.\" -*- mode: troff; coding: utf-8 -*- .\" Automatically generated by Pod::Man 5.0102 (Pod::Simple 3.45) .\" .\" Standard preamble: .\" ======================================================================== .de Sp \" Vertical space (when we can't use .PP) .if t .sp .5v .if n .sp .. .de Vb \" Begin verbatim text .ft CW .nf .ne \\$1 .. .de Ve \" End verbatim text .ft R .fi .. .\" \*(C` and \*(C' are quotes in nroff, nothing in troff, for use with C<>. .ie n \{\ . ds C` "" . ds C' "" 'br\} .el\{\ . ds C` . ds C' 'br\} .\" .\" Escape single quotes in literal strings from groff's Unicode transform. .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .\" .\" If the F register is >0, we'll generate index entries on stderr for .\" titles (.TH), headers (.SH), subsections (.SS), items (.Ip), and index .\" entries marked with X<> in POD. Of course, you'll have to process the .\" output yourself in some meaningful fashion. .\" .\" Avoid warning from groff about undefined register 'F'. .de IX .. .nr rF 0 .if \n(.g .if rF .nr rF 1 .if (\n(rF:(\n(.g==0)) \{\ . if \nF \{\ . de IX . tm Index:\\$1\t\\n%\t"\\$2" .. . if !\nF==2 \{\ . nr % 0 . nr F 2 . \} . \} .\} .rr rF .\" ======================================================================== .\" .IX Title "Net::Jabber::Protocol 3" .TH Net::Jabber::Protocol 3 2024-09-01 "perl v5.40.0" "User Contributed Perl Documentation" .\" For nroff, turn off justification. Always turn off hyphenation; it makes .\" way too many mistakes in technical documents. .if n .ad l .nh .SH NAME Net::Jabber::Protocol \- Jabber Protocol Library .SH SYNOPSIS .IX Header "SYNOPSIS" .Vb 5 \& Net::Jabber::Protocol is a module that provides a developer easy \& access to the Jabber Instant Messaging protocol. It provides high \& level functions to the Net::Jabber Client, Component, and Server \& objects. These functions are automatically indluded in those modules \& through AUTOLOAD and delegates. .Ve .SH DESCRIPTION .IX Header "DESCRIPTION" .Vb 5 \& Protocol.pm seeks to provide enough high level APIs and automation of \& the low level APIs that writing a Jabber Client/Transport in Perl is \& trivial. For those that wish to work with the low level you can do \& that too, but those functions are covered in the documentation for \& each module. \& \& Net::Jabber::Protocol provides functions to login, send and receive \& messages, set personal information, create a new user account, manage \& the roster, and disconnect. You can use all or none of the functions, \& there is no requirement. \& \& For more information on how the details for how Net::Jabber is written \& please see the help for Net::Jabber itself. \& \& For more information on writing a Client see Net::Jabber::Client. \& \& For more information on writing a Transport see Net::Jabber::Transport. .Ve .SS Modes .IX Subsection "Modes" .Vb 2 \& Several of the functions take a mode argument that let you specify how \& the function should behave: \& \& block \- send the packet with an ID, and then block until an answer \& comes back. You can optionally specify a timeout so that \& you do not block forever. \& \& nonblock \- send the packet with an ID, but then return that id and \& control to the master program. Net::Jabber is still \& tracking this packet, so you must use the CheckID function \& to tell when it comes in. (This might not be very \& useful...) \& \& passthru \- send the packet with an ID, but do NOT register it with \& Net::Jabber, then return the ID. This is useful when \& combined with the XPath function because you can register \& a one shot function tied to the id you get back. .Ve .SS "Basic Functions" .IX Subsection "Basic Functions" .Vb 3 \& use Net::Jabber qw( Client ); \& $Con = new Net::Jabber::Client(); # From \& $status = $Con\->Connect(hostname=>"jabber.org"); # Net::Jabber::Client \& \& or \& \& use Net::Jabber qw( Component ); \& $Con = new Net::Jabber::Component(); # \& $status = $Con\->Connect(hostname=>"jabber.org", # From \& secret=>"bob"); # Net::Jabber::Component \& \& \& # \& # For callback setup, see Net::XMPP::Protocol \& # \& \& $Con\->Info(name=>"Jarl", \& version=>"v0.6000"); .Ve .SS "ID Functions" .IX Subsection "ID Functions" .Vb 10 \& $id = $Con\->SendWithID($sendObj); \& $id = $Con\->SendWithID("XML"); \& $receiveObj = $Con\->SendAndReceiveWithID($sendObj); \& $receiveObj = $Con\->SendAndReceiveWithID($sendObj, \& 10); \& $receiveObj = $Con\->SendAndReceiveWithID("XML"); \& $receiveObj = $Con\->SendAndReceiveWithID("XML", \& 5); \& $yesno = $Con\->ReceivedID($id); \& $receiveObj = $Con\->GetID($id); \& $receiveObj = $Con\->WaitForID($id); \& $receiveObj = $Con\->WaitForID($id, \& 20); .Ve .SS "IQ Functions" .IX Subsection "IQ Functions" .SS "Agents Functions" .IX Subsection "Agents Functions" .Vb 2 \& %agents = $Con\->AgentsGet(); \& %agents = $Con\->AgentsGet(to=>"transport.jabber.org"); .Ve .SS "Browse Functions" .IX Subsection "Browse Functions" .Vb 3 \& %hash = $Con\->BrowseRequest(jid=>"jabber.org"); \& %hash = $Con\->BrowseRequest(jid=>"jabber.org", \& timeout=>10); \& \& $id = $Con\->BrowseRequest(jid=>"jabber.org", \& mode=>"nonblock"); \& \& $id = $Con\->BrowseRequest(jid=>"jabber.org", \& mode=>"passthru"); .Ve .SS "Browse DB Functions" .IX Subsection "Browse DB Functions" .Vb 2 \& $Con\->BrowseDBDelete("jabber.org"); \& $Con\->BrowseDBDelete(Net::Jabber::JID); \& \& $presence = $Con\->BrowseDBQuery(jid=>"bob\e@jabber.org"); \& $presence = $Con\->BrowseDBQuery(jid=>Net::Jabber::JID); \& $presence = $Con\->BrowseDBQuery(jid=>"users.jabber.org", \& timeout=>10); \& $presence = $Con\->BrowseDBQuery(jid=>"conference.jabber.org", \& refresh=>1); .Ve .SS "Bystreams Functions" .IX Subsection "Bystreams Functions" .Vb 3 \& %hash = $Con\->ByteStreamsProxyRequest(jid=>"proxy.server"); \& %hash = $Con\->ByteStreamsProxyRequest(jid=>"proxy.server", \& timeout=>10); \& \& $id = $Con\->ByteStreamsProxyRequest(jid=>"proxy.server", \& mode=>"nonblock"); \& \& $id = $Con\->ByteStreamsProxyRequest(jid=>"proxy.server", \& mode=>"passthru"); \& \& \& %hash = $Con\->ByteStreamsProxyParse($query); \& \& \& $status = $Con\->ByteStreamsProxyActivate(sid=>"stream_id", \& jid=>"proxy.server"); \& $status = $Con\->ByteStreamsProxyActivate(sid=>"stream_id", \& jid=>"proxy.server", \& timeout=>10); \& \& $id = $Con\->ByteStreamsProxyActivate(sid=>"stream_id", \& jid=>"proxy.server", \& mode=>"nonblock"); \& \& $id = $Con\->ByteStreamsProxyActivate(sid=>"stream_id", \& jid=>"proxy.server", \& mode=>"passthru"); \& \& \& $jid = $Con\->ByteStreamsOffer(sid=>"stream_id", \& streamhosts=>[{jid=>"jid", \& host=>"host", \& port=>"port", \& zeroconf=>"zero", \& }, \& ... \& ], \& jid=>"bob\e@jabber.org"); \& $jid = $Con\->ByteStreamsOffer(sid=>"stream_id", \& streamhosts=>[{},{},...], \& jid=>"bob\e@jabber.org", \& timeout=>10); \& \& $id = $Con\->ByteStreamsOffer(sid=>"stream_id", \& streamhosts=>[{},{},...], \& jid=>"bob\e@jabber.org", \& mode=>"nonblock"); \& \& $id = $Con\->ByteStreamsOffer(sid=>"stream_id", \& streamhosts=>[{},{},...], \& jid=>"bob\e@jabber.org", \& mode=>"passthru"); .Ve .SS "Disco Functions" .IX Subsection "Disco Functions" .Vb 6 \& %hash = $Con\->DiscoInfoRequest(jid=>"jabber.org"); \& %hash = $Con\->DiscoInfoRequest(jid=>"jabber.org", \& node=>"node..."); \& %hash = $Con\->DiscoInfoRequest(jid=>"jabber.org", \& node=>"node...", \& timeout=>10); \& \& $id = $Con\->DiscoInfoRequest(jid=>"jabber.org", \& mode=>"nonblock"); \& $id = $Con\->DiscoInfoRequest(jid=>"jabber.org", \& node=>"node...", \& mode=>"nonblock"); \& \& $id = $Con\->DiscoInfoRequest(jid=>"jabber.org", \& mode=>"passthru"); \& $id = $Con\->DiscoInfoRequest(jid=>"jabber.org", \& node=>"node...", \& mode=>"passthru"); \& \& \& %hash = $Con\->DiscoInfoParse($query); \& \& \& %hash = $Con\->DiscoItemsRequest(jid=>"jabber.org"); \& %hash = $Con\->DiscoItemsRequest(jid=>"jabber.org", \& timeout=>10); \& \& $id = $Con\->DiscoItemsRequest(jid=>"jabber.org", \& mode=>"nonblock"); \& \& $id = $Con\->DiscoItemsRequest(jid=>"jabber.org", \& mode=>"passthru"); \& \& \& %hash = $Con\->DiscoItemsParse($query); .Ve .SS "Feature Negotiation Functions" .IX Subsection "Feature Negotiation Functions" .Vb 8 \& %hash = $Con\->FeatureNegRequest(jid=>"jabber.org", \& features=>{ feat1=>["opt1","opt2",...], \& feat2=>["optA","optB",...] \& } \& ); \& %hash = $Con\->FeatureNegRequest(jid=>"jabber.org", \& features=>{ ... }, \& timeout=>10); \& \& $id = $Con\->FeatureNegRequest(jid=>"jabber.org", \& features=>{ ... }, \& mode=>"nonblock"); \& \& $id = $Con\->FeatureNegRequest(jid=>"jabber.org", \& features=>{ ... }, \& mode=>"passthru"); \& \& my $query = $self\->FeatureNegQuery(\e{ ... }); \& $iq\->AddQuery($query); \& \& %hash = $Con\->FeatureNegParse($query); .Ve .SS "File Transfer Functions" .IX Subsection "File Transfer Functions" .Vb 10 \& $method = $Con\->FileTransferOffer(jid=>"bob\e@jabber.org", \& sid=>"stream_id", \& filename=>"/path/to/file", \& methods=>["http://jabber.org/protocol/si/profile/bytestreams", \& "jabber:iq:oob", \& ... \& ] \& ); \& $method = $Con\->FileTransferOffer(jid=>"bob\e@jabber.org", \& sid=>"stream_id", \& filename=>"/path/to/file", \& methods=>\e@methods, \& timeout=>"10"); \& \& $id = $Con\->FileTransferOffer(jid=>"bob\e@jabber.org", \& sid=>"stream_id", \& filename=>"/path/to/file", \& methods=>\e@methods, \& mode=>"nonblock"); \& \& $id = $Con\->FileTransferOffer(jid=>"bob\e@jabber.org", \& sid=>"stream_id", \& filename=>"/path/to/file", \& methods=>\e@methods, \& mode=>"passthru"); .Ve .SS "Last Functions" .IX Subsection "Last Functions" .Vb 2 \& $Con\->LastQuery(); \& $Con\->LastQuery(to=>"bob@jabber.org"); \& \& %result = $Con\->LastQuery(mode=>"block"); \& %result = $Con\->LastQuery(to=>"bob@jabber.org", \& mode=>"block"); \& \& %result = $Con\->LastQuery(to=>"bob@jabber.org", \& mode=>"block", \& timeout=>10); \& %result = $Con\->LastQuery(mode=>"block", \& timeout=>10); \& \& $Con\->LastSend(to=>"bob@jabber.org"); \& \& $seconds = $Con\->LastActivity(); .Ve .SS "Multi-User Chat Functions" .IX Subsection "Multi-User Chat Functions" .Vb 3 \& $Con\->MUCJoin(room=>"jabber", \& server=>"conference.jabber.org", \& nick=>"nick"); \& \& $Con\->MUCJoin(room=>"jabber", \& server=>"conference.jabber.org", \& nick=>"nick", \& password=>"secret"); .Ve .SS "Register Functions" .IX Subsection "Register Functions" .Vb 5 \& @result = $Con\->RegisterSendData("users.jabber.org", \& first=>"Bob", \& last=>"Smith", \& nick=>"bob", \& email=>"foo@bar.net"); .Ve .SS "RPC Functions" .IX Subsection "RPC Functions" .Vb 8 \& $query = $Con\->RPCEncode(type=>"methodCall", \& methodName=>"methodName", \& params=>[param,param,...]); \& $query = $Con\->RPCEncode(type=>"methodResponse", \& params=>[param,param,...]); \& $query = $Con\->RPCEncode(type=>"methodResponse", \& faultCode=>4, \& faultString=>"Too many params"); \& \& @response = $Con\->RPCParse($iq); \& \& @response = $Con\->RPCCall(to=>"dataHouse.jabber.org", \& methodname=>"numUsers", \& params=>[ param,param,... ] \& ); \& \& $Con\->RPCResponse(to=>"you\e@jabber.org", \& params=>[ param,param,... ]); \& \& $Con\->RPCResponse(to=>"you\e@jabber.org", \& faultCode=>"4", \& faultString=>"Too many parameters" \& ); \& \& $Con\->RPCSetCallBacks(myMethodA=>\e&methoda, \& myMethodB=>\e&do_somthing, \& etc... \& ); .Ve .SS "Search Functions" .IX Subsection "Search Functions" .Vb 4 \& %fields = $Con\->SearchRequest(); \& %fields = $Con\->SearchRequest(to=>"users.jabber.org"); \& %fields = $Con\->SearchRequest(to=>"users.jabber.org", \& timeout=>10); \& \& $Con\->SearchSend(to=>"somewhere", \& name=>"", \& first=>"Bob", \& last=>"", \& nick=>"bob", \& email=>"", \& key=>"some key"); \& \& $Con\->SearchSendData("users.jabber.org", \& first=>"Bob", \& last=>"", \& nick=>"bob", \& email=>""); .Ve .SS "Time Functions" .IX Subsection "Time Functions" .Vb 2 \& $Con\->TimeQuery(); \& $Con\->TimeQuery(to=>"bob@jabber.org"); \& \& %result = $Con\->TimeQuery(mode=>"block"); \& %result = $Con\->TimeQuery(to=>"bob@jabber.org", \& mode=>"block"); \& \& $Con\->TimeSend(to=>"bob@jabber.org"); .Ve .SS "Version Functions" .IX Subsection "Version Functions" .Vb 2 \& $Con\->VersionQuery(); \& $Con\->VersionQuery(to=>"bob@jabber.org"); \& \& %result = $Con\->VersionQuery(mode=>"block"); \& %result = $Con\->VersionQuery(to=>"bob@jabber.org", \& mode=>"block"); \& \& $Con\->VersionSend(to=>"bob@jabber.org", \& name=>"Net::Jabber", \& ver=>"1.0a", \& os=>"Perl"); .Ve .SH METHODS .IX Header "METHODS" .SS "Basic Functions" .IX Subsection "Basic Functions" .Vb 3 \& Info(name=>string, \- Set some information so that Net::Jabber \& version=>string) can auto\-reply to some packets for you to \& reduce the work you have to do. \& \& NOTE: This requires that you use the \& SetIQCallBacks methodology and not the \& SetCallBacks for packets. .Ve .SS "IQ Functions" .IX Subsection "IQ Functions" .SS "Agents Functions" .IX Subsection "Agents Functions" .Vb 5 \& ******************************** \& * * \& * Deprecated in favor of Disco * \& * * \& ******************************** \& \& AgentsGet(to=>string, \- takes all of the information and \& AgentsGet() builds a Net::Jabber::IQ::Agents packet. \& It then sends that packet either to the \& server, or to the specified transport, \& with an ID and waits for that ID to return. \& Then it looks in the resulting packet and \& builds a hash that contains the values \& of the agent list. The hash is layed out \& like this: (NOTE: the jid is the key to \& distinguish the various agents) \& \& $hash{}\->{order} = 4 \& \->{name} = "ICQ Transport" \& \->{transport} = "ICQ #" \& \->{description} = "ICQ..blah.." \& \->{service} = "icq" \& \->{register} = 1 \& \->{search} = 1 \& etc... \& \& The order field determines the order that \& it came from the server in... in case you \& care. For more info on the valid fields \& see the Net::Jabber::Query jabber:iq:agent \& namespace. .Ve .SS "Browse Functions" .IX Subsection "Browse Functions" .Vb 5 \& ******************************** \& * * \& * Deprecated in favor of Disco * \& * * \& ******************************** \& \& BrowseRequest(jid=>string, \- sends a jabber:iq:browse request to \& mode=>string, the jid passed as an argument. \& timeout=>int) Returns a hash with the resulting \& tree if mode is set to "block": \& \& $browse{\*(Aqcategory\*(Aq} = "conference" \& $browse{\*(Aqchildren\*(Aq}\->[0] \& $browse{\*(Aqchildren\*(Aq}\->[1] \& $browse{\*(Aqchildren\*(Aq}\->[11] \& $browse{\*(Aqjid\*(Aq} = "conference.jabber.org" \& $browse{\*(Aqname\*(Aq} = "Jabber.org Conferencing Center" \& $browse{\*(Aqns\*(Aq}\->[0] \& $browse{\*(Aqns\*(Aq}\->[1] \& $browse{\*(Aqtype\*(Aq} = "public" \& \& The ns array is an array of the \& namespaces that this jid supports. \& The children array points to hashs \& of this form, and represent the fact \& that they can be browsed to. \& \& See MODES above for using the mode \& and timeout. .Ve .SS "Browse DB Functions" .IX Subsection "Browse DB Functions" .Vb 2 \& BrowseDBDelete(string|Net::Jabber::JID) \- delete thes JID browse \& data from the DB. \& \& BrowseDBQuery(jid=>string | NJ::JID, \- returns the browse data \& timeout=>integer, for the requested JID. If \& refresh=>0|1) the DB does not contain \& the data for the JID, then \& it attempts to fetch the \& data via BrowseRequest(). \& The timeout is passed to \& the BrowseRequest() call, \& and refresh tells the DB \& to request the data, even \& if it already has some. .Ve .SS "Bytestreams Functions" .IX Subsection "Bytestreams Functions" .Vb 5 \& ByteStreamsProxyRequest(jid=>string, \- sends a bytestreams request \& mode=>string, to the jid passed as an \& timeout=>int) argument. Returns an array \& ref with the resulting tree \& if mode is set to "block". \& \& See ByteStreamsProxyParse \& for the format of the \& resulting tree. \& \& See MODES above for using \& the mode and timeout. \& \& ByteStreamsProxyParse(Net::Jabber::Query) \- parses the query and \& returns an array ref \& to the resulting tree: \& \& $host[0]\->{jid} = "bytestreams1.proxy.server"; \& $host[0]\->{host} = "proxy1.server"; \& $host[0]\->{port} = "5006"; \& $host[1]\->{jid} = "bytestreams2.proxy.server"; \& $host[1]\->{host} = "proxy2.server"; \& $host[1]\->{port} = "5007"; \& ... \& \& ByteStreamsProxyActivate(jid=>string, \- sends a bytestreams activate \& sid=>string, to the jid passed as an \& mode=>string, argument. Returns 1 if the \& timeout=>int) proxy activated (undef if \& it did not) if mode is set \& to "block". \& \& sid is the stream id that \& is being used to talk about \& this stream. \& \& See MODES above for using \& the mode and timeout. \& \& ByteStreamsOffer(jid=>string, \- sends a bytestreams offer \& sid=>string, to the jid passed as an \& streamhosts=>arrayref argument. Returns the jid \& mode=>string, of the streamhost that the \& timeout=>int) user selected if mode is set \& to "block". \& \& streamhosts is the same \& format as the array ref \& returned from \& ByteStreamsProxyParse. \& \& See MODES above for using \& the mode and timeout. .Ve .SS "Disco Functions" .IX Subsection "Disco Functions" .Vb 5 \& DiscoInfoRequest(jid=>string, \- sends a disco#info request to \& node=>string, the jid passed as an argument, \& mode=>string, and the node if specified. \& timeout=>int) Returns a hash with the resulting \& tree if mode is set to "block". \& \& See DiscoInfoParse for the format \& of the resulting tree. \& \& See MODES above for using the mode \& and timeout. \& \& DiscoInfoParse(Net::Jabber::Query) \- parses the query and \& returns a hash ref \& to the resulting tree: \& \& $info{identity}\->[0]\->{category} = "groupchat"; \& $info{identity}\->[0]\->{name} = "Public Chatrooms"; \& $info{identity}\->[0]\->{type} = "public"; \& \& $info{identity}\->[1]\->{category} = "groupchat"; \& $info{identity}\->[1]\->{name} = "Private Chatrooms"; \& $info{identity}\->[1]\->{type} = "private"; \& \& $info{feature}\->{http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info} = 1; \& $info{feature}\->{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#admin} = 1; \& \& DiscoItemsRequest(jid=>string, \- sends a disco#items request to \& mode=>string, the jid passed as an argument. \& timeout=>int) Returns a hash with the resulting \& tree if mode is set to "block". \& \& See DiscoItemsParse for the format \& of the resulting tree. \& \& See MODES above for using the mode \& and timeout. \& \& DiscoItemsParse(Net::Jabber::Query) \- parses the query and \& returns a hash ref \& to the resulting tree: \& \& $items{jid}\->{node} = name; \& \& $items{"proxy.server"}\->{""} = "Bytestream Proxy Server"; \& $items{"conf.server"}\->{"public"} = "Public Chatrooms"; \& $items{"conf.server"}\->{"private"} = "Private Chatrooms"; .Ve .SS "Feature Negotiation Functions" .IX Subsection "Feature Negotiation Functions" .Vb 5 \& FeatureNegRequest(jid=>string, \- sends a feature negotiation to \& features=>hash ref, the jid passed as an argument, \& mode=>string, using the features specified. \& timeout=>int) Returns a hash with the resulting \& tree if mode is set to "block". \& \& See DiscoInfoQuery for the format \& of the features hash ref. \& \& See DiscoInfoParse for the format \& of the resulting tree. \& \& See MODES above for using the mode \& and timeout. \& \& FeatureNegParse(Net::Jabber::Query) \- parses the query and \& returns a hash ref \& to the resulting tree: \& \& $features\->{feat1} = ["opt1","opt2",...]; \& $features\->{feat2} = ["optA","optB",...]; \& .... \& \& If this is a result: \& \& $features\->{feat1} = "opt2"; \& $features\->{feat2} = "optA"; \& .... \& \& FeatureNeqQuery(hash ref) \- takes a hash ref and turns it into a \& feature negotiation query that you can \& AddQuery into your packaet. The format \& of the hash ref is as follows: \& \& $features\->{feat1} = ["opt1","opt2",...]; \& $features\->{feat2} = ["optA","optB",...]; \& .... .Ve .SS "File Transfer Functions" .IX Subsection "File Transfer Functions" .Vb 6 \& FileTransferOffer(jid=>string, \- sends a file transfer stream \& sid=>string, initiation to the jid passed \& filename=>string, as an argument. Returns the \& mode=>string, method (if the users accepts), \& timeout=>int) undef (if the user declines), \& if the mode is set to "block". \& \& See MODES above for using \& the mode and timeout. .Ve .SS "Last Functions" .IX Subsection "Last Functions" .Vb 5 \& LastQuery(to=>string, \- asks the jid specified for its last \& mode=>string, activity. If the to is blank, then it \& timeout=>int) queries the server. Returns a hash with \& LastQuery() the various items set if mode is set to \& "block": \& \& $last{seconds} \- Seconds since activity \& $last{message} \- Message for activity \& \& See MODES above for using the mode \& and timeout. \& \& LastSend(to=>string, \- sends the specified last to the specified jid. \& hash) the hash is the seconds and message as shown \& in the Net::Jabber::Query man page. \& \& LastActivity() \- returns the number of seconds since the last activity \& by the user. .Ve .SS "Multi-User Chat Functions" .IX Subsection "Multi-User Chat Functions" .Vb 4 \& MUCJoin(room=>string, \- Sends the appropriate MUC protocol to join \& server=>string, the specified room with the specified nick. \& nick=>string, \& password=>string) .Ve .SS "Register Functions" .IX Subsection "Register Functions" .Vb 7 \& RegisterSendData(string|JID, \- takes the contents of the hash and \& hash) builds a jabebr:x:data return packet \& which it sends in a Net::Jabber::Query \& jabber:iq:register namespace packet. \& The first argument is the JID to send \& the packet to. This function returns \& an array that looks like this: \& \& [ type , message ] \& \& If type is "ok" then registration was \& successful, otherwise message contains \& a little more detail about the error. .Ve .SS "RPC Functions" .IX Subsection "RPC Functions" .Vb 4 \& RPCParse(IQ object) \- returns an array. The first argument tells \& the status "ok" or "fault". The second \& argument is an array if "ok", or a hash if \& "fault". \& \& RPCCall(to=>jid|string, \- takes the methodName and params, \& methodName=>string, builds the RPC calls and sends it \& params=>array, to the specified address. Returns \& mode=>string, the above data from RPCParse. \& timeout=>int) \& See MODES above for using the mode \& and timeout. \& \& RPCResponse(to=>jid|string, \- generates a response back to \& params=>array, the caller. If any part of \& faultCode=>int, fault is specified, then it \& faultString=>string) wins. \& \& \& Note: To ensure that you get the correct type for a param sent \& back, you can specify the type by prepending the type to \& the value: \& \& "i4:5" or "int:5" \& "boolean:0" \& "string:56" \& "double:5.0" \& "datetime:20020415T11:11:11" \& "base64:...." \& \& RPCSetCallBacks(method=>function, \- sets the callback functions \& method=>function, for the specified methods. \& etc...) The method comes from the \& and is case \& sensitive. The single \& arguemnt is a ref to an \& array that contains the \& . The function you \& write should return one of two \& things: \& \& ["ok", [...] ] \& \& The [...] is a list of the \& you want to return. \& \& ["fault", {faultCode=>1, \& faultString=>...} ] \& \& If you set the function to undef, \& then the method is removed from \& the list. .Ve .SS "Search Functions" .IX Subsection "Search Functions" .Vb 6 \& SearchRequest(to=>string, \- send an request to the specified \& mode=>string, server/transport, if not specified it \& timeout=>int) sends to the current active server. \& SearchRequest() The function returns a hash that \& contains the required fields. Here \& is an example of the hash: \& \& $hash{fields} \- The raw fields from \& the iq:register. To \& be used if there is \& no x:data in the \& packet. \& $hash{instructions} \- How to fill out \& the form. \& $hash{form} \- The new dynamic forms. \& \& In $hash{form}, the fields that are \& present are the required fields the \& server needs. \& \& See MODES above for using the mode \& and timeout. \& \& SearchSend(to=>string|JID, \- takes the contents of the hash and \& hash) passes it to the SetSearch function \& in the Net::Jabber::Query \& jabber:iq:search namespace. And then \& sends the packet. \& \& SearchSendData(string|JID, \- takes the contents of the hash and \& hash) builds a jabebr:x:data return packet \& which it sends in a Net::Jabber::Query \& jabber:iq:search namespace packet. \& The first argument is the JID to send \& the packet to. .Ve .SS "Time Functions" .IX Subsection "Time Functions" .Vb 4 \& TimeQuery(to=>string, \- asks the jid specified for its localtime. \& mode=>string, If the to is blank, then it queries the \& timeout=>int) server. Returns a hash with the various \& TimeQuery() items set if mode is set to "block": \& \& $time{utc} \- Time in UTC \& $time{tz} \- Timezone \& $time{display} \- Display string \& \& See MODES above for using the mode \& and timeout. \& \& TimeSend(to=>string) \- sends the current UTC time to the specified \& jid. .Ve .SS "Version Functions" .IX Subsection "Version Functions" .Vb 6 \& VersionQuery(to=>string, \- asks the jid specified for its \& mode=>string, client version information. If the \& timeout=>int) to is blank, then it queries the \& VersionQuery() server. Returns ahash with the \& various items set if mode is set to \& "block": \& \& $version{name} \- Name \& $version{ver} \- Version \& $version{os} \- Operating System/ \& Platform \& \& See MODES above for using the mode \& and timeout. \& \& VersionSend(to=>string, \- sends the specified version information \& name=>string, to the jid specified in the to. \& ver=>string, \& os=>string) .Ve .SH AUTHOR .IX Header "AUTHOR" Ryan Eatmon .SH COPYRIGHT .IX Header "COPYRIGHT" This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.