Smokeping_probes_AnotherSSH(3) SmokePing Smokeping_probes_AnotherSSH(3) NAME Smokeping::probes::AnotherSSH - Another SSH probe SYNOPSIS *** Probes *** +AnotherSSH forks = 5 offset = 50% step = 300 # The following variables can be overridden in each target section /^influx_.+/ = influx_location = In the basement greeting = SSH-Latency-Measurement-Sorry-for-this-logmessage interval = established mininterval = 0.5 pings = 5 port = 22 timeout = 5 # [...] *** Targets *** probe = AnotherSSH # if this should be the default probe # [...] + mytarget # probe = AnotherSSH # if the default probe is something else host = /^influx_.+/ = influx_location = In the basement greeting = SSH-Latency-Measurement-Sorry-for-this-logmessage interval = established mininterval = 0.5 pings = 5 port = 22 timeout = 5 DESCRIPTION Latency measurement using SSH. This generates Logfile messages on the other Host, so get permission from the owner first! VARIABLES Supported probe-specific variables: forks Run this many concurrent processes at maximum Example value: 5 Default value: 5 offset If you run many probes concurrently you may want to prevent them from hitting your network all at the same time. Using the probe- specific offset parameter you can change the point in time when each probe will be run. Offset is specified in % of total interval, or alternatively as 'random', and the offset from the 'General' section is used if nothing is specified here. Note that this does NOT influence the rrds itself, it is just a matter of when data acquisition is initiated. (This variable is only applicable if the variable 'concurrentprobes' is set in the 'General' section.) Example value: 50% step Duration of the base interval that this probe should use, if different from the one specified in the 'Database' section. Note that the step in the RRD files is fixed when they are originally generated, and if you change the step parameter afterwards, you'll have to delete the old RRD files or somehow convert them. (This variable is only applicable if the variable 'concurrentprobes' is set in the 'General' section.) Example value: 300 Supported target-specific variables: /^influx_.+/ This is a tag that will be sent to influxdb and has no impact on the probe measurement. The tag name will be sent without the "influx_" prefix, which will be replaced with "tag_" instead. Tags can be used for filtering. Example value: influx_location = In the basement greeting Greeting string to send to the SSH Server. This will appear in the Logfile. Use this to make clear, who you are and what you are doing to avoid confusion. Also, don't use something that is a valid version string. This probe assumes that the connection gets terminated because of protocol mismatch. Default value: SSH-Latency-Measurement-Sorry-for-this-logmessage interval The interval to be measured. One of: connect Interval between connect() and the greeting string from the host. established Interval between our greeting message and the end of the connection because of Protocol mismatch. This is the default. complete From connect() to the end of the connection. Default value: established mininterval Minimum interval between the start of two connection attempts in (possibly fractional) seconds. Default value: 0.5 pings How many pings should be sent to each target, if different from the global value specified in the Database section. Note that the number of pings in the RRD files is fixed when they are originally generated, and if you change this parameter afterwards, you'll have to delete the old RRD files or somehow convert them. Example value: 5 port Connect to this port. Default value: 22 timeout Timeout for the connection. Default value: 5 AUTHORS Christoph Heine 2.8.2 2024-07-13 Smokeping_probes_AnotherSSH(3)