Runtime_events(3) | OCaml library | Runtime_events(3) |
Runtime_events - Runtime events - ring buffer-based runtime tracing
Module Runtime_events
Module Runtime_events
: sig end
Runtime events - ring buffer-based runtime tracing
This module enables users to enable and subscribe to tracing events from the Garbage Collector and other parts of the OCaml runtime. This can be useful for diagnostic or performance monitoring purposes. This module can be used to subscribe to events for the current process or external processes asynchronously.
When enabled (either via setting the OCAML_RUNTIME_EVENTS_START environment variable or calling Runtime_events.start) a file with the pid of the process and extension .events will be created. By default this is in the current directory but can be over-ridden by the OCAML_RUNTIME_EVENTS_DIR environment variable. Each domain maintains its own ring buffer in a section of the larger file into which it emits events.
There is additionally a set of C APIs in runtime_events.h that can enable zero-impact monitoring of the current process or bindings for other languages.
The runtime events system's behaviour can be controlled by the following environment variables:
-OCAML_RUNTIME_EVENTS_START if set will cause the runtime events system to be started as part of the OCaml runtime initialization.
-OCAML_RUNTIME_EVENTS_DIR sets the directory where the runtime events ring buffers will be located. If not present the program's working directory will be used.
-OCAML_RUNTIME_EVENTS_PRESERVE if set will prevent the OCaml runtime from removing its ring buffers when it terminates. This can help if monitoring very short running programs.
type runtime_counter =
| EV_C_FORCE_MINOR_ALLOC_SMALL (* Triggering of a minor collection due to a
full minor heap.
Since 5.0
| EV_C_FORCE_MINOR_MAKE_VECT (* Triggering of a minor collection due to
Since 5.0
| EV_C_FORCE_MINOR_SET_MINOR_HEAP_SIZE (* Triggering of a minor collection
due to Gc.minor_heap_size.
Since 5.0
| EV_C_FORCE_MINOR_MEMPROF (* Triggering of a minor collection during memprof
young sampling.
Since 5.3
| EV_C_MINOR_PROMOTED (* Total words promoted from the minor heap to the
major in the last minor collection.
Since 5.0
| EV_C_MINOR_ALLOCATED (* Total bytes allocated in the minor heap in the last
minor collection.
Since 5.0
| EV_C_REQUEST_MAJOR_ALLOC_SHR (* Major slice requested due to allocation in
major heap.
Since 5.0
| EV_C_REQUEST_MAJOR_ADJUST_GC_SPEED (* Major slice requested by
caml_adjust_gc_speed .
Since 5.0
| EV_C_REQUEST_MINOR_REALLOC_REF_TABLE (* Triggering of a minor collection
due to ref table reallocation.
Since 5.0
collection due to ephe_ref table reallocation.
Since 5.0
| EV_C_REQUEST_MINOR_REALLOC_CUSTOM_TABLE (* Triggering of a minor collection
due to custom table reallocation.
Since 5.0
| EV_C_MAJOR_HEAP_POOL_WORDS (* Total words in a Domain's major heap pools.
This is the sum of unallocated and live words in each pool.
Since 5.1
| EV_C_MAJOR_HEAP_POOL_LIVE_WORDS (* Current live words in a Domain's major
heap pools.
Since 5.1
| EV_C_MAJOR_HEAP_LARGE_WORDS (* Total words of a Domain's major heap large
allocations. A large allocation is an allocation larger than the largest
sized pool.
Since 5.1
| EV_C_MAJOR_HEAP_POOL_FRAG_WORDS (* Words in a Domain's major heap pools
lost to fragmentation. This is due to there not being a pool with the exact
size of an allocation and a larger sized pool needing to be used.
Since 5.1
| EV_C_MAJOR_HEAP_POOL_LIVE_BLOCKS (* Live blocks of a Domain's major heap
Since 5.1
| EV_C_MAJOR_HEAP_LARGE_BLOCKS (* Live blocks of a Domain's major heap large
Since 5.1
| EV_C_MAJOR_HEAP_WORDS (* Major heap size in words of a Domain.
Since 5.3
| EV_C_MAJOR_ALLOCATED_WORDS (* Allocations to the major heap of this Domain
in words, since the last major slice.
Since 5.3
| EV_C_MAJOR_ALLOCATED_WORK (* The amount of major GC 'work' needing to be
done as a result of allocations to the major heap of this Domain in words,
since the last major slice.
Since 5.3
| EV_C_MAJOR_DEPENDENT_WORK (* The amount of major GC 'work' needing to be
done as a result of dependent allocations to the major heap of this Domain
in words, since the last major slice. Dependent memory is non-heap memory
that depends on heap memory being collected in order to be freed.
Since 5.3
| EV_C_MAJOR_EXTRA_WORK (* The amount of major GC 'work' needing to be done
as a result of extra non-memory resources that are dependent on heap memory
being collected in order to be freed.
Since 5.3
| EV_C_MAJOR_WORK_COUNTER (* The global amount of major GC 'work' done by all
domains since the program began.
Since 5.3
| EV_C_MAJOR_ALLOC_COUNTER (* The global words of major GC allocations done
by all domains since the program began.
Since 5.3
| EV_C_MAJOR_SLICE_TARGET (* The target amount of global 'work' that should
be done by all domains at the end of the major slice (see
Since 5.3
| EV_C_MAJOR_SLICE_BUDGET (* The budget in 'work' that a domain has to do
during the major slice.
Since 5.3
The type for counter events emitted by the runtime. Counter events are used to measure a quantity at a point in time or record the occurence of an event. In the latter case their value will be one.
type runtime_phase =
| EV_EXPLICIT_GC_SET (* Event spanning a call to Gc.set.
Since 5.0
| EV_EXPLICIT_GC_STAT (* Event spanning a call to Gc.stat.
Since 5.0
| EV_EXPLICIT_GC_MINOR (* Event spanning a call to Gc.minor, which forces a
minor collection.
Since 5.0
| EV_EXPLICIT_GC_MAJOR (* Event spanning a call to Gc.major, which forces a
major collection.
Since 5.0
| EV_EXPLICIT_GC_FULL_MAJOR (* Event spanning a call to Gc.full_major, which
forces a full major collection.
Since 5.0
| EV_EXPLICIT_GC_COMPACT (* Event spanning a call to Gc.compact, which
triggers a compaction.
Since 5.0
| EV_MAJOR (* Event spanning any major GC work.
Since 5.0
| EV_MAJOR_SWEEP (* Event spanning the sweeping work of a major GC.
Since 5.0
| EV_MAJOR_MARK_ROOTS (* Event spanning the marking of roots in a major
Since 5.0
| EV_MAJOR_MEMPROF_ROOTS (* Event spanning the marking of memprof roots in a
major GC.
Since 5.3
| EV_MAJOR_MARK (* Event spanning the marking of the heap in a major GC.
Since 5.0
| EV_MINOR (* Event spanning any minor GC work.
Since 5.0
| EV_MINOR_LOCAL_ROOTS (* Event spanning the scanning and major allocation of
local roots during a minor GC.
Since 5.0
| EV_MINOR_MEMPROF_ROOTS (* Event spanning the scanning and promotion of
memprof roots in a minor GC.
Since 5.3
| EV_MINOR_MEMPROF_CLEAN (* Event spanning cleaning and updating of memprof
structures at the end of a minor GC.
Since 5.3
| EV_MINOR_FINALIZED (* Event spanning the running of finalisers for dead
custom blocks at the end of a minor GC.
Since 5.0
| EV_EXPLICIT_GC_MAJOR_SLICE (* Event spanning a call to Gc.major_slice.
Since 5.0
| EV_FINALISE_UPDATE_FIRST (* Event spanning time spent in the first phase of
finalisation at the end of a major GC cycle.
Since 5.0
| EV_FINALISE_UPDATE_LAST (* Event spanning time spent in the last phase of
finalisation at the end of a major GC cycle.
Since 5.0
| EV_INTERRUPT_REMOTE (* Event spanning work triggered by an interrupt from
another domain. This is usually a stop-the-world request.
Since 5.0
| EV_MAJOR_EPHE_MARK (* Event spanning the marking of ephemeron tables in a
major GC.
Since 5.0
| EV_MAJOR_EPHE_SWEEP (* Event spanning the sweeping of ephemeron tables in a
major GC.
Since 5.0
| EV_MAJOR_FINISH_MARKING (* Event spanning work done at the end of marking
in a major GC.
Since 5.0
| EV_MAJOR_GC_CYCLE_DOMAINS (* Event spanning work done at the end of a major
GC cycle. This includes a minor collection.
Since 5.0
| EV_MAJOR_GC_PHASE_CHANGE (* Event spanning the change of phase in the major
GC which involves a global barrier.
Since 5.0
| EV_MAJOR_GC_STW (* Event spanning the stop-the-world phase done at the end
of a major GC cycle.
Since 5.0
| EV_MAJOR_MARK_OPPORTUNISTIC (* Event spanning the work done during
opportunistic marking in a major GC.
Since 5.0
| EV_MAJOR_SLICE (* Event spanning the work done during a major slice in a
major GC.
Since 5.0
| EV_MAJOR_FINISH_CYCLE (* Event spanning attempts to drive all domains to
the end of a major GC cycle.
Since 5.0
| EV_MINOR_CLEAR (* Event spanning the cleaning of the minor heap and
supporting structures at the end of a minor GC.
Since 5.0
| EV_MINOR_FINALIZERS_OLDIFY (* Event spanning the promotion of finalisers
during a minor GC.
Since 5.0
| EV_MINOR_GLOBAL_ROOTS (* Event spanning the scanning and major allocation
of global roots during a minor GC.
Since 5.0
| EV_MINOR_LEAVE_BARRIER (* Event spanning the time spent in the barrier at
the end of a minor GC, waiting for all domains to finish their work.
Since 5.0
| EV_STW_API_BARRIER (* Event spanning the time spent waiting for all other
domains to reach the stop-the-world entry barrier.
Since 5.0
| EV_STW_HANDLER (* Event spanning the time spent in the stop-the-world
handler, including time spent in the stop-the-world callback itself.
Since 5.0
| EV_STW_LEADER (* Event spanning the time spent as the leader of a
Since 5.0
| EV_MAJOR_FINISH_SWEEPING (* Event spanning the time spent finishing
sweeping when forced to as part of domain termination.
Since 5.0
| EV_MAJOR_MEMPROF_CLEAN (* Event spanning the time spent cleaning memprof
structures at the end of a major GC.
Since 5.3
| EV_MINOR_FINALIZERS_ADMIN (* Event spanning finalisers book-keeping at the
end of a minor GC.
Since 5.0
| EV_MINOR_REMEMBERED_SET (* Event spanning the scanning and major allocation
of remembered sets during a minor GC.
Since 5.0
| EV_MINOR_REMEMBERED_SET_PROMOTE (* Event spanning the promotion of blocks
in the remembered set and global roots during a minor GC.
Since 5.0
| EV_MINOR_LOCAL_ROOTS_PROMOTE (* Event spanning the promotion of local roots
during a minor GC.
Since 5.0
| EV_DOMAIN_CONDITION_WAIT (* Event spanning waiting in Condition.wait.
Since 5.0
| EV_DOMAIN_RESIZE_HEAP_RESERVATION (* Event spanning resizing the domain
heap reservation, as a result of minor heap size changes.
Since 5.0
| EV_COMPACT (* Event spanning compaction of the heap during a call to
Since 5.2
| EV_COMPACT_EVACUATE (* Event spanning evacuating major GC pools during a
Since 5.2
| EV_COMPACT_FORWARD (* Event spanning the walking of the heap to update
changed pointers after an evacuation during a compaction.
Since 5.2
| EV_COMPACT_RELEASE (* Event spanning releasing the evacuated pools at the
end of a compaction.
Since 5.2
The type for span events emitted by the runtime.
type lifecycle =
| EV_RING_START (* Event indicating that the Runtime_events ring buffer has
been started. Includes the PID of the process as an argument.
Since 5.0
| EV_RING_STOP (* Event indicating that the Runtime_events ring buffer has
been stopped.
Since 5.0
| EV_RING_PAUSE (* Event indicating that the Runtime_events ring buffer has
been paused.
Since 5.0
| EV_RING_RESUME (* Event indicating that the Runtime_events ring buffer has
been resumed.
Since 5.0
| EV_FORK_PARENT (* Event indicating that a fork has occurred and the current
domain is the parent. Includes the PID of the child as an argument.
Since 5.0
| EV_FORK_CHILD (* Event indicating that a fork has occurred and the current
domain is the child.
Since 5.0
| EV_DOMAIN_SPAWN (* Event indicating that a new domain has been spawned.
Includes the PID of the new domain as an argument.
Since 5.0
| EV_DOMAIN_TERMINATE (* Event indicating that a domain has terminated.
Includes the PID of the domain as an argument.
Since 5.0
Lifecycle events for Runtime_events and domains.
val lifecycle_name : lifecycle -> string
Return a string representation of a given lifecycle event type.
val runtime_phase_name : runtime_phase -> string
Return a string representation of a given runtime phase event type.
val runtime_counter_name : runtime_counter -> string
Return a string representation of a given runtime counter type.
type cursor
Type of the cursor used when consuming.
module Timestamp : sig end
module Type : sig end
module User : sig end
module Callbacks : sig end
val start : unit -> unit
start () will start the collection of events in the runtime if not already started.
Events can be consumed by creating a cursor with create_cursor and providing a set of callbacks to be called for each type of event.
val path : unit -> string option
If runtime events are being collected, path () returns Some p where p is a path to the runtime events file. Otherwise, it returns None.
val pause : unit -> unit
pause () will pause the collection of events in the runtime. Traces are collected if the program has called Runtime_events.start () or the OCAML_RUNTIME_EVENTS_START environment variable has been set.
val resume : unit -> unit
resume () will resume the collection of events in the runtime. Traces are collected if the program has called Runtime_events.start () or the OCAML_RUNTIME_EVENTS_START environment variable has been set.
val create_cursor : (string * int) option -> cursor
create_cursor path_pid creates a cursor to read from an runtime_events. Cursors can be created for runtime_events in and out of process. A runtime_events ring-buffer may have multiple cursors reading from it at any point in time and a program may have multiple cursors open concurrently (for example if multiple consumers want different sets of events). If path_pid is None then a cursor is created for the current process. Otherwise the pair contains a string path to the directory that contains the pid .events file and int pid for the runtime_events of an external process to monitor.
val free_cursor : cursor -> unit
Free a previously created runtime_events cursor.
val read_poll : cursor -> Callbacks.t -> int option -> int
read_poll cursor callbacks max_option calls the corresponding functions on callbacks for up to max_option events read off cursor 's runtime_events and returns the number of events read.
2025-01-20 | OCamldoc |