.TH "Unit_info.Artifact" 3 2024-05-31 OCamldoc "OCaml library" .SH NAME Unit_info.Artifact \- Build artifacts .SH Module Module Unit_info.Artifact .SH Documentation .sp Module .BI "Artifact" : .B sig end .sp .SS Build artifacts .sp .sp .sp .I type t .sp Metadata for a single compilation artifact: .sp \-the module name associated to the artifact .sp \-the filesystem path .sp \-the input source file if it exists .sp .I val source_file : .B t -> Unit_info.filename option .sp .ft B source_file a .ft R is the source file of .ft B a .ft R if it exists\&. .sp .I val prefix : .B t -> Unit_info.file_prefix .sp .ft B prefix a .ft R is the filename prefix of the compilation artifact\&. .sp .I val filename : .B t -> Unit_info.filename .sp .ft B filename u .ft R is the filesystem path for a compilation artifact\&. .sp .I val modname : .B t -> Unit_info.modname .sp .ft B modname a .ft R is the module name of the compilation artifact\&. .sp .I val from_filename : .B Unit_info.filename -> t .sp .ft B from_filename filename .ft R reconstructs the module name .ft B modname_from_source filename .ft R associated to the artifact .ft B filename .ft R \&. .sp