alpm-buildinfo-create(1) General Commands Manual alpm-buildinfo-create(1) NAME alpm-buildinfo-create - Create a BUILDINFO file according to a schema SYNOPSIS alpm-buildinfo create [-h|--help] DESCRIPTION Create a BUILDINFO file according to a schema If the input can be validated according to the schema, the program exits with no output and a return code of 0. If the input can not be validated according to the schema, an error is emitted on stderr and the program exits with a non-zero exit code. OPTIONS -h, --help Print help (see a summary with '-h') SUBCOMMANDS alpm-buildinfo-create-v1(1) Create a BUILDINFO version 1 file alpm-buildinfo-create-v2(1) Create a BUILDINFO version 2 file alpm-buildinfo-create-help(1) Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s) alpm-buildinfo-create alpm-buildinfo-create(1)