abuild(1) General Commands Manual abuild(1) NAME abuild - build an apk from an APKBUILD SYNOPSIS abuild [options] [-P REPODEST] [-s SRCDEST] [-D DESCRIPTION] [cmd] ... DESCRIPTION abuild builds an apk binary package based on an input APKBUILD(5), as well as other related operations. OPTIONS -A Print CARCH and exit -c Enable colored output -d Disable dependency checking -D DESCRIPTION Set APKINDEX description (default: $repo $(git describe)) -f Force specified cmd (skip checks: apk up to date, arch) -F Force run as root -h Show this help -k Keep built packages, even if APKBUILD or sources are newer -K Keep buildtime temp dirs and files (srcdir/pkgdir/deps) -m Disable colors (monochrome) -P REPODEST Set REPODEST as the repository location for created packages -q Quiet -r Install missing dependencies from system repository -s SRCDEST Set source package destination directory to SRCDEST -v Verbose: show every command as it is run (very noisy) COMMANDS all Runs the entire build process. This is the default when no other command is specified, and is roughly an alias for validate builddeps clean fetch unpack prepare mkusers build check rootpkg. build Compile and install package into $pkgdir. check Run any defined tests concerning the package checksum Generate checksum to be included in APKBUILD clean Remove temp build and install dirs cleancache Remove downloaded files from $SRCDEST cleanoldpkg Remove binary packages except current version cleanpkg Remove already built binary and source package deps Install packages listed in makedepends and depends fetch Fetch sources to $SRCDEST (consider: 'abuild fetch verify') index Regenerate indexes in $REPODEST listpkg List target packages package Install project into prepare Apply patches rootbld Build package in clean chroot. Requires abuild-rootbld. rootpkg Run 'package', the split functions and create apks as fakeroot validate Basic validation of APKBUILD snapshot Create a $giturl snapshot and upload to $disturl sourcecheck Check if remote source package exists upstream srcpkg Make a source package undeps Uninstall packages listed in makedepends and depends unpack Unpack sources to $srcdir up2date Compare target and sources dates verify Verify checksums ENVIRONMENT APKBUILD Override path to APKBUILD file. BOOTSTRAP Used when bootstrapping with no existing packages by minimising build dependencies. This flag only has an effect on a few select packages. A value of nocc omits any compilation (e.g.: include only source headers). A value of nolibc assumes that no libc is available. This list of values is not exhaustive. CHOST Generate packages for given arch or hostspec. CTARGET Generate compiler for given arch or hostspec. MOVE_CACHES Don't use global cache directories for Go and Cargo. PACKAGER Name and email of the packages in RFC5322 format. E.g.: John Doe . PACKAGER_PRIVKEY Path to a private key used to sign packages. REPODEST Packages shall be stored in $REPODEST/$repo/$pkgname-$pkgver- r$pkgrel.apk, where $repo is the base name of the parent directory of $startdir. SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH Use this timestamp as a reference for reproducible builds. See https://reproducible-builds.org/docs/source-date-epoch/ SUDO_APK Command to use to run apk as root. Defaults to abuild-apk. USE_CCACHE If set to a non-empty value, enables ccache support. USE_COLORS If set to a non-empty value, print coloured output using ANSI escape sequences. FILES /etc/abuild.conf Configuration is read from this file by default. $HOME/.abuild/abuild.conf User-specific configuration is read from this file, if it exists. EXAMPLES Update checksums for an APKBUILD: abuild checksum Build an APKBUILD and print coloured output: abuild -rc SEE ALSO SPDX license reference (on the Web at ), newapkbuild(1), apk(8), APKBUILD(5), abuild.conf(5), buildrepo(1). AUTHORS abuild: Natanael Copa Documentation: Hugo Osvaldo Barrera 2024-10-16 abuild(1)