PACKAGER environment variable. --size=SIZE Provide a size May also be specified with the PKGINFO_SIZE environment variable. --arch=ARCH Provide a architecture May also be specified with the PKGINFO_ARCH environment variable. --license=LICENSE Provide one or more licenses May also be specified with the PKGINFO_LICENSE environment variable. --replaces=REPLACES Provide one or more replaces May also be specified with the PKGINFO_REPLACES environment variable. --group=GROUP Provide one or more groups May also be specified with the PKGINFO_GROUP environment variable. --conflict=CONFLICT Provide one or more conflicts May also be specified with the PKGINFO_CONFLICT environment variable. --provides=PROVIDES Provide one or more provides May also be specified with the PKGINFO_PROVIDES environment variable. --backup=BACKUP Provide one or more backups May also be specified with the PKGINFO_BACKUP environment variable. --depend=DEPEND Provide one or more depends May also be specified with the PKGINFO_DEPEND environment variable. --optdepend=OPTDEPEND Provide one or more optdepend May also be specified with the PKGINFO_OPTDEPEND environment variable. --makedepend=MAKEDEPEND Provide one or more makedepend May also be specified with the PKGINFO_MAKEDEPEND environment variable. --checkdepend=CHECKDEPEND Provide one or more checkdepend May also be specified with the PKGINFO_CHECKDEPEND environment variable. -h, --help Print help (see a summary with '-h') [FILE] [default: .PKGINFO] An optional custom file to write to May also be specified with the PKGINFO_OUTPUT_FILE environment variable. alpm-pkginfo-create-v1 alpm-pkginfo-create-v1(1)