'\" t ...\" Transien.sgm /main/10 1996/09/08 21:42:41 rws $ .de P! .fl \!!1 setgray .fl \\&.\" .fl \!!0 setgray .fl \" force out current output buffer \!!save /psv exch def currentpoint translate 0 0 moveto \!!/showpage{}def .fl \" prolog .sy sed -e 's/^/!/' \\$1\" bring in postscript file \!!psv restore . .de pF .ie \\*(f1 .ds f1 \\n(.f .el .ie \\*(f2 .ds f2 \\n(.f .el .ie \\*(f3 .ds f3 \\n(.f .el .ie \\*(f4 .ds f4 \\n(.f .el .tm ? font overflow .ft \\$1 .. .de fP .ie !\\*(f4 \{\ . ft \\*(f4 . ds f4\" ' br \} .el .ie !\\*(f3 \{\ . ft \\*(f3 . ds f3\" ' br \} .el .ie !\\*(f2 \{\ . ft \\*(f2 . ds f2\" ' br \} .el .ie !\\*(f1 \{\ . ft \\*(f1 . ds f1\" ' br \} .el .tm ? font underflow .. .ds f1\" .ds f2\" .ds f3\" .ds f4\" .ta 8n 16n 24n 32n 40n 48n 56n 64n 72n .TH "TransientShell" "library call" .SH "NAME" \fBTransientShell\fP \(em The TransientShell widget class .iX "TransientShell" .iX "widget class" "TransientShell" .SH "SYNOPSIS" .PP .nf #include #include .fi .SH "DESCRIPTION" .PP TransientShell is used for shell windows that can be manipulated by the window manager, but are not allowed to be iconified separately\&. For example, DialogBoxes make no sense without their associated application\&. They are iconified by the window manager only if the main application shell is iconified\&. .SS "Classes" .PP TransientShell inherits behavior and resources from \fBCore\fP, \fBComposite\fP, \fBShell\fP, \fBWMShell\fP, and \fBVendorShell\fP\&. .PP The class pointer is \fBtransientShellWidgetClass\fP\&. .PP The class name is \fBTransientShell\fP\&. .SS "New Resources" .PP The following table defines a set of widget resources used by the programmer to specify data\&. The programmer can also set the resource values for the inherited classes to set attributes for this widget\&. To reference a resource by name or by class in a \fB\&.Xdefaults\fP file, remove the \fBXmN\fP or \fBXmC\fP prefix and use the remaining letters\&. To specify one of the defined values for a resource in a \fB\&.Xdefaults\fP file, remove the \fBXm\fP prefix and use the remaining letters (in either lowercase or uppercase, but include any underscores between words)\&. The codes in the access column indicate if the given resource can be set at creation time (C), set by using \fBXtSetValues\fP (S), retrieved by using \fBXtGetValues\fP (G), or is not applicable (N/A)\&. .PP In addition to these new resources, \fBTransientShell\fP overrides the \fBXmNsaveUnder\fP resource in \fBShell\fP and the \fBXmNtransient\fP resource in \fBWMShell\fP\&. .PP .TS tab() box; c s s s s l| l| l| l| l. \fBTransientShell Resource Set\fP \fBName\fP\fBClass\fP\fBType\fP\fBDefault\fP\fBAccess\fP _____ XmNtransientForXmCTransientForWidgetNULLCSG _____ .TE .IP "\fBXmNtransientFor\fP" 10 Specifies a widget that the shell acts as a pop-up for\&. If this resource is NULL or is a widget that has not been realized, the \fBXmNwindowGroup\fP is used instead\&. .SS "Inherited Resources" .PP TransientShell inherits behavior and resources from the superclasses described in the following tables, which define sets of widget resources used by the programmer to specify data\&. For a complete description of each resource, refer to the reference page for that superclass\&. .PP The programmer can also set the resource values for the inherited classes to set attributes for this widget\&. To reference a resource by name or by class in a \fB\&.Xdefaults\fP file, remove the \fBXmN\fP or \fBXmC\fP prefix and use the remaining letters\&. To specify one of the defined values for a resource in a \fB\&.Xdefaults\fP file, remove the \fBXm\fP prefix and use the remaining letters (in either lowercase or uppercase, but include any underscores between words)\&. The codes in the access column indicate if the given resource can be set at creation time (C), set by using \fBXtSetValues\fP (S), retrieved by using \fBXtGetValues\fP (G), or is not applicable (N/A)\&. .PP .TS tab() box; c s s s s l| l| l| l| l. \fBVendorShell Resource Set\fP \fBName\fP\fBClass\fP\fBType\fP\fBDefault\fP\fBAccess\fP _____ XmNaudibleWarningXmCAudibleWarningunsigned charXmBELLCSG _____ XmNbuttonFontListXmCButtonFontListXmFontListdynamicCSG _____ XmNbuttonRenderTableXmCButtonRenderTableXmRenderTabledynamicCSG _____ XmNdefaultFontListXmCDefaultFontListXmFontListdynamicCG _____ XmNdeleteResponseXmCDeleteResponseunsigned charXmDESTROYCSG _____ XmNinputMethodXmCInputMethodStringNULLCSG _____ XmNinputPolicyXmCInputPolicyXmInputPolicyXmPER_SHELLCSG _____ XmNkeyboardFocusPolicyXmCKeyboardFocusPolicyunsigned charXmEXPLICITCSG _____ XmNlabelFontListXmCLabelFontListXmFontListdynamicCSG _____ XmNlabelRenderTableXmCLabelRenderTabelXmRenderTabledynamicCSG _____ XmNlayoutDirectionXmCLayoutDirectionXmDirectionXmLEFT_TO_RIGHTCG _____ XmNmwmDecorationsXmCMwmDecorationsint-1CG _____ XmNmwmFunctionsXmCMwmFunctionsint-1CG _____ XmNmwmInputModeXmCMwmInputModeint-1CG _____ XmNmwmMenuXmCMwmMenuStringNULLCG _____ XmNpreeditTypeXmCPreeditTypeStringdynamicCSG _____ XmNshellUnitTypeXmCShellUnitTypeunsigned charXmPIXELSCSG _____ XmNtextFontListXmCTextFontListXmFontListdynamicCSG _____ XmNtextRenderTableXmCTextRenderTableXmRenderTabledynamicCSG _____ XmNunitTypeXmCUnitTypeunsigned charXmPIXELSCSG _____ XmNuseAsyncGeometryXmCUseAsyncGeometryBooleanFalseCSG _____ .TE .PP .TS tab() box; c s s s s l| l| l| l| l. \fBWMShell Resource Set\fP \fBName\fP\fBClass\fP\fBType\fP\fBDefault\fP\fBAccess\fP _____ XmNbaseHeightXmCBaseHeightintXtUnspecifiedShellIntCSG _____ XmNbaseWidthXmCBaseWidthintXtUnspecifiedShellIntCSG _____ XmNheightIncXmCHeightIncintXtUnspecifiedShellIntCSG _____ XmNiconMaskXmCIconMaskPixmapNULLCSG _____ XmNiconPixmapXmCIconPixmapPixmapNULLCSG _____ XmNiconWindowXmCIconWindowWindowNULLCSG _____ XmNiconXXmCIconXintXtUnspecifiedShellIntCSG _____ XmNiconYXmCIconYintXtUnspecifiedShellIntCSG _____ XmNinitialStateXmCInitialStateintNormalStateCSG _____ XmNinputXmCInputBooleanTrueCSG _____ XmNmaxAspectXXmCMaxAspectXintXtUnspecifiedShellIntCSG _____ XmNmaxAspectYXmCMaxAspectYintXtUnspecifiedShellIntCSG _____ XmNmaxHeightXmCMaxHeightintXtUnspecifiedShellIntCSG _____ XmNmaxWidthXmCMaxWidthintXtUnspecifiedShellIntCSG _____ XmNminAspectXXmCMinAspectXintXtUnspecifiedShellIntCSG _____ XmNminAspectYXmCMinAspectYintXtUnspecifiedShellIntCSG _____ XmNminHeightXmCMinHeightintXtUnspecifiedShellIntCSG _____ XmNminWidthXmCMinWidthintXtUnspecifiedShellIntCSG _____ XmNtitleXmCTitleStringdynamicCSG _____ XmNtitleEncodingXmCTitleEncodingAtomdynamicCSG _____ XmNtransientXmCTransientBooleanTrueCSG _____ XmNwaitForWmXmCWaitForWmBooleanTrueCSG _____ XmNwidthIncXmCWidthIncintXtUnspecifiedShellIntCSG _____ XmNwindowGroupXmCWindowGroupWindowdynamicCSG _____ XmNwinGravityXmCWinGravityintdynamicCSG _____ XmNwmTimeoutXmCWmTimeoutint5000 msCSG _____ .TE .PP .TS tab() box; c s s s s l| l| l| l| l. \fBShell Resource Set\fP \fBName\fP\fBClass\fP\fBType\fP\fBDefault\fP\fBAccess\fP _____ XmNallowShellResizeXmCAllowShellResizeBooleanFalseCG _____ XmNcreatePopupChildProcXmCCreatePopupChildProcXtCreatePopupChildProcNULLCSG _____ XmNgeometryXmCGeometryStringNULLCSG _____ XmNoverrideRedirectXmCOverrideRedirectBooleanFalseCSG _____ XmNpopdownCallbackXmCCallbackXtCallbackListNULLC _____ XmNpopupCallbackXmCCallbackXtCallbackListNULLC _____ XmNsaveUnderXmCSaveUnderBooleanTrueCSG _____ XmNvisualXmCVisualVisual *CopyFromParentCSG _____ .TE .PP .TS tab() box; c s s s s l| l| l| l| l. \fBComposite Resource Set\fP \fBName\fP\fBClass\fP\fBType\fP\fBDefault\fP\fBAccess\fP _____ XmNchildrenXmCReadOnlyWidgetListNULLG _____ XmNinsertPositionXmCInsertPositionXtOrderProcNULLCSG _____ XmNnumChildrenXmCReadOnlyCardinal0G _____ .TE .PP .TS tab() box; c s s s s l| l| l| l| l. \fBCore Resource Set\fP \fBName\fP\fBClass\fP\fBType\fP\fBDefault\fP\fBAccess\fP _____ XmNacceleratorsXmCAcceleratorsXtAcceleratorsdynamicCSG _____ XmNancestorSensitiveXmCSensitiveBooleandynamicG _____ XmNbackgroundXmCBackgroundPixeldynamicCSG _____ XmNbackgroundPixmapXmCPixmapPixmapXmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAPCSG _____ XmNborderColorXmCBorderColorPixelXtDefaultForegroundCSG _____ XmNborderPixmapXmCPixmapPixmapXmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAPCSG _____ XmNborderWidthXmCBorderWidthDimension0CSG _____ XmNcolormapXmCColormapColormapdynamicCG _____ XmNdepthXmCDepthintdynamicCG _____ XmNdestroyCallbackXmCCallbackXtCallbackListNULLC _____ XmNheightXmCHeightDimensiondynamicCSG _____ XmNinitialResourcesPersistentXmCInitialResourcesPersistentBooleanTrueC _____ XmNmappedWhenManagedXmCMappedWhenManagedBooleanTrueCSG _____ XmNscreenXmCScreenScreen *dynamicCG _____ XmNsensitiveXmCSensitiveBooleanTrueCSG _____ XmNtranslationsXmCTranslationsXtTranslationsdynamicCSG _____ XmNwidthXmCWidthDimensiondynamicCSG _____ XmNxXmCPositionPosition0CSG _____ XmNyXmCPositionPosition0CSG _____ .TE .SS "Translations" .PP There are no translations for TransientShell\&. .SH "RELATED" .PP \fBComposite\fP(3), \fBCore\fP(3), \fBShell\fP(3), \fBVendorShell\fP(3), and \fBWMShell\fP(3)\&. ...\" created by instant / docbook-to-man, Sun 22 Dec 1996, 20:16