SbViewportRegion(3) Coin SbViewportRegion(3)

SbViewportRegion - The SbViewportRegion class is a viewport within a full window.

#include <Inventor/SbViewportRegion.h>

SbViewportRegion (void)
SbViewportRegion (short width, short height)
SbViewportRegion (SbVec2s winSize)
SbViewportRegion (const SbViewportRegion &vpReg)
void setWindowSize (short width, short height)
void setWindowSize (SbVec2s winSize)
void setViewport (float left, float bottom, float width, float height)
void setViewport (SbVec2f origin, SbVec2f size)
void setViewportPixels (short left, short bottom, short width, short height)
void setViewportPixels (SbVec2s origin, SbVec2s size)
const SbVec2s & getWindowSize (void) const
const SbVec2f & getViewportOrigin (void) const
const SbVec2s & getViewportOriginPixels (void) const
const SbVec2f & getViewportSize (void) const
const SbVec2s & getViewportSizePixels (void) const
float getViewportAspectRatio (void) const
void scaleWidth (float ratio)
void scaleHeight (float ratio)
void setPixelsPerInch (float ppi)
float getPixelsPerInch (void) const
float getPixelsPerPoint (void) const
void print (FILE *file) const

The SbViewportRegion class is a viewport within a full window.

The SbViewportRegion class contains information to represent a subview within a window. It stores information about the origin and size of the subview, as well as the size of the underlying 'full' window.

Available methods include inquiries and manipulation in both normalized coordinates and pixel coordinates.

Below is a small example showing how the viewport of a viewer class can be modified, within a 'proper' Coin and window system context. Hit 'D' or 'U' to move the viewport region 40 pixels down or up, respectively. Click 'Esc' and zoom with left + middle mouse buttons, to see how the region is defined, where no 3D geometry will be visible outside it. Click 'Esc' again to use 'U' and 'D'.

// Copyright (C) by Kongsberg Oil & Gas Technologies. All rights reserved.
#include <Inventor/Qt/SoQt.h>
#include <Inventor/Qt/viewers/SoQtExaminerViewer.h>
#include <Inventor/nodes/SoEventCallback.h>
#include <Inventor/nodes/SoSeparator.h>
#include <Inventor/nodes/SoCone.h>
#include <Inventor/events/SoKeyboardEvent.h>
// ************************************************************
static void
keypresscbfunc(void * userdata, SoEventCallback * keyboardcb)
  SoQtExaminerViewer * viewer = (SoQtExaminerViewer *)userdata;
  const SoEvent * event = keyboardcb->getEvent();
  int shift = 0;
  if (SO_KEY_PRESS_EVENT(event, U)) {
    shift = 40;
  else if (SO_KEY_PRESS_EVENT(event, D)) {
    shift = -40;
  if (keyboardcb->isHandled()) {
    SbViewportRegion vpr = viewer->getViewportRegion();
    SbVec2s size = vpr.getViewportSizePixels();
    SbVec2s origin = vpr.getViewportOriginPixels();
    origin[1] -= shift;
    vpr.setViewportPixels(origin, size);
// ************************************************************
main(int argc, char ** argv)
  QWidget * window = SoQt::init(argv[0]);
  SoSeparator * root = new SoSeparator;
  root->addChild(new SoCone);
  SoQtExaminerViewer * viewer = new SoQtExaminerViewer(window);
  SoEventCallback * eventcb = new SoEventCallback;
                            keypresscbfunc, viewer);
  root->insertChild(eventcb, 0);
  delete viewer;
  return 0;

See also


The default SbViewportRegion constructor initializes the viewport to fully cover a [100, 100] size window with 72 pixels per inch resolution.

Construct and initialize an SbViewportRegion instance with the given pixel value window dimensions. The viewport within this window will be set to cover the window completely.

Construct and initialize an SbViewportRegion instance with the given pixel value window dimensions. The viewport within this window will be set to cover the window completely.

Copy constructor.

Set the window size in pixels. The viewport rectangle dimensions will stay intact.

See also


This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

Set up the origin and size of the viewport region in normalized coordinates.

See also

getViewportOrigin(), getViewportSize(), setViewportPixels().

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

Set up the origin and size of the viewport region in pixel coordinates.

See also

getViewportOriginPixels(), getViewportSizePixels(), setViewport()

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

const SbVec2s & SbViewportRegion::getWindowSize (void ) const

Returns window dimensions (which are in absolute (i.e. pixel) coordinates).

See also


const SbVec2f & SbViewportRegion::getViewportOrigin (void ) const

Return normalized viewport origin coordinates.

See also

setViewport(), getViewportOriginPixels().

const SbVec2s & SbViewportRegion::getViewportOriginPixels (void ) const

Return viewport origin coordinates in pixel values.

See also

setViewportPixels(), getViewportOrigin().

const SbVec2f & SbViewportRegion::getViewportSize (void ) const

Returns the normalized viewport size.

See also

setViewport(), getViewportSizePixels().

const SbVec2s & SbViewportRegion::getViewportSizePixels (void ) const

Returns viewport size in pixel coordinates.

See also

setViewportPixels(), getViewportSize().

Returns the aspect ratio of the viewport region. The aspect ratio is calculated as pixelwidth divided on pixelheight.

Scale the width of the viewport region.

The scale factor should not make the viewport larger than the window. If this happens, the viewport will be clamped.

The scaling will be done around the viewport region center point, but if this causes the viewport origin to be moved below (0,0), the origin coordinates will be clamped.

See also


Scale the height of the viewport region.

The scale factor should not make the viewport larger than the window. If this happens, the viewport will be clamped.

The scaling will be done around the viewport region center point, but if this causes the viewport origin to be moved below (0,0), the origin coordinates will be clamped.

See also


Set pixels per inch. Default value is 72.

See also


Get pixels per inch.

See also


Get pixels per point. A point is defined as something you can put 72 of per inch...

See also

setPixelsPerInch(), getPixelsPerInch().

Dump the state of this object to the fp file stream. Only works in debug version of library, method does nothing in an optimized build.

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Fri Sep 6 2024 15:32:06 Version 4.0.3