.\" Generated by scdoc 1.11.3 .\" Complete documentation for this program is not available as a GNU info page .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .nh .ad l .\" Begin generated content: .TH "abump" "1" "2024-10-16" .PP .SH NAME .PP \fBabump\fR - bump pkgver in an APKBUILD file .PP .SH SYNOPSIS .PP \fBabump\fR [-s \fICVE-1\fR,.\&.\&.\&] [-f \fIISSUE\fR] [-k|--keep] \fIPKGNAME-1.\&2.\&3\fR .PP .SH DESCRIPTION .PP \fBabump\fR updates the \fBpkgver\fR in an APKBUILD file, updates its checksums, rebuilds it, and finally creates a new commit commit with the changes resulting.\& .PP \fBabump\fR operates looks for the specified package in nested directories inside the current working, assuming a layout like that of the aports repository.\& .PP .SH OPTIONS .PP \fB-s, --security CVE1,.\&.\&.\&\fR .RS 4 Include CVE in the \fBsecfixes\fR comment section.\& .PP .RE \fB-f, --fixes ISSUE\fR .RS 4 Include \fBFixes #ISSUE\fR in the commit message.\& This will close the upstream issue when the commit is merged into the aports master branch.\& .PP .RE \fB-k, --keep\fR .RS 4 Keep existing packages.\& .PP .RE \fB-h, --help\fR .RS 4 Print help information and exit.\& .PP .RE .SH ENVIRONMENT .PP APORTSDIR .RS 4 Force operating on an alternate directory.\& .PP .RE .SH EXAMPLES .PP .nf .RS 4 abump mml-1\&.0\&.0 abump glibmm2\&.68-2\&.78\&.0 abump telegram-desktop-4\&.11\&.8 .fi .RE .PP .SH SEE ALSO .PP abuild(1), apkgrel(1), newapkbuild(1), APKBUILD(5), apk(8).\& .PP .SH AUTHORS .PP Natanael Copa <\fIncopa@alpinelinux.\&org\fR> and open source contributors.\&