SbBox2d(3) Coin SbBox2d(3) NAME SbBox2d - The SbBox2d class is a 2 dimensional box with double precision corner coordinates. SYNOPSIS #include Public Member Functions SbBox2d (void) SbBox2d (double xmin, double ymin, double xmax, double ymax) SbBox2d (const SbVec2d &minpoint, const SbVec2d &maxpoint) SbBox2d (const SbBox2f &box) SbBox2d (const SbBox2s &box) SbBox2d (const SbBox2i32 &box) SbBox2d & setBounds (double xmin, double ymin, double xmax, double ymax) SbBox2d & setBounds (const SbVec2d &minpoint, const SbVec2d &maxpoint) SbBox2d & setBounds (const SbBox2f &box) SbBox2d & setBounds (const SbBox2s &box) SbBox2d & setBounds (const SbBox2i32 &box) void getBounds (double &xmin, double &ymin, double &xmax, double &ymax) const void getBounds (SbVec2d &minpoint, SbVec2d &maxpoint) const const SbVec2d & getMin (void) const SbVec2d & getMin (void) const SbVec2d & getMax (void) const SbVec2d & getMax (void) void extendBy (const SbVec2d &point) void extendBy (const SbBox2d &box) void makeEmpty (void) SbBool isEmpty (void) const SbBool hasArea (void) const SbBool intersect (const SbVec2d &point) const SbBool intersect (const SbBox2d &box) const SbVec2d getClosestPoint (const SbVec2d &p) const SbBool findIntersection (const SbVec2d &a, const SbVec2d &b, SbVec2d &ia, SbVec2d &ib) const SbVec2d getCenter (void) const void getOrigin (double &originX, double &originY) const void getSize (double &sizeX, double &sizeY) const SbVec2d getSize (void) const double getAspectRatio (void) const Related Symbols (Note that these are not member symbols.) int operator== (const SbBox2d &b1, const SbBox2d &b2) int operator!= (const SbBox2d &b1, const SbBox2d &b2) Detailed Description The SbBox2d class is a 2 dimensional box with double precision corner coordinates. This box class is used by many other classes in Coin for data exchange and storage. It provides two box corners with double precision coordinates, which is among other things useful for representing screen or canvas dimensions in normalized coordinates. This class is a Coin extension. See also SbBox2s, SbBox2f, SbBox3s, SbBox3f, SbBox3d, SbXfBox3f. Since Coin 2.0 TGS Inventor 2.6 Constructor & Destructor Documentation SbBox2d::SbBox2d (void) [inline] The default constructor makes an empty box. SbBox2d::SbBox2d (double xmin, double ymin, double xmax, double ymax) [inline] Constructs a box with the given corners. xmin should be less than xmax and ymin should be less than ymax if you want to make a valid box. SbBox2d::SbBox2d (const SbVec2d & min, const SbVec2d & max) [inline] Constructs a box with the given lower left and upper right corners. The coordinates of min should be less than the coordinates of max if you want to make a valid box. SbBox2d::SbBox2d (const SbBox2f & box) [inline], [explicit] Constructs an SbBox2d instance from the value in an SbBox2f instance. Since Coin 2.5 SbBox2d::SbBox2d (const SbBox2s & box) [inline], [explicit] Constructs an SbBox2d instance from the value in an SbBox2s instance. Since Coin 2.5 SbBox2d::SbBox2d (const SbBox2i32 & box) [inline], [explicit] Constructs an SbBox2d instance from the value in an SbBox2i32 instance. Since Coin 2.5 Member Function Documentation SbBox2d & SbBox2d::setBounds (double xmin, double ymin, double xmax, double ymax) [inline] Reset the boundaries of the box. xmin should be less than xmax and ymin should be less than ymax if you want to make a valid box. Returns reference to self. See also getBounds(). SbBox2d & SbBox2d::setBounds (const SbVec2d & min, const SbVec2d & max) [inline] Reset the boundaries of the box with the given corners. The coordinates of min should be less than the coordinates of max if you want to make a valid box. Returns reference to self. See also getBounds(). SbBox2d & SbBox2d::setBounds (const SbBox2f & box) Reset the boundaries of the box with the given box boundaries. Returns reference to self. See also getBounds() SbBox2d & SbBox2d::setBounds (const SbBox2s & box) Reset the boundaries of the box with the given box boundaries. Returns reference to self. See also getBounds() SbBox2d & SbBox2d::setBounds (const SbBox2i32 & box) Reset the boundaries of the box with the given box boundaries. Returns reference to self. See also getBounds() void SbBox2d::getBounds (double & xmin, double & ymin, double & xmax, double & ymax) const [inline] Returns the box boundaries. See also setBounds(), getMin(), getMax(). void SbBox2d::getBounds (SbVec2d & min, SbVec2d & max) const [inline] Returns the box min and max corner points. See also setBounds(), getMin(), getMax(). const SbVec2d & SbBox2d::getMin (void) const [inline] Returns the lower left corner of the box. See also getOrigin(), getMax(). SbVec2d & SbBox2d::getMin (void) [inline] Returns the lower left corner of the box. See also getOrigin(), getMax(). const SbVec2d & SbBox2d::getMax (void) const [inline] Returns the upper right corner of the box. See also getMin(). SbVec2d & SbBox2d::getMax (void) [inline] Returns the upper right corner of the box. See also getMin(). void SbBox2d::extendBy (const SbVec2d & point) Extend the boundaries of the box by the given point, i.e. make the box fit around the point if it isn't already situated within it. void SbBox2d::extendBy (const SbBox2d & box) Extend the boundaries of the box by the given box parameter. This is equal to calling the above method twice with the corner points. void SbBox2d::makeEmpty (void) Marks this as an empty box. See also isEmpty(). SbBool SbBox2d::isEmpty (void) const [inline] Check if this has been marked as an empty box. See also makeEmpty(). SbBool SbBox2d::hasArea (void) const [inline] Check if the box has been correctly specified and by that virtue has 'positive' area, i.e. all coordinates of its upper right corner (the maximum point) are greater than the corresponding coordinates of its lower left corner (the minimum point). SbBool SbBox2d::intersect (const SbVec2d & point) const Check if point lies within the boundaries of this box. SbBool SbBox2d::intersect (const SbBox2d & box) const Check if box lies entirely or partially within the boundaries of this box. SbVec2d SbBox2d::getClosestPoint (const SbVec2d & point) const Return the point on the box closest to the given point p. If the given point equals the center, the center point on the positive X-side is returned. SbBool SbBox2d::findIntersection (const SbVec2d & a, const SbVec2d & b, SbVec2d & ia, SbVec2d & ib) const Check if a a line from a to b intersects the box, and return the coordinates of the union line in ia and ib. This function is a Coin extension. SbVec2d SbBox2d::getCenter (void) const [inline] Returns the center point of the box. void SbBox2d::getOrigin (double & originX, double & originY) const [inline] Returns the coordinates of the box origin (i.e. the lower left corner). See also getMin(). void SbBox2d::getSize (double & sizeX, double & sizeY) const [inline] Returns width and height of box. SbVec2d SbBox2d::getSize (void) const [inline] Returns width and height of box as a 2D vector. Since Coin 3.0 double SbBox2d::getAspectRatio (void) const [inline] Returns aspect ratio of box, which is defined as box width divided on box height. Friends And Related Symbol Documentation int operator== (const SbBox2d & b1, const SbBox2d & b2) [related] Check b1 and b2 for equality. int operator!= (const SbBox2d & b1, const SbBox2d & b2) [related] Check b1 and b2 for inequality. Author Generated automatically by Doxygen for Coin from the source code. Version 4.0.2 Tue Dec 26 2023 17:59:22 SbBox2d(3)