.\" Process this file with .\" groff -man -Tascii foo.1 .\" .TH Tss2_TctiLdr_Finalize 3 "MARCH 2019" "TPM2 Software Stack" .SH NAME Tss2_TctiLdr_Finalize \- Function to finalize a TCTI context instantiated by the Tss2_TctiLdr_Initialize function. .SH SYNOPSIS .B #include .sp .sp .BI "TSS2_RC Tss2_TctiLdr_Finalize (TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT " "**CONTEXT" ");" .sp .SH DESCRIPTION The .BR Tss2_TctiLdr_Finalize () function destroys an instance of a TCTI context instantiated by the .BR Tss2_TctLdr_Initialize () function. It also frees any resources associated with loading the required TCTI library. .sp The .I context parameter is a double pointer to a TCTI context. When successfully finalized the provided reference will be set to NULL by the function. .sp .SH RETURN VALUE This function returns no value. .SH EXAMPLE Example code. .sp .nf #include #include #include #include TSS2_TCTI_CONTEXT *ctx = NULL; TSS2_RC rc = Tss2_TctiLdr_Initialize (NULL, NULL, &ctx); if (rc != TSS2_RC_SUCCESS) { fprintf (stderr, "Initialization of default TCTI context failed with " "response code: 0x%" PRIx32 "\n", rc); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } if (ctx != NULL) Tss2_TctiLdr_Finalize (&ctx); exit (EXIT_SUCCESS); .fi .SH AUTHOR TPM2 Software Project .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR Tss2_Tcti_Device_Init (3), .BR Tss2_Tcti_Socket_Init (3), .BR Tss2_TctiLdr_Initialize (3), .BR Tss2_TctiLdr_Finalize (3), .BR tcti-device (7), .BR tcti-socket (7), .BR tcti-tabrmd (7), .BR tpm2-abrmd (8) .SH COLOPHON This page is part of release 4.1.3 of Open Source implementation of the TCG TPM2 Software Stack (TSS2). A description of the project, information about reporting bugs, and the latest version of this page can be found at \%https://github.com/tpm2-software/tpm2-tss/.