.TH "alpm-package-name" 7 .SH "NAME" .PP package name \- package and virtual component names for ALPM based packages\. .SH "DESCRIPTION" .PP The \fBpackage name\fP format represents package and component names for ALPM based packages\. This format is used in build scripts or file formats for package metadata (e\.g\. in \fBPKGBUILD\fP, \fBPKGINFO\fP, \fBSRCINFO\fP, \fBalpm\-repo\-desc\fP, or \fBalpm\-lib\-desc\fP) to describe package or component names, and \fBpackage relation\fPs\. .PP While the \fBpackage name\fP format is mostly used to describe existing packages, it can also be used to name entirely \fIvirtual components\fP\. A \fIvirtual component\fP is specified implicitly using an \fBalpm\-package\-relation\fP\. .PP The value must be covered by the set of alphanumeric characters and '@', '\.', '_', '+', '\-', but it must not start with '\-' or '\.' (e\.g\. `\f[CR]example\fP` is valid)\. .SH "EXAMPLES" .RS .PP .nf "package\-name" .fi .RE .SH "SEE ALSO" .PP \fBBUILDINFO\fP(5), \fBPKGBUILD\fP(5), \fBPKGINFO\fP(5), \fBSRCINFO\fP(5), \fBalpm\-package\-relation\fP(7)