.TH "SoSFVec2s" 3 "Fri Sep 6 2024 15:32:06" "Version 4.0.3" "Coin" \" -*- nroff -*- .ad l .nh .SH NAME SoSFVec2s \- The \fBSoSFVec2s\fP class is a container for an \fBSbVec2s\fP vector\&. .SH SYNOPSIS .br .PP .PP \fR#include \fP .PP Inherits \fBSoSField\fP\&. .SS "Public Member Functions" .in +1c .ti -1c .RI "virtual \fBSoType\fP \fBgetTypeId\fP (void) const" .br .ti -1c .RI "virtual void \fBcopyFrom\fP (const \fBSoField\fP &field)" .br .ti -1c .RI "const \fBSoSFVec2s\fP & \fBoperator=\fP (const \fBSoSFVec2s\fP &field)" .br .ti -1c .RI "virtual SbBool \fBisSame\fP (const \fBSoField\fP &field) const" .br .ti -1c .RI "\fBSbVec2s\fP \fBgetValue\fP (void) const" .br .ti -1c .RI "void \fBsetValue\fP (\fBSbVec2s\fP newvalue)" .br .ti -1c .RI "\fBSbVec2s\fP \fBoperator=\fP (\fBSbVec2s\fP newvalue)" .br .ti -1c .RI "int \fBoperator==\fP (const \fBSoSFVec2s\fP &field) const" .br .ti -1c .RI "int \fBoperator!=\fP (const \fBSoSFVec2s\fP &field) const" .br .ti -1c .RI "void \fBsetValue\fP (short x, short y)" .br .ti -1c .RI "void \fBsetValue\fP (const short xy[2])" .br .in -1c Public Member Functions inherited from \fBSoSField\fP .in +1c .ti -1c .RI "virtual \fB~SoSField\fP ()" .br .in -1c Public Member Functions inherited from \fBSoField\fP .in +1c .ti -1c .RI "virtual \fB~SoField\fP ()" .br .ti -1c .RI "void \fBsetIgnored\fP (SbBool ignore)" .br .ti -1c .RI "SbBool \fBisIgnored\fP (void) const" .br .ti -1c .RI "void \fBsetDefault\fP (SbBool defaultVal)" .br .ti -1c .RI "SbBool \fBisDefault\fP (void) const" .br .ti -1c .RI "SbBool \fBisOfType\fP (const \fBSoType\fP type) const" .br .ti -1c .RI "void \fBenableConnection\fP (SbBool flag)" .br .ti -1c .RI "SbBool \fBisConnectionEnabled\fP (void) const" .br .ti -1c .RI "SbBool \fBconnectFrom\fP (\fBSoEngineOutput\fP *master, SbBool notnotify=FALSE, SbBool append=FALSE)" .br .ti -1c .RI "SbBool \fBappendConnection\fP (\fBSoEngineOutput\fP *master, SbBool notnotify=FALSE)" .br .ti -1c .RI "void \fBdisconnect\fP (\fBSoEngineOutput\fP *engineoutput)" .br .ti -1c .RI "SbBool \fBisConnectedFromEngine\fP (void) const" .br .ti -1c .RI "SbBool \fBgetConnectedEngine\fP (\fBSoEngineOutput\fP *&master) const" .br .ti -1c .RI "SbBool \fBconnectFrom\fP (\fBSoField\fP *master, SbBool notnotify=FALSE, SbBool append=FALSE)" .br .ti -1c .RI "SbBool \fBappendConnection\fP (\fBSoField\fP *master, SbBool notnotify=FALSE)" .br .ti -1c .RI "void \fBdisconnect\fP (\fBSoField\fP *field)" .br .ti -1c .RI "SbBool \fBisConnectedFromField\fP (void) const" .br .ti -1c .RI "SbBool \fBgetConnectedField\fP (\fBSoField\fP *&master) const" .br .ti -1c .RI "int \fBgetNumConnections\fP (void) const" .br .ti -1c .RI "int \fBgetForwardConnections\fP (\fBSoFieldList\fP &slavelist) const" .br .ti -1c .RI "int \fBgetConnections\fP (\fBSoFieldList\fP &masterlist) const" .br .ti -1c .RI "void \fBdisconnect\fP (void)" .br .ti -1c .RI "SbBool \fBisConnected\fP (void) const" .br .ti -1c .RI "void \fBsetContainer\fP (\fBSoFieldContainer\fP *cont)" .br .ti -1c .RI "\fBSoFieldContainer\fP * \fBgetContainer\fP (void) const" .br .ti -1c .RI "SbBool \fBset\fP (const char *valuestring)" .br .ti -1c .RI "void \fBget\fP (\fBSbString\fP &valuestring)" .br .ti -1c .RI "SbBool \fBshouldWrite\fP (void) const" .br .ti -1c .RI "virtual void \fBtouch\fP (void)" .br .ti -1c .RI "virtual void \fBstartNotify\fP (void)" .br .ti -1c .RI "virtual void \fBnotify\fP (\fBSoNotList\fP *nlist)" .br .ti -1c .RI "SbBool \fBenableNotify\fP (SbBool on)" .br .ti -1c .RI "SbBool \fBisNotifyEnabled\fP (void) const" .br .ti -1c .RI "void \fBaddAuditor\fP (void *f, \fBSoNotRec::Type\fP type)" .br .ti -1c .RI "void \fBremoveAuditor\fP (void *f, \fBSoNotRec::Type\fP type)" .br .ti -1c .RI "int \fBoperator==\fP (const \fBSoField\fP &f) const" .br .ti -1c .RI "int \fBoperator!=\fP (const \fBSoField\fP &f) const" .br .ti -1c .RI "virtual void \fBconnectionStatusChanged\fP (int numconnections)" .br .ti -1c .RI "SbBool \fBisReadOnly\fP (void) const" .br .ti -1c .RI "virtual void \fBfixCopy\fP (SbBool copyconnections)" .br .ti -1c .RI "virtual SbBool \fBreferencesCopy\fP (void) const" .br .ti -1c .RI "void \fBcopyConnection\fP (const \fBSoField\fP *fromfield)" .br .ti -1c .RI "virtual SbBool \fBread\fP (\fBSoInput\fP *input, const \fBSbName\fP &name)" .br .ti -1c .RI "virtual void \fBwrite\fP (\fBSoOutput\fP *out, const \fBSbName\fP &name) const" .br .ti -1c .RI "virtual void \fBcountWriteRefs\fP (\fBSoOutput\fP *out) const" .br .ti -1c .RI "void \fBsetFieldType\fP (int type)" .br .ti -1c .RI "int \fBgetFieldType\fP (void) const" .br .ti -1c .RI "SbBool \fBgetDirty\fP (void) const" .br .ti -1c .RI "void \fBsetDirty\fP (SbBool dirty)" .br .ti -1c .RI "void \fBevaluate\fP (void) const" .br .in -1c .SS "Static Public Member Functions" .in +1c .ti -1c .RI "static void * \fBcreateInstance\fP (void)" .br .ti -1c .RI "static \fBSoType\fP \fBgetClassTypeId\fP (void)" .br .ti -1c .RI "static void \fBinitClass\fP (void)" .br .in -1c Static Public Member Functions inherited from \fBSoSField\fP .in +1c .ti -1c .RI "static void \fBinitClass\fP (void)" .br .ti -1c .RI "static \fBSoType\fP \fBgetClassTypeId\fP (void)" .br .ti -1c .RI "static void \fBatexit_cleanup\fP (void)" .br .in -1c Static Public Member Functions inherited from \fBSoField\fP .in +1c .ti -1c .RI "static void \fBinitClass\fP (void)" .br .ti -1c .RI "static void \fBinitClasses\fP (void)" .br .ti -1c .RI "static void \fBcleanupClass\fP (void)" .br .ti -1c .RI "static \fBSoType\fP \fBgetClassTypeId\fP (void)" .br .in -1c .SS "Protected Attributes" .in +1c .ti -1c .RI "\fBSbVec2s\fP \fBvalue\fP" .br .in -1c .SS "Additional Inherited Members" Public Types inherited from \fBSoField\fP .in +1c .ti -1c .RI "enum \fBFieldType\fP { \fBNORMAL_FIELD\fP = 0, \fBEVENTIN_FIELD\fP, \fBEVENTOUT_FIELD\fP, \fBEXPOSED_FIELD\fP }" .br .in -1c Public Attributes inherited from \fBSoField\fP Protected Member Functions inherited from \fBSoSField\fP .in +1c .ti -1c .RI "\fBSoSField\fP (void)" .br .in -1c Protected Member Functions inherited from \fBSoField\fP .in +1c .ti -1c .RI "\fBSoField\fP (void)" .br .ti -1c .RI "void \fBvalueChanged\fP (SbBool resetdefault=TRUE)" .br .ti -1c .RI "virtual void \fBevaluateConnection\fP (void) const" .br .ti -1c .RI "virtual SbBool \fBreadConnection\fP (\fBSoInput\fP *in)" .br .ti -1c .RI "virtual void \fBwriteConnection\fP (\fBSoOutput\fP *out) const" .br .ti -1c .RI "SbBool \fBisDestructing\fP (void) const" .br .ti -1c .RI "virtual \fBSoNotRec\fP \fBcreateNotRec\fP (\fBSoBase\fP *cont)" .br .in -1c .SH "Detailed Description" .PP The \fBSoSFVec2s\fP class is a container for an \fBSbVec2s\fP vector\&. This field is used where nodes, engines or other field containers need to store a single vector with two elements\&. .PP \fBSee also\fP .RS 4 \fBSoMFVec2s\fP Be aware that this class is an extension for Coin, and it is not available in the original SGI Open Inventor v2\&.1 API\&. .br .RE .PP \fBSince\fP .RS 4 Coin 2\&.0 .RE .PP .SH "Member Function Documentation" .PP .SS "void * SoSFVec2s::createInstance (void )\fR [static]\fP" \fIThis API member is considered internal to the library, as it is not likely to be of interest to the application programmer\&.\fP .br .br Creates a new instance of the class type corresponding to the \fBSoType\fP object\&. .br .SS "\fBSoType\fP SoSFVec2s::getClassTypeId (void )\fR [static]\fP" This static method returns the \fBSoType\fP object associated with objects of this class\&. .br .SS "\fBSoType\fP SoSFVec2s::getTypeId (void ) const\fR [virtual]\fP" Returns the type identification of an object derived from a class inheriting \fBSoField\fP\&. This is used for runtime type checking and 'downward' casting\&. .br .PP Implements \fBSoField\fP\&. .SS "void SoSFVec2s::copyFrom (const \fBSoField\fP & f)\fR [virtual]\fP" Copy value(s) from \fIf\fP into this field\&. \fIf\fP must be of the same type as this field\&. .PP Implements \fBSoField\fP\&. .SS "SbBool SoSFVec2s::isSame (const \fBSoField\fP & f) const\fR [virtual]\fP" Check for equal type and value(s)\&. .PP Implements \fBSoField\fP\&. .SS "void SoSFVec2s::initClass (void )\fR [static]\fP" Internal method called upon initialization of the library (from \fBSoDB::init()\fP) to set up the type system\&. .SS "void SoSFVec2s::setValue (short x, short y)" Set value of vector\&. .SS "void SoSFVec2s::setValue (const short xy[2])" Set value of vector\&. .SH "Author" .PP Generated automatically by Doxygen for Coin from the source code\&.