SoGLLazyElement(3) Coin SoGLLazyElement(3) NAME SoGLLazyElement - The SoGLLazyElement class is meant to optimize GL rendering. SYNOPSIS #include Inherits SoLazyElement. Classes struct GLState Public Member Functions virtual void init (SoState *state) virtual void push (SoState *state) virtual void pop (SoState *state, const SoElement *prevtopelement) void sendDiffuseByIndex (const int index) const FIXME: write doc. void send (const SoState *state, uint32_t mask) const FIXME: write doc. void sendVPPacked (SoState *state, const unsigned char *pcolor) FIXME: write doc. void reset (SoState *state, uint32_t bitmask) const virtual void setDiffuseElt (SoNode *, int32_t numcolors, const SbColor *colors, SoColorPacker *packer) virtual void setPackedElt (SoNode *node, int32_t numcolors, const uint32_t *colors, const SbBool packedtransparency) virtual void setColorIndexElt (SoNode *node, int32_t numindices, const int32_t *indices) virtual void setTranspElt (SoNode *node, int32_t numtransp, const float *transp, SoColorPacker *packer) virtual void setTranspTypeElt (int32_t type) virtual void setAmbientElt (const SbColor *color) virtual void setEmissiveElt (const SbColor *color) virtual void setSpecularElt (const SbColor *color) virtual void setShininessElt (float value) virtual void setColorMaterialElt (SbBool value) virtual void enableBlendingElt (int sfactor, int dfactor, int alpha_sfactor, int alpha_dfactor) virtual void disableBlendingElt (void) virtual void setLightModelElt (SoState *state, int32_t model) virtual void setMaterialElt (SoNode *node, uint32_t bitmask, SoColorPacker *packer, const SbColor *diffuse, const int numdiffuse, const float *transp, const int numtransp, const SbColor &ambient, const SbColor &emissive, const SbColor &specular, const float shininess, const SbBool istransparent) virtual void setVertexOrderingElt (VertexOrdering ordering) virtual void setBackfaceCullingElt (SbBool onoff) virtual void setTwosideLightingElt (SbBool onoff) virtual void setShadeModelElt (SbBool flatshading) virtual void setAlphaTestElt (int func, float value) void updateColorVBO (SoVBO *vbo) Public Member Functions inherited from SoLazyElement virtual SbBool matches (const SoElement *) const virtual SoElement * copyMatchInfo (void) const int32_t getNumDiffuse (void) const int32_t getNumTransparencies (void) const int32_t getNumColorIndices (void) const SbBool isPacked (void) const SbBool isTransparent (void) const const uint32_t * getPackedPointer (void) const const SbColor * getDiffusePointer (void) const const int32_t * getColorIndexPointer (void) const const float * getTransparencyPointer (void) const Public Member Functions inherited from SoElement const SoType getTypeId (void) const int getStackIndex (void) const void setDepth (const int depth) int getDepth (void) const virtual void print (FILE *file=stdout) const virtual ~SoElement () Static Public Member Functions static SoType getClassTypeId (void) static int getClassStackIndex (void) static void * createInstance (void) static void initClass () static void sendAllMaterial (SoState *state) FIXME: write doc. static void sendNoMaterial (SoState *state) FIXME: write doc. static void sendOnlyDiffuseColor (SoState *state) FIXME: write doc. static void sendLightModel (SoState *state, const int32_t model) static void sendPackedDiffuse (SoState *state, const uint32_t diffuse) static void sendFlatshading (SoState *state, const SbBool onoff) static void sendVertexOrdering (SoState *state, const VertexOrdering ordering) static void sendTwosideLighting (SoState *state, const SbBool onoff) static void sendBackfaceCulling (SoState *state, const SbBool onoff) static SbBool isColorIndex (SoState *state) FIXME: write doc. static SoGLLazyElement * getInstance (const SoState *state) FIXME: write doc. static void beginCaching (SoState *state, SoGLLazyElement::GLState *prestate, SoGLLazyElement::GLState *poststate) static void endCaching (SoState *state) static SbBool preCacheCall (const SoState *state, const SoGLLazyElement::GLState *prestate) static void postCacheCall (const SoState *state, const SoGLLazyElement::GLState *poststate) static void mergeCacheInfo (SoState *state, SoGLLazyElement::GLState *childprestate, SoGLLazyElement::GLState *childpoststate) Static Public Member Functions inherited from SoLazyElement static SoType getClassTypeId (void) static int getClassStackIndex (void) static void * createInstance (void) static void initClass () static void setToDefault (SoState *state) static void setDiffuse (SoState *state, SoNode *node, int32_t numcolors, const SbColor *colors, SoColorPacker *packer) static void setTransparency (SoState *state, SoNode *node, int32_t numvalues, const float *transparency, SoColorPacker *packer) static void setPacked (SoState *state, SoNode *node, int32_t numcolors, const uint32_t *colors, const SbBool packedtransparency=FALSE) static void setColorIndices (SoState *state, SoNode *node, int32_t numindices, const int32_t *indices) static void setAmbient (SoState *state, const SbColor *color) static void setEmissive (SoState *state, const SbColor *color) static void setSpecular (SoState *state, const SbColor *color) static void setShininess (SoState *state, float value) static void setColorMaterial (SoState *state, SbBool value) static void enableBlending (SoState *state, int sfactor, int dfactor) static void enableSeparateBlending (SoState *state, int sfactor, int dfactor, int alpha_sfactor, int alpha_dfactor) static void disableBlending (SoState *state) static void setLightModel (SoState *state, const int32_t model) static void setVertexOrdering (SoState *state, VertexOrdering ordering) static void setBackfaceCulling (SoState *state, SbBool onoff) static void setTwosideLighting (SoState *state, SbBool onoff) static void setShadeModel (SoState *state, SbBool flatshading) static void setAlphaTest (SoState *state, int func, float value) static const SbColor & getDiffuse (SoState *state, int index) static float getTransparency (SoState *, int index) static const uint32_t * getPackedColors (SoState *) static const int32_t * getColorIndices (SoState *) static int32_t getColorIndex (SoState *, int num) static const SbColor & getAmbient (SoState *) static const SbColor & getEmissive (SoState *) static const SbColor & getSpecular (SoState *) static float getShininess (SoState *) static SbBool getColorMaterial (SoState *) static SbBool getBlending (SoState *, int &sfactor, int &dfactor) static SbBool getAlphaBlending (SoState *, int &sfactor, int &dfactor) static int32_t getLightModel (SoState *) static int getAlphaTest (SoState *state, float &value) static SbBool getTwoSidedLighting (SoState *state) static SoLazyElement * getInstance (SoState *state) static float getDefaultAmbientIntensity (void) static SbColor getDefaultDiffuse (void) static SbColor getDefaultAmbient (void) static SbColor getDefaultSpecular (void) static SbColor getDefaultEmissive (void) static float getDefaultShininess (void) static uint32_t getDefaultPacked (void) static float getDefaultTransparency (void) static int32_t getDefaultLightModel (void) static int32_t getDefaultColorIndex (void) static void setMaterials (SoState *state, SoNode *node, uint32_t bitmask, SoColorPacker *cPacker, const SbColor *diffuse, const int numdiffuse, const float *transp, const int numtransp, const SbColor &ambient, const SbColor &emissive, const SbColor &specular, const float shininess, const SbBool istransparent) static SoLazyElement * getWInstance (SoState *state) static void setTransparencyType (SoState *state, int32_t type) Static Public Member Functions inherited from SoElement static void initClass (void) static SoType getClassTypeId (void) static int getClassStackIndex (void) static void initElements (void) static int getNumStackIndices (void) static SoType getIdFromStackIndex (const int stackIndex) Protected Member Functions ~SoGLLazyElement () virtual void lazyDidSet (uint32_t mask) virtual void lazyDidntSet (uint32_t mask) Protected Member Functions inherited from SoLazyElement ~SoLazyElement () Protected Member Functions inherited from SoElement SoElement (void) void capture (SoState *const state) const virtual void captureThis (SoState *state) const void setTypeId (const SoType typeId) void setStackIndex (const int index) SoElement * getNextInStack (void) const SoElement * getNextFree (void) const Additional Inherited Members Public Types inherited from SoLazyElement enum cases { LIGHT_MODEL_CASE = 0, COLOR_MATERIAL_CASE, DIFFUSE_CASE, AMBIENT_CASE, EMISSIVE_CASE, SPECULAR_CASE, SHININESS_CASE, BLENDING_CASE, TRANSPARENCY_CASE, VERTEXORDERING_CASE, TWOSIDE_CASE, CULLING_CASE, SHADE_MODEL_CASE, ALPHATEST_CASE, GLIMAGE_CASE, LAZYCASES_LAST } enum masks { LIGHT_MODEL_MASK = 1 << LIGHT_MODEL_CASE, COLOR_MATERIAL_MASK = 1 << COLOR_MATERIAL_CASE, DIFFUSE_MASK = 1 << DIFFUSE_CASE, AMBIENT_MASK = 1 << AMBIENT_CASE, EMISSIVE_MASK = 1<