IKC::Specifier(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation IKC::Specifier(3) NAME POE::Component::IKC::Specifier - IKC event specifer SYNOPSIS use POE; use POE::Component::IKC::Specifier; $state=specifier_parse('poe://*/timeserver/connect'); print 'The foreign state is '.specifier_name($state); DESCRIPTION This is a helper module that encapsulates POE IKC specifiers. An IKC specifier is a way of designating either a kernel, a session or a state within a IKC cluster. IKC specifiers have the folloing format : poe:://kernel/session/state kernel may a kernel name, a kernel ID, blank (for local kernel), a '*' (all known foreign kernels) or host:port (not currently supported). session may be any session alias that has been published by the foreign kernel. state is a state that has been published by a foreign session. Examples : "poe://Pulse/timeserver/connect" State 'connect' in session 'timeserver' on kernel 'Pulse'. "poe:/timeserver/connect" State 'connect' in session 'timeserver' on the local kernel. "poe://*/timeserver/connect" State 'connect' in session 'timeserver' on any known foreign kernel. "poe://Billy/bob/" Session 'bob' on foreign kernel 'Billy'. EXPORTED FUNCTIONS specifier_parse($spec) Turn a specifier into the internal representation (hash ref). Returns undef() if the specifier wasn't valid. print Dumper specifer_parse('poe://Pulse/timeserver/time'); would print $VAR1 = { kernel => 'Pulse', session => 'timeserver', state => 'time', }; Note : the internal representation might very well change some day. specifier_name($spec) Turns a specifier into a string. BUGS AUTHOR Philip Gwyn, COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright 1999-2014 by Philip Gwyn. All rights reserved. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See SEE ALSO POE, POE::Component::IKC::Responder perl v5.40.0 2024-09-01 IKC::Specifier(3)