.TH "Stdlib.Uchar" 3 2025-01-20 OCamldoc "OCaml library" .SH NAME Stdlib.Uchar \- no description .SH Module Module Stdlib.Uchar .SH Documentation .sp Module .BI "Uchar" : .B (module Stdlib__Uchar) .sp .sp .sp .sp .I type t .sp The type for Unicode characters\&. .sp A value of this type represents a Unicode scalar value which is an integer in the ranges .ft B 0x0000 .ft R \&.\&.\&. .ft B 0xD7FF .ft R or .ft B 0xE000 .ft R \&.\&.\&. .ft B 0x10FFFF .ft R \&. .sp .I val min : .B t .sp .ft B min .ft R is U+0000\&. .sp .I val max : .B t .sp .ft B max .ft R is U+10FFFF\&. .sp .I val bom : .B t .sp .ft B bom .ft R is U+FEFF, the byte order mark (BOM) character\&. .sp .B "Since" 4.06 .sp .I val rep : .B t .sp .ft B rep .ft R is U+FFFD, the replacement character\&. .sp .B "Since" 4.06 .sp .I val succ : .B t -> t .sp .ft B succ u .ft R is the scalar value after .ft B u .ft R in the set of Unicode scalar values\&. .sp .B "Raises Invalid_argument" if .ft B u .ft R is .ft B Uchar\&.max .ft R \&. .sp .I val pred : .B t -> t .sp .ft B pred u .ft R is the scalar value before .ft B u .ft R in the set of Unicode scalar values\&. .sp .B "Raises Invalid_argument" if .ft B u .ft R is .ft B Uchar\&.min .ft R \&. .sp .I val is_valid : .B int -> bool .sp .ft B is_valid n .ft R is .ft B true .ft R if and only if .ft B n .ft R is a Unicode scalar value (i\&.e\&. in the ranges .ft B 0x0000 .ft R \&.\&.\&. .ft B 0xD7FF .ft R or .ft B 0xE000 .ft R \&.\&.\&. .ft B 0x10FFFF .ft R )\&. .sp .I val of_int : .B int -> t .sp .ft B of_int i .ft R is .ft B i .ft R as a Unicode character\&. .sp .B "Raises Invalid_argument" if .ft B i .ft R does not satisfy .ft B Uchar\&.is_valid .ft R \&. .sp .I val to_int : .B t -> int .sp .ft B to_int u .ft R is .ft B u .ft R as an integer\&. .sp .I val is_char : .B t -> bool .sp .ft B is_char u .ft R is .ft B true .ft R if and only if .ft B u .ft R is a latin1 OCaml character\&. .sp .I val of_char : .B char -> t .sp .ft B of_char c .ft R is .ft B c .ft R as a Unicode character\&. .sp .I val to_char : .B t -> char .sp .ft B to_char u .ft R is .ft B u .ft R as an OCaml latin1 character\&. .sp .B "Raises Invalid_argument" if .ft B u .ft R does not satisfy .ft B Uchar\&.is_char .ft R \&. .sp .I val equal : .B t -> t -> bool .sp .ft B equal u u\&' .ft R is .ft B u = u\&' .ft R \&. .sp .I val compare : .B t -> t -> int .sp .ft B compare u u\&' .ft R is .ft B Stdlib\&.compare u u\&' .ft R \&. .sp .I val seeded_hash : .B int -> t -> int .sp .ft B seeded_hash seed u .ft R A seeded hash function with the same output value as .ft B Hashtbl\&.seeded_hash .ft R \&. This function allows this module to be passed as an argument to the functor .ft B Hashtbl\&.MakeSeeded .ft R \&. .sp .B "Since" 5.3 .sp .I val hash : .B t -> int .sp An unseeded hash function with the same output value as .ft B Hashtbl\&.hash .ft R \&. This function allows this module to be passed as an argument to the functor .ft B Hashtbl\&.Make .ft R \&. .sp .B "Since" 5.3 .sp .PP .SS UTF codecs tools .PP .I type utf_decode .sp The type for UTF decode results\&. Values of this type represent the result of a Unicode Transformation Format decoding attempt\&. .sp .I val utf_decode_is_valid : .B utf_decode -> bool .sp .ft B utf_decode_is_valid d .ft R is .ft B true .ft R if and only if .ft B d .ft R holds a valid decode\&. .sp .I val utf_decode_uchar : .B utf_decode -> t .sp .ft B utf_decode_uchar d .ft R is the Unicode character decoded by .ft B d .ft R if .ft B utf_decode_is_valid d .ft R is .ft B true .ft R and .ft B Uchar\&.rep .ft R otherwise\&. .sp .I val utf_decode_length : .B utf_decode -> int .sp .ft B utf_decode_length d .ft R is the number of elements from the source that were consumed by the decode .ft B d .ft R \&. This is always strictly positive and smaller or equal to .ft B 4 .ft R \&. The kind of source elements depends on the actual decoder; for the decoders of the standard library this function always returns a length in bytes\&. .sp .I val utf_decode : .B int -> t -> utf_decode .sp .ft B utf_decode n u .ft R is a valid UTF decode for .ft B u .ft R that consumed .ft B n .ft R elements from the source for decoding\&. .ft B n .ft R must be positive and smaller or equal to .ft B 4 .ft R (this is not checked by the module)\&. .sp .I val utf_decode_invalid : .B int -> utf_decode .sp .ft B utf_decode_invalid n .ft R is an invalid UTF decode that consumed .ft B n .ft R elements from the source to error\&. .ft B n .ft R must be positive and smaller or equal to .ft B 4 .ft R (this is not checked by the module)\&. The resulting decode has .ft B Uchar\&.rep .ft R as the decoded Unicode character\&. .sp .I val utf_8_byte_length : .B t -> int .sp .ft B utf_8_byte_length u .ft R is the number of bytes needed to encode .ft B u .ft R in UTF\-8\&. .sp .I val utf_16_byte_length : .B t -> int .sp .ft B utf_16_byte_length u .ft R is the number of bytes needed to encode .ft B u .ft R in UTF\-16\&. .sp