alpm-buildinfo-create-v2(1) General Commands Manual NAME alpm-buildinfo-create-v2 - Create a BUILDINFO version 2 file SYNOPSIS alpm-buildinfo create v2 <--builddate> <--builddir> [--buildenv] [--installed] [--options] <--packager> <--pkgarch> <--pkgbase> <--pkgbuild-sha256sum> <--pkgname> <--pkgver> <--startdir> <--buildtool> <--buildtoolver> [-h|--help] [FILE] DESCRIPTION Create a BUILDINFO version 2 file OPTIONS --builddate=BUILDDATE Provide a builddate May also be specified with the BUILDINFO_BUILDDATE environment variable. --builddir=BUILDDIR Provide a builddir May also be specified with the BUILDINFO_BUILDDIR environment variable. --buildenv=BUILDENV Provide one or more buildenv May also be specified with the BUILDINFO_BUILDENV environment variable. --installed=INSTALLED Provide one or more installed May also be specified with the BUILDINFO_INSTALLED environment variable. --options=OPTIONS Provide one or more options May also be specified with the BUILDINFO_OPTIONS environment variable. --packager=PACKAGER Provide a packager May also be specified with the BUILDINFO_PACKAGER environment variable. --pkgarch=PKGARCH Provide a pkgarch May also be specified with the BUILDINFO_PKGARCH environment variable. --pkgbase=PKGBASE Provide a pkgbase May also be specified with the BUILDINFO_PKGBASE environment variable. --pkgbuild-sha256sum=PKGBUILD_SHA256SUM Provide a pkgbuild_sha256sum May also be specified with the BUILDINFO_PKGBUILD_SHA256SUM environment variable. --pkgname=PKGNAME Provide a pkgname May also be specified with the BUILDINFO_PKGNAME environment variable. --pkgver=PKGVER Provide a pkgver May also be specified with the BUILDINFO_PKGVER environment variable. --startdir=STARTDIR Provide a startdir May also be specified with the BUILDINFO_STARTDIR environment variable. --buildtool=BUILDTOOL Provide a buildtool May also be specified with the BUILDINFO_BUILDTOOL environment variable. --buildtoolver=BUILDTOOLVER Provide a buildtoolver May also be specified with the BUILDINFO_BUILDTOOLVER environment variable. -h, --help Print help [FILE] [default: .BUILDINFO] Provide a file to write to May also be specified with the BUILDINFO_OUTPUT_FILE environment variable. alpm-buildinfo-create-v2 alpm-buildinfo-create-v2(1)