.TH "Stdlib.Seq" 3 2024-05-31 OCamldoc "OCaml library" .SH NAME Stdlib.Seq \- no description .SH Module Module Stdlib.Seq .SH Documentation .sp Module .BI "Seq" : .B (module Stdlib__Seq) .sp .sp .sp .sp .I type .B 'a .I t = .B unit -> 'a node .sp A sequence .ft B xs .ft R of type .ft B \&'a t .ft R is a delayed list of elements of type .ft B \&'a .ft R \&. Such a sequence is queried by performing a function application .ft B xs() .ft R \&. This function application returns a node, allowing the caller to determine whether the sequence is empty or nonempty, and in the latter case, to obtain its head and tail\&. .sp .I type .B 'a .I node = | Nil | Cons .B of .B 'a * 'a t .sp A node is either .ft B Nil .ft R , which means that the sequence is empty, or .ft B Cons (x, xs) .ft R , which means that .ft B x .ft R is the first element of the sequence and that .ft B xs .ft R is the remainder of the sequence\&. .sp .PP .SS Consuming sequences .PP .PP The functions in this section consume their argument, a sequence, either partially or completely: .sp \- .ft B is_empty .ft R and .ft B uncons .ft R consume the sequence down to depth 1\&. That is, they demand the first argument of the sequence, if there is one\&. .sp \- .ft B iter .ft R , .ft B fold_left .ft R , .ft B length .ft R , etc\&., consume the sequence all the way to its end\&. They terminate only if the sequence is finite\&. .sp \- .ft B for_all .ft R , .ft B exists .ft R , .ft B find .ft R , etc\&. consume the sequence down to a certain depth, which is a priori unpredictable\&. Similarly, among the functions that consume two sequences, one can distinguish two groups: .sp \- .ft B iter2 .ft R and .ft B fold_left2 .ft R consume both sequences all the way to the end, provided the sequences have the same length\&. .sp \- .ft B for_all2 .ft R , .ft B exists2 .ft R , .ft B equal .ft R , .ft B compare .ft R consume the sequences down to a certain depth, which is a priori unpredictable\&. The functions that consume two sequences can be applied to two sequences of distinct lengths: in that case, the excess elements in the longer sequence are ignored\&. (It may be the case that one excess element is demanded, even though this element is not used\&.) .sp None of the functions in this section is lazy\&. These functions are consumers: they force some computation to take place\&. .PP .I val is_empty : .B 'a t -> bool .sp .ft B is_empty xs .ft R determines whether the sequence .ft B xs .ft R is empty\&. .sp It is recommended that the sequence .ft B xs .ft R be persistent\&. Indeed, .ft B is_empty xs .ft R demands the head of the sequence .ft B xs .ft R , so, if .ft B xs .ft R is ephemeral, it may be the case that .ft B xs .ft R cannot be used any more after this call has taken place\&. .sp .B "Since" 4.14 .sp .I val uncons : .B 'a t -> ('a * 'a t) option .sp If .ft B xs .ft R is empty, then .ft B uncons xs .ft R is .ft B None .ft R \&. .sp If .ft B xs .ft R is nonempty, then .ft B uncons xs .ft R is .ft B Some (x, ys) .ft R where .ft B x .ft R is the head of the sequence and .ft B ys .ft R its tail\&. .sp .B "Since" 4.14 .sp .I val length : .B 'a t -> int .sp .ft B length xs .ft R is the length of the sequence .ft B xs .ft R \&. .sp The sequence .ft B xs .ft R must be finite\&. .sp .B "Since" 4.14 .sp .I val iter : .B ('a -> unit) -> 'a t -> unit .sp .ft B iter f xs .ft R invokes .ft B f x .ft R successively for every element .ft B x .ft R of the sequence .ft B xs .ft R , from left to right\&. .sp It terminates only if the sequence .ft B xs .ft R is finite\&. .sp .I val fold_left : .B ('acc -> 'a -> 'acc) -> 'acc -> 'a t -> 'acc .sp .ft B fold_left f _ xs .ft R invokes .ft B f _ x .ft R successively for every element .ft B x .ft R of the sequence .ft B xs .ft R , from left to right\&. .sp An accumulator of type .ft B \&'a .ft R is threaded through the calls to .ft B f .ft R \&. .sp It terminates only if the sequence .ft B xs .ft R is finite\&. .sp .I val iteri : .B (int -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a t -> unit .sp .ft B iteri f xs .ft R invokes .ft B f i x .ft R successively for every element .ft B x .ft R located at index .ft B i .ft R in the sequence .ft B xs .ft R \&. .sp It terminates only if the sequence .ft B xs .ft R is finite\&. .sp .ft B iteri f xs .ft R is equivalent to .ft B iter (fun (i, x) \-> f i x) (zip (ints 0) xs) .ft R \&. .sp .B "Since" 4.14 .sp .I val fold_lefti : .B ('acc -> int -> 'a -> 'acc) -> 'acc -> 'a t -> 'acc .sp .ft B fold_lefti f _ xs .ft R invokes .ft B f _ i x .ft R successively for every element .ft B x .ft R located at index .ft B i .ft R of the sequence .ft B xs .ft R \&. .sp An accumulator of type .ft B \&'b .ft R is threaded through the calls to .ft B f .ft R \&. .sp It terminates only if the sequence .ft B xs .ft R is finite\&. .sp .ft B fold_lefti f accu xs .ft R is equivalent to .ft B fold_left (fun accu (i, x) \-> f accu i x) accu (zip (ints 0) xs) .ft R \&. .sp .B "Since" 4.14 .sp .I val for_all : .B ('a -> bool) -> 'a t -> bool .sp .ft B for_all p xs .ft R determines whether all elements .ft B x .ft R of the sequence .ft B xs .ft R satisfy .ft B p x .ft R \&. .sp The sequence .ft B xs .ft R must be finite\&. .sp .B "Since" 4.14 .sp .I val exists : .B ('a -> bool) -> 'a t -> bool .sp .ft B exists xs p .ft R determines whether at least one element .ft B x .ft R of the sequence .ft B xs .ft R satisfies .ft B p x .ft R \&. .sp The sequence .ft B xs .ft R must be finite\&. .sp .B "Since" 4.14 .sp .I val find : .B ('a -> bool) -> 'a t -> 'a option .sp .ft B find p xs .ft R returns .ft B Some x .ft R , where .ft B x .ft R is the first element of the sequence .ft B xs .ft R that satisfies .ft B p x .ft R , if there is such an element\&. .sp It returns .ft B None .ft R if there is no such element\&. .sp The sequence .ft B xs .ft R must be finite\&. .sp .B "Since" 4.14 .sp .I val find_index : .B ('a -> bool) -> 'a t -> int option .sp .ft B find_index p xs .ft R returns .ft B Some i .ft R , where .ft B i .ft R is the index of the first element of the sequence .ft B xs .ft R that satisfies .ft B p x .ft R , if there is such an element\&. .sp It returns .ft B None .ft R if there is no such element\&. .sp The sequence .ft B xs .ft R must be finite\&. .sp .B "Since" 5.1 .sp .I val find_map : .B ('a -> 'b option) -> 'a t -> 'b option .sp .ft B find_map f xs .ft R returns .ft B Some y .ft R , where .ft B x .ft R is the first element of the sequence .ft B xs .ft R such that .ft B f x = Some _ .ft R , if there is such an element, and where .ft B y .ft R is defined by .ft B f x = Some y .ft R \&. .sp It returns .ft B None .ft R if there is no such element\&. .sp The sequence .ft B xs .ft R must be finite\&. .sp .B "Since" 4.14 .sp .I val find_mapi : .B (int -> 'a -> 'b option) -> 'a t -> 'b option .sp Same as .ft B find_map .ft R , but the predicate is applied to the index of the element as first argument (counting from 0), and the element itself as second argument\&. .sp The sequence .ft B xs .ft R must be finite\&. .sp .B "Since" 5.1 .sp .I val iter2 : .B ('a -> 'b -> unit) -> 'a t -> 'b t -> unit .sp .ft B iter2 f xs ys .ft R invokes .ft B f x y .ft R successively for every pair .ft B (x, y) .ft R of elements drawn synchronously from the sequences .ft B xs .ft R and .ft B ys .ft R \&. .sp If the sequences .ft B xs .ft R and .ft B ys .ft R have different lengths, then iteration stops as soon as one sequence is exhausted; the excess elements in the other sequence are ignored\&. .sp Iteration terminates only if at least one of the sequences .ft B xs .ft R and .ft B ys .ft R is finite\&. .sp .ft B iter2 f xs ys .ft R is equivalent to .ft B iter (fun (x, y) \-> f x y) (zip xs ys) .ft R \&. .sp .B "Since" 4.14 .sp .I val fold_left2 : .B ('acc -> 'a -> 'b -> 'acc) -> 'acc -> 'a t -> 'b t -> 'acc .sp .ft B fold_left2 f _ xs ys .ft R invokes .ft B f _ x y .ft R successively for every pair .ft B (x, y) .ft R of elements drawn synchronously from the sequences .ft B xs .ft R and .ft B ys .ft R \&. .sp An accumulator of type .ft B \&'a .ft R is threaded through the calls to .ft B f .ft R \&. .sp If the sequences .ft B xs .ft R and .ft B ys .ft R have different lengths, then iteration stops as soon as one sequence is exhausted; the excess elements in the other sequence are ignored\&. .sp Iteration terminates only if at least one of the sequences .ft B xs .ft R and .ft B ys .ft R is finite\&. .sp .ft B fold_left2 f accu xs ys .ft R is equivalent to .ft B fold_left (fun accu (x, y) \-> f accu x y) (zip xs ys) .ft R \&. .sp .B "Since" 4.14 .sp .I val for_all2 : .B ('a -> 'b -> bool) -> 'a t -> 'b t -> bool .sp .ft B for_all2 p xs ys .ft R determines whether all pairs .ft B (x, y) .ft R of elements drawn synchronously from the sequences .ft B xs .ft R and .ft B ys .ft R satisfy .ft B p x y .ft R \&. .sp If the sequences .ft B xs .ft R and .ft B ys .ft R have different lengths, then iteration stops as soon as one sequence is exhausted; the excess elements in the other sequence are ignored\&. In particular, if .ft B xs .ft R or .ft B ys .ft R is empty, then .ft B for_all2 p xs ys .ft R is true\&. This is where .ft B for_all2 .ft R and .ft B equal .ft R differ: .ft B equal eq xs ys .ft R can be true only if .ft B xs .ft R and .ft B ys .ft R have the same length\&. .sp At least one of the sequences .ft B xs .ft R and .ft B ys .ft R must be finite\&. .sp .ft B for_all2 p xs ys .ft R is equivalent to .ft B for_all (fun b \-> b) (map2 p xs ys) .ft R \&. .sp .B "Since" 4.14 .sp .I val exists2 : .B ('a -> 'b -> bool) -> 'a t -> 'b t -> bool .sp .ft B exists2 p xs ys .ft R determines whether some pair .ft B (x, y) .ft R of elements drawn synchronously from the sequences .ft B xs .ft R and .ft B ys .ft R satisfies .ft B p x y .ft R \&. .sp If the sequences .ft B xs .ft R and .ft B ys .ft R have different lengths, then iteration must stop as soon as one sequence is exhausted; the excess elements in the other sequence are ignored\&. .sp At least one of the sequences .ft B xs .ft R and .ft B ys .ft R must be finite\&. .sp .ft B exists2 p xs ys .ft R is equivalent to .ft B exists (fun b \-> b) (map2 p xs ys) .ft R \&. .sp .B "Since" 4.14 .sp .I val equal : .B ('a -> 'b -> bool) -> 'a t -> 'b t -> bool .sp Provided the function .ft B eq .ft R defines an equality on elements, .ft B equal eq xs ys .ft R determines whether the sequences .ft B xs .ft R and .ft B ys .ft R are pointwise equal\&. .sp At least one of the sequences .ft B xs .ft R and .ft B ys .ft R must be finite\&. .sp .B "Since" 4.14 .sp .I val compare : .B ('a -> 'b -> int) -> 'a t -> 'b t -> int .sp Provided the function .ft B cmp .ft R defines a preorder on elements, .ft B compare cmp xs ys .ft R compares the sequences .ft B xs .ft R and .ft B ys .ft R according to the lexicographic preorder\&. .sp For more details on comparison functions, see .ft B Array\&.sort .ft R \&. .sp At least one of the sequences .ft B xs .ft R and .ft B ys .ft R must be finite\&. .sp .B "Since" 4.14 .sp .PP .SS Constructing sequences .PP .PP The functions in this section are lazy: that is, they return sequences whose elements are computed only when demanded\&. .PP .I val empty : .B 'a t .sp .ft B empty .ft R is the empty sequence\&. It has no elements\&. Its length is 0\&. .sp .I val return : .B 'a -> 'a t .sp .ft B return x .ft R is the sequence whose sole element is .ft B x .ft R \&. Its length is 1\&. .sp .I val cons : .B 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t .sp .ft B cons x xs .ft R is the sequence that begins with the element .ft B x .ft R , followed with the sequence .ft B xs .ft R \&. .sp Writing .ft B cons (f()) xs .ft R causes the function call .ft B f() .ft R to take place immediately\&. For this call to be delayed until the sequence is queried, one must instead write .ft B (fun () \-> Cons(f(), xs)) .ft R \&. .sp .B "Since" 4.11 .sp .I val init : .B int -> (int -> 'a) -> 'a t .sp .ft B init n f .ft R is the sequence .ft B f 0; f 1; \&.\&.\&.; f (n\-1) .ft R \&. .sp .ft B n .ft R must be nonnegative\&. .sp If desired, the infinite sequence .ft B f 0; f 1; \&.\&.\&. .ft R can be defined as .ft B map f (ints 0) .ft R \&. .sp .B "Since" 4.14 .sp .B "Raises Invalid_argument" if .ft B n .ft R is negative\&. .sp .I val unfold : .B ('b -> ('a * 'b) option) -> 'b -> 'a t .sp .ft B unfold .ft R constructs a sequence out of a step function and an initial state\&. .sp If .ft B f u .ft R is .ft B None .ft R then .ft B unfold f u .ft R is the empty sequence\&. If .ft B f u .ft R is .ft B Some (x, u\&') .ft R then .ft B unfold f u .ft R is the nonempty sequence .ft B cons x (unfold f u\&') .ft R \&. .sp For example, .ft B unfold (function [] \-> None | h :: t \-> Some (h, t)) l .ft R is equivalent to .ft B List\&.to_seq l .ft R \&. .sp .B "Since" 4.11 .sp .I val repeat : .B 'a -> 'a t .sp .ft B repeat x .ft R is the infinite sequence where the element .ft B x .ft R is repeated indefinitely\&. .sp .ft B repeat x .ft R is equivalent to .ft B cycle (return x) .ft R \&. .sp .B "Since" 4.14 .sp .I val forever : .B (unit -> 'a) -> 'a t .sp .ft B forever f .ft R is an infinite sequence where every element is produced (on demand) by the function call .ft B f() .ft R \&. .sp For instance, .ft B forever Random\&.bool .ft R is an infinite sequence of random bits\&. .sp .ft B forever f .ft R is equivalent to .ft B map f (repeat ()) .ft R \&. .sp .B "Since" 4.14 .sp .I val cycle : .B 'a t -> 'a t .sp .ft B cycle xs .ft R is the infinite sequence that consists of an infinite number of repetitions of the sequence .ft B xs .ft R \&. .sp If .ft B xs .ft R is an empty sequence, then .ft B cycle xs .ft R is empty as well\&. .sp Consuming (a prefix of) the sequence .ft B cycle xs .ft R once can cause the sequence .ft B xs .ft R to be consumed more than once\&. Therefore, .ft B xs .ft R must be persistent\&. .sp .B "Since" 4.14 .sp .I val iterate : .B ('a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a t .sp .ft B iterate f x .ft R is the infinite sequence whose elements are .ft B x .ft R , .ft B f x .ft R , .ft B f (f x) .ft R , and so on\&. .sp In other words, it is the orbit of the function .ft B f .ft R , starting at .ft B x .ft R \&. .sp .B "Since" 4.14 .sp .PP .SS Transforming sequences .PP .PP The functions in this section are lazy: that is, they return sequences whose elements are computed only when demanded\&. .PP .I val map : .B ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t .sp .ft B map f xs .ft R is the image of the sequence .ft B xs .ft R through the transformation .ft B f .ft R \&. .sp If .ft B xs .ft R is the sequence .ft B x0; x1; \&.\&.\&. .ft R then .ft B map f xs .ft R is the sequence .ft B f x0; f x1; \&.\&.\&. .ft R \&. .sp .I val mapi : .B (int -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t .sp .ft B mapi .ft R is analogous to .ft B map .ft R , but applies the function .ft B f .ft R to an index and an element\&. .sp .ft B mapi f xs .ft R is equivalent to .ft B map2 f (ints 0) xs .ft R \&. .sp .B "Since" 4.14 .sp .I val filter : .B ('a -> bool) -> 'a t -> 'a t .sp .ft B filter p xs .ft R is the sequence of the elements .ft B x .ft R of .ft B xs .ft R that satisfy .ft B p x .ft R \&. .sp In other words, .ft B filter p xs .ft R is the sequence .ft B xs .ft R , deprived of the elements .ft B x .ft R such that .ft B p x .ft R is false\&. .sp .I val filter_map : .B ('a -> 'b option) -> 'a t -> 'b t .sp .ft B filter_map f xs .ft R is the sequence of the elements .ft B y .ft R such that .ft B f x = Some y .ft R , where .ft B x .ft R ranges over .ft B xs .ft R \&. .sp .ft B filter_map f xs .ft R is equivalent to .ft B map Option\&.get (filter Option\&.is_some (map f xs)) .ft R \&. .sp .I val scan : .B ('b -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a t -> 'b t .sp If .ft B xs .ft R is a sequence .ft B [x0; x1; x2; \&.\&.\&.] .ft R , then .ft B scan f a0 xs .ft R is a sequence of accumulators .ft B [a0; a1; a2; \&.\&.\&.] .ft R where .ft B a1 .ft R is .ft B f a0 x0 .ft R , .ft B a2 .ft R is .ft B f a1 x1 .ft R , and so on\&. .sp Thus, .ft B scan f a0 xs .ft R is conceptually related to .ft B fold_left f a0 xs .ft R \&. However, instead of performing an eager iteration and immediately returning the final accumulator, it returns a sequence of accumulators\&. .sp For instance, .ft B scan (+) 0 .ft R transforms a sequence of integers into the sequence of its partial sums\&. .sp If .ft B xs .ft R has length .ft B n .ft R then .ft B scan f a0 xs .ft R has length .ft B n+1 .ft R \&. .sp .B "Since" 4.14 .sp .I val take : .B int -> 'a t -> 'a t .sp .ft B take n xs .ft R is the sequence of the first .ft B n .ft R elements of .ft B xs .ft R \&. .sp If .ft B xs .ft R has fewer than .ft B n .ft R elements, then .ft B take n xs .ft R is equivalent to .ft B xs .ft R \&. .sp .ft B n .ft R must be nonnegative\&. .sp .B "Since" 4.14 .sp .B "Raises Invalid_argument" if .ft B n .ft R is negative\&. .sp .I val drop : .B int -> 'a t -> 'a t .sp .ft B drop n xs .ft R is the sequence .ft B xs .ft R , deprived of its first .ft B n .ft R elements\&. .sp If .ft B xs .ft R has fewer than .ft B n .ft R elements, then .ft B drop n xs .ft R is empty\&. .sp .ft B n .ft R must be nonnegative\&. .sp .ft B drop .ft R is lazy: the first .ft B n+1 .ft R elements of the sequence .ft B xs .ft R are demanded only when the first element of .ft B drop n xs .ft R is demanded\&. For this reason, .ft B drop 1 xs .ft R is not equivalent to .ft B tail xs .ft R , which queries .ft B xs .ft R immediately\&. .sp .B "Since" 4.14 .sp .B "Raises Invalid_argument" if .ft B n .ft R is negative\&. .sp .I val take_while : .B ('a -> bool) -> 'a t -> 'a t .sp .ft B take_while p xs .ft R is the longest prefix of the sequence .ft B xs .ft R where every element .ft B x .ft R satisfies .ft B p x .ft R \&. .sp .B "Since" 4.14 .sp .I val drop_while : .B ('a -> bool) -> 'a t -> 'a t .sp .ft B drop_while p xs .ft R is the sequence .ft B xs .ft R , deprived of the prefix .ft B take_while p xs .ft R \&. .sp .B "Since" 4.14 .sp .I val group : .B ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a t -> 'a t t .sp Provided the function .ft B eq .ft R defines an equality on elements, .ft B group eq xs .ft R is the sequence of the maximal runs of adjacent duplicate elements of the sequence .ft B xs .ft R \&. .sp Every element of .ft B group eq xs .ft R is a nonempty sequence of equal elements\&. .sp The concatenation .ft B concat (group eq xs) .ft R is equal to .ft B xs .ft R \&. .sp Consuming .ft B group eq xs .ft R , and consuming the sequences that it contains, can cause .ft B xs .ft R to be consumed more than once\&. Therefore, .ft B xs .ft R must be persistent\&. .sp .B "Since" 4.14 .sp .I val memoize : .B 'a t -> 'a t .sp The sequence .ft B memoize xs .ft R has the same elements as the sequence .ft B xs .ft R \&. .sp Regardless of whether .ft B xs .ft R is ephemeral or persistent, .ft B memoize xs .ft R is persistent: even if it is queried several times, .ft B xs .ft R is queried at most once\&. .sp The construction of the sequence .ft B memoize xs .ft R internally relies on suspensions provided by the module .ft B Lazy .ft R \&. These suspensions are not thread\-safe\&. Therefore, the sequence .ft B memoize xs .ft R must not be queried by multiple threads concurrently\&. .sp .B "Since" 4.14 .sp .I exception Forced_twice .sp This exception is raised when a sequence returned by .ft B Seq\&.once .ft R (or a suffix of it) is queried more than once\&. .sp .B "Since" 4.14 .sp .I val once : .B 'a t -> 'a t .sp The sequence .ft B once xs .ft R has the same elements as the sequence .ft B xs .ft R \&. .sp Regardless of whether .ft B xs .ft R is ephemeral or persistent, .ft B once xs .ft R is an ephemeral sequence: it can be queried at most once\&. If it (or a suffix of it) is queried more than once, then the exception .ft B Forced_twice .ft R is raised\&. This can be useful, while debugging or testing, to ensure that a sequence is consumed at most once\&. .sp .B "Since" 4.14 .sp .B "Raises Forced_twice" if .ft B once xs .ft R , or a suffix of it, is queried more than once\&. .sp .I val transpose : .B 'a t t -> 'a t t .sp If .ft B xss .ft R is a matrix (a sequence of rows), then .ft B transpose xss .ft R is the sequence of the columns of the matrix .ft B xss .ft R \&. .sp The rows of the matrix .ft B xss .ft R are not required to have the same length\&. .sp The matrix .ft B xss .ft R is not required to be finite (in either direction)\&. .sp The matrix .ft B xss .ft R must be persistent\&. .sp .B "Since" 4.14 .sp .PP .SS Combining sequences .PP .I val append : .B 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t .sp .ft B append xs ys .ft R is the concatenation of the sequences .ft B xs .ft R and .ft B ys .ft R \&. .sp Its elements are the elements of .ft B xs .ft R , followed by the elements of .ft B ys .ft R \&. .sp .B "Since" 4.11 .sp .I val concat : .B 'a t t -> 'a t .sp If .ft B xss .ft R is a sequence of sequences, then .ft B concat xss .ft R is its concatenation\&. .sp If .ft B xss .ft R is the sequence .ft B xs0; xs1; \&.\&.\&. .ft R then .ft B concat xss .ft R is the sequence .ft B xs0 @ xs1 @ \&.\&.\&. .ft R \&. .sp .B "Since" 4.13 .sp .I val flat_map : .B ('a -> 'b t) -> 'a t -> 'b t .sp .ft B flat_map f xs .ft R is equivalent to .ft B concat (map f xs) .ft R \&. .sp .I val concat_map : .B ('a -> 'b t) -> 'a t -> 'b t .sp .ft B concat_map f xs .ft R is equivalent to .ft B concat (map f xs) .ft R \&. .sp .ft B concat_map .ft R is an alias for .ft B flat_map .ft R \&. .sp .B "Since" 4.13 .sp .I val zip : .B 'a t -> 'b t -> ('a * 'b) t .sp .ft B zip xs ys .ft R is the sequence of pairs .ft B (x, y) .ft R drawn synchronously from the sequences .ft B xs .ft R and .ft B ys .ft R \&. .sp If the sequences .ft B xs .ft R and .ft B ys .ft R have different lengths, then the sequence ends as soon as one sequence is exhausted; the excess elements in the other sequence are ignored\&. .sp .ft B zip xs ys .ft R is equivalent to .ft B map2 (fun a b \-> (a, b)) xs ys .ft R \&. .sp .B "Since" 4.14 .sp .I val map2 : .B ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'a t -> 'b t -> 'c t .sp .ft B map2 f xs ys .ft R is the sequence of the elements .ft B f x y .ft R , where the pairs .ft B (x, y) .ft R are drawn synchronously from the sequences .ft B xs .ft R and .ft B ys .ft R \&. .sp If the sequences .ft B xs .ft R and .ft B ys .ft R have different lengths, then the sequence ends as soon as one sequence is exhausted; the excess elements in the other sequence are ignored\&. .sp .ft B map2 f xs ys .ft R is equivalent to .ft B map (fun (x, y) \-> f x y) (zip xs ys) .ft R \&. .sp .B "Since" 4.14 .sp .I val interleave : .B 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t .sp .ft B interleave xs ys .ft R is the sequence that begins with the first element of .ft B xs .ft R , continues with the first element of .ft B ys .ft R , and so on\&. .sp When one of the sequences .ft B xs .ft R and .ft B ys .ft R is exhausted, .ft B interleave xs ys .ft R continues with the rest of the other sequence\&. .sp .B "Since" 4.14 .sp .I val sorted_merge : .B ('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t .sp If the sequences .ft B xs .ft R and .ft B ys .ft R are sorted according to the total preorder .ft B cmp .ft R , then .ft B sorted_merge cmp xs ys .ft R is the sorted sequence obtained by merging the sequences .ft B xs .ft R and .ft B ys .ft R \&. .sp For more details on comparison functions, see .ft B Array\&.sort .ft R \&. .sp .B "Since" 4.14 .sp .I val product : .B 'a t -> 'b t -> ('a * 'b) t .sp .ft B product xs ys .ft R is the Cartesian product of the sequences .ft B xs .ft R and .ft B ys .ft R \&. .sp For every element .ft B x .ft R of .ft B xs .ft R and for every element .ft B y .ft R of .ft B ys .ft R , the pair .ft B (x, y) .ft R appears once as an element of .ft B product xs ys .ft R \&. .sp The order in which the pairs appear is unspecified\&. .sp The sequences .ft B xs .ft R and .ft B ys .ft R are not required to be finite\&. .sp The sequences .ft B xs .ft R and .ft B ys .ft R must be persistent\&. .sp .B "Since" 4.14 .sp .I val map_product : .B ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'a t -> 'b t -> 'c t .sp The sequence .ft B map_product f xs ys .ft R is the image through .ft B f .ft R of the Cartesian product of the sequences .ft B xs .ft R and .ft B ys .ft R \&. .sp For every element .ft B x .ft R of .ft B xs .ft R and for every element .ft B y .ft R of .ft B ys .ft R , the element .ft B f x y .ft R appears once as an element of .ft B map_product f xs ys .ft R \&. .sp The order in which these elements appear is unspecified\&. .sp The sequences .ft B xs .ft R and .ft B ys .ft R are not required to be finite\&. .sp The sequences .ft B xs .ft R and .ft B ys .ft R must be persistent\&. .sp .ft B map_product f xs ys .ft R is equivalent to .ft B map (fun (x, y) \-> f x y) (product xs ys) .ft R \&. .sp .B "Since" 4.14 .sp .PP .SS Splitting a sequence into two sequences .PP .I val unzip : .B ('a * 'b) t -> 'a t * 'b t .sp .ft B unzip .ft R transforms a sequence of pairs into a pair of sequences\&. .sp .ft B unzip xs .ft R is equivalent to .ft B (map fst xs, map snd xs) .ft R \&. .sp Querying either of the sequences returned by .ft B unzip xs .ft R causes .ft B xs .ft R to be queried\&. Therefore, querying both of them causes .ft B xs .ft R to be queried twice\&. Thus, .ft B xs .ft R must be persistent and cheap\&. If that is not the case, use .ft B unzip (memoize xs) .ft R \&. .sp .B "Since" 4.14 .sp .I val split : .B ('a * 'b) t -> 'a t * 'b t .sp .ft B split .ft R is an alias for .ft B unzip .ft R \&. .sp .B "Since" 4.14 .sp .I val partition_map : .B ('a -> ('b, 'c) Either.t) -> 'a t -> 'b t * 'c t .sp .ft B partition_map f xs .ft R returns a pair of sequences .ft B (ys, zs) .ft R , where: .sp .sp \- .ft B ys .ft R is the sequence of the elements .ft B y .ft R such that .ft B f x = Left y .ft R , where .ft B x .ft R ranges over .ft B xs .ft R ; .sp \- .ft B zs .ft R is the sequence of the elements .ft B z .ft R such that .ft B f x = Right z .ft R , where .ft B x .ft R ranges over .ft B xs .ft R \&. .ft B partition_map f xs .ft R is equivalent to a pair of .ft B filter_map Either\&.find_left (map f xs) .ft R and .ft B filter_map Either\&.find_right (map f xs) .ft R \&. .sp Querying either of the sequences returned by .ft B partition_map f xs .ft R causes .ft B xs .ft R to be queried\&. Therefore, querying both of them causes .ft B xs .ft R to be queried twice\&. Thus, .ft B xs .ft R must be persistent and cheap\&. If that is not the case, use .ft B partition_map f (memoize xs) .ft R \&. .sp .B "Since" 4.14 .sp .I val partition : .B ('a -> bool) -> 'a t -> 'a t * 'a t .sp .ft B partition p xs .ft R returns a pair of the subsequence of the elements of .ft B xs .ft R that satisfy .ft B p .ft R and the subsequence of the elements of .ft B xs .ft R that do not satisfy .ft B p .ft R \&. .sp .ft B partition p xs .ft R is equivalent to .ft B filter p xs, filter (fun x \-> not (p x)) xs .ft R \&. .sp Consuming both of the sequences returned by .ft B partition p xs .ft R causes .ft B xs .ft R to be consumed twice and causes the function .ft B f .ft R to be applied twice to each element of the list\&. Therefore, .ft B f .ft R should be pure and cheap\&. Furthermore, .ft B xs .ft R should be persistent and cheap\&. If that is not the case, use .ft B partition p (memoize xs) .ft R \&. .sp .B "Since" 4.14 .sp .PP .SS Converting between sequences and dispensers .PP .PP A dispenser is a representation of a sequence as a function of type .ft B unit \-> \&'a option .ft R \&. Every time this function is invoked, it returns the next element of the sequence\&. When there are no more elements, it returns .ft B None .ft R \&. A dispenser has mutable internal state, therefore is ephemeral: the sequence that it represents can be consumed at most once\&. .PP .I val of_dispenser : .B (unit -> 'a option) -> 'a t .sp .ft B of_dispenser it .ft R is the sequence of the elements produced by the dispenser .ft B it .ft R \&. It is an ephemeral sequence: it can be consumed at most once\&. If a persistent sequence is needed, use .ft B memoize (of_dispenser it) .ft R \&. .sp .B "Since" 4.14 .sp .I val to_dispenser : .B 'a t -> unit -> 'a option .sp .ft B to_dispenser xs .ft R is a fresh dispenser on the sequence .ft B xs .ft R \&. .sp This dispenser has mutable internal state, which is not protected by a lock; so, it must not be used by several threads concurrently\&. .sp .B "Since" 4.14 .sp .PP .SS Sequences of integers .PP .I val ints : .B int -> int t .sp .ft B ints i .ft R is the infinite sequence of the integers beginning at .ft B i .ft R and counting up\&. .sp .B "Since" 4.14 .sp