.TH "Map.Make" 3 2024-05-31 OCamldoc "OCaml library" .SH NAME Map.Make \- Functor building an implementation of the map structure given a totally ordered type. .SH Module Module Map.Make .SH Documentation .sp Module .BI "Make" : .B functor (Ord : OrderedType) -> sig end .sp Functor building an implementation of the map structure given a totally ordered type\&. .sp .B "Parameters:" .sp "Ord" .B Map.OrderedType .sp .sp .PP .SS Maps .PP .I type key .sp The type of the map keys\&. .sp .I type .B !+'a .I t .sp The type of maps from type .ft B key .ft R to type .ft B \&'a .ft R \&. .sp .I val empty : .B 'a t .sp The empty map\&. .sp .I val add : .B key -> 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t .sp .ft B add key data m .ft R returns a map containing the same bindings as .ft B m .ft R , plus a binding of .ft B key .ft R to .ft B data .ft R \&. If .ft B key .ft R was already bound in .ft B m .ft R to a value that is physically equal to .ft B data .ft R , .ft B m .ft R is returned unchanged (the result of the function is then physically equal to .ft B m .ft R )\&. Otherwise, the previous binding of .ft B key .ft R in .ft B m .ft R disappears\&. .sp .B "Before4.03" Physical equality was not ensured\&. .sp .I val add_to_list : .B key -> 'a -> 'a list t -> 'a list t .sp .ft B add_to_list key data m .ft R is .ft B m .ft R with .ft B key .ft R mapped to .ft B l .ft R such that .ft B l .ft R is .ft B data :: Map\&.find key m .ft R if .ft B key .ft R was bound in .ft B m .ft R and .ft B [v] .ft R otherwise\&. .sp .B "Since" 5.1 .sp .I val update : .B key -> ('a option -> 'a option) -> 'a t -> 'a t .sp .ft B update key f m .ft R returns a map containing the same bindings as .ft B m .ft R , except for the binding of .ft B key .ft R \&. Depending on the value of .ft B y .ft R where .ft B y .ft R is .ft B f (find_opt key m) .ft R , the binding of .ft B key .ft R is added, removed or updated\&. If .ft B y .ft R is .ft B None .ft R , the binding is removed if it exists; otherwise, if .ft B y .ft R is .ft B Some z .ft R then .ft B key .ft R is associated to .ft B z .ft R in the resulting map\&. If .ft B key .ft R was already bound in .ft B m .ft R to a value that is physically equal to .ft B z .ft R , .ft B m .ft R is returned unchanged (the result of the function is then physically equal to .ft B m .ft R )\&. .sp .B "Since" 4.06 .sp .I val singleton : .B key -> 'a -> 'a t .sp .ft B singleton x y .ft R returns the one\-element map that contains a binding .ft B y .ft R for .ft B x .ft R \&. .sp .B "Since" 3.12 .sp .I val remove : .B key -> 'a t -> 'a t .sp .ft B remove x m .ft R returns a map containing the same bindings as .ft B m .ft R , except for .ft B x .ft R which is unbound in the returned map\&. If .ft B x .ft R was not in .ft B m .ft R , .ft B m .ft R is returned unchanged (the result of the function is then physically equal to .ft B m .ft R )\&. .sp .B "Before4.03" Physical equality was not ensured\&. .sp .I val merge : .B (key -> 'a option -> 'b option -> 'c option) -> .B 'a t -> 'b t -> 'c t .sp .ft B merge f m1 m2 .ft R computes a map whose keys are a subset of the keys of .ft B m1 .ft R and of .ft B m2 .ft R \&. The presence of each such binding, and the corresponding value, is determined with the function .ft B f .ft R \&. In terms of the .ft B find_opt .ft R operation, we have .ft B find_opt x (merge f m1 m2) = f x (find_opt x m1) (find_opt x m2) .ft R for any key .ft B x .ft R , provided that .ft B f x None None = None .ft R \&. .sp .B "Since" 3.12 .sp .I val union : .B (key -> 'a -> 'a -> 'a option) -> .B 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t .sp .ft B union f m1 m2 .ft R computes a map whose keys are a subset of the keys of .ft B m1 .ft R and of .ft B m2 .ft R \&. When the same binding is defined in both arguments, the function .ft B f .ft R is used to combine them\&. This is a special case of .ft B merge .ft R : .ft B union f m1 m2 .ft R is equivalent to .ft B merge f\&' m1 m2 .ft R , where .sp \- .ft B f\&' _key None None = None .ft R .sp \- .ft B f\&' _key (Some v) None = Some v .ft R .sp \- .ft B f\&' _key None (Some v) = Some v .ft R .sp \- .ft B f\&' key (Some v1) (Some v2) = f key v1 v2 .ft R .sp .B "Since" 4.03 .sp .I val cardinal : .B 'a t -> int .sp Return the number of bindings of a map\&. .sp .B "Since" 3.12 .sp .PP .SS Bindings .PP .I val bindings : .B 'a t -> (key * 'a) list .sp Return the list of all bindings of the given map\&. The returned list is sorted in increasing order of keys with respect to the ordering .ft B Ord\&.compare .ft R , where .ft B Ord .ft R is the argument given to .ft B Map\&.Make .ft R \&. .sp .B "Since" 3.12 .sp .I val min_binding : .B 'a t -> key * 'a .sp Return the binding with the smallest key in a given map (with respect to the .ft B Ord\&.compare .ft R ordering), or raise .ft B Not_found .ft R if the map is empty\&. .sp .B "Since" 3.12 .sp .I val min_binding_opt : .B 'a t -> (key * 'a) option .sp Return the binding with the smallest key in the given map (with respect to the .ft B Ord\&.compare .ft R ordering), or .ft B None .ft R if the map is empty\&. .sp .B "Since" 4.05 .sp .I val max_binding : .B 'a t -> key * 'a .sp Same as .ft B Map\&.S\&.min_binding .ft R , but returns the binding with the largest key in the given map\&. .sp .B "Since" 3.12 .sp .I val max_binding_opt : .B 'a t -> (key * 'a) option .sp Same as .ft B Map\&.S\&.min_binding_opt .ft R , but returns the binding with the largest key in the given map\&. .sp .B "Since" 4.05 .sp .I val choose : .B 'a t -> key * 'a .sp Return one binding of the given map, or raise .ft B Not_found .ft R if the map is empty\&. Which binding is chosen is unspecified, but equal bindings will be chosen for equal maps\&. .sp .B "Since" 3.12 .sp .I val choose_opt : .B 'a t -> (key * 'a) option .sp Return one binding of the given map, or .ft B None .ft R if the map is empty\&. Which binding is chosen is unspecified, but equal bindings will be chosen for equal maps\&. .sp .B "Since" 4.05 .sp .PP .SS Searching .PP .I val find : .B key -> 'a t -> 'a .sp .ft B find x m .ft R returns the current value of .ft B x .ft R in .ft B m .ft R , or raises .ft B Not_found .ft R if no binding for .ft B x .ft R exists\&. .sp .I val find_opt : .B key -> 'a t -> 'a option .sp .ft B find_opt x m .ft R returns .ft B Some v .ft R if the current value of .ft B x .ft R in .ft B m .ft R is .ft B v .ft R , or .ft B None .ft R if no binding for .ft B x .ft R exists\&. .sp .B "Since" 4.05 .sp .I val find_first : .B (key -> bool) -> 'a t -> key * 'a .sp .ft B find_first f m .ft R , where .ft B f .ft R is a monotonically increasing function, returns the binding of .ft B m .ft R with the lowest key .ft B k .ft R such that .ft B f k .ft R , or raises .ft B Not_found .ft R if no such key exists\&. .sp For example, .ft B find_first (fun k \-> Ord\&.compare k x >= 0) m .ft R will return the first binding .ft B k, v .ft R of .ft B m .ft R where .ft B Ord\&.compare k x >= 0 .ft R (intuitively: .ft B k >= x .ft R ), or raise .ft B Not_found .ft R if .ft B x .ft R is greater than any element of .ft B m .ft R \&. .sp .B "Since" 4.05 .sp .I val find_first_opt : .B (key -> bool) -> 'a t -> (key * 'a) option .sp .ft B find_first_opt f m .ft R , where .ft B f .ft R is a monotonically increasing function, returns an option containing the binding of .ft B m .ft R with the lowest key .ft B k .ft R such that .ft B f k .ft R , or .ft B None .ft R if no such key exists\&. .sp .B "Since" 4.05 .sp .I val find_last : .B (key -> bool) -> 'a t -> key * 'a .sp .ft B find_last f m .ft R , where .ft B f .ft R is a monotonically decreasing function, returns the binding of .ft B m .ft R with the highest key .ft B k .ft R such that .ft B f k .ft R , or raises .ft B Not_found .ft R if no such key exists\&. .sp .B "Since" 4.05 .sp .I val find_last_opt : .B (key -> bool) -> 'a t -> (key * 'a) option .sp .ft B find_last_opt f m .ft R , where .ft B f .ft R is a monotonically decreasing function, returns an option containing the binding of .ft B m .ft R with the highest key .ft B k .ft R such that .ft B f k .ft R , or .ft B None .ft R if no such key exists\&. .sp .B "Since" 4.05 .sp .PP .SS Traversing .PP .I val iter : .B (key -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a t -> unit .sp .ft B iter f m .ft R applies .ft B f .ft R to all bindings in map .ft B m .ft R \&. .ft B f .ft R receives the key as first argument, and the associated value as second argument\&. The bindings are passed to .ft B f .ft R in increasing order with respect to the ordering over the type of the keys\&. .sp .I val fold : .B (key -> 'a -> 'acc -> 'acc) -> 'a t -> 'acc -> 'acc .sp .ft B fold f m init .ft R computes .ft B (f kN dN \&.\&.\&. (f k1 d1 init)\&.\&.\&.) .ft R , where .ft B k1 \&.\&.\&. kN .ft R are the keys of all bindings in .ft B m .ft R (in increasing order), and .ft B d1 \&.\&.\&. dN .ft R are the associated data\&. .sp .PP .SS Transforming .PP .I val map : .B ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t .sp .ft B map f m .ft R returns a map with same domain as .ft B m .ft R , where the associated value .ft B a .ft R of all bindings of .ft B m .ft R has been replaced by the result of the application of .ft B f .ft R to .ft B a .ft R \&. The bindings are passed to .ft B f .ft R in increasing order with respect to the ordering over the type of the keys\&. .sp .I val mapi : .B (key -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t .sp Same as .ft B Map\&.S\&.map .ft R , but the function receives as arguments both the key and the associated value for each binding of the map\&. .sp .I val filter : .B (key -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a t -> 'a t .sp .ft B filter f m .ft R returns the map with all the bindings in .ft B m .ft R that satisfy predicate .ft B p .ft R \&. If every binding in .ft B m .ft R satisfies .ft B f .ft R , .ft B m .ft R is returned unchanged (the result of the function is then physically equal to .ft B m .ft R ) .sp .B "Before4.03" Physical equality was not ensured\&. .sp .B "Since" 3.12 .sp .I val filter_map : .B (key -> 'a -> 'b option) -> 'a t -> 'b t .sp .ft B filter_map f m .ft R applies the function .ft B f .ft R to every binding of .ft B m .ft R , and builds a map from the results\&. For each binding .ft B (k, v) .ft R in the input map: .sp \-if .ft B f k v .ft R is .ft B None .ft R then .ft B k .ft R is not in the result, .sp \-if .ft B f k v .ft R is .ft B Some v\&' .ft R then the binding .ft B (k, v\&') .ft R is in the output map\&. For example, the following function on maps whose values are lists .EX .ft B .br \& filter_map .br \& (fun _k li \-> match li with [] \-> None | _::tl \-> Some tl) .br \& m .br \& .ft R .EE drops all bindings of .ft B m .ft R whose value is an empty list, and pops the first element of each value that is non\-empty\&. .sp .B "Since" 4.11 .sp .I val partition : .B (key -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a t -> 'a t * 'a t .sp .ft B partition f m .ft R returns a pair of maps .ft B (m1, m2) .ft R , where .ft B m1 .ft R contains all the bindings of .ft B m .ft R that satisfy the predicate .ft B f .ft R , and .ft B m2 .ft R is the map with all the bindings of .ft B m .ft R that do not satisfy .ft B f .ft R \&. .sp .B "Since" 3.12 .sp .I val split : .B key -> 'a t -> 'a t * 'a option * 'a t .sp .ft B split x m .ft R returns a triple .ft B (l, data, r) .ft R , where .ft B l .ft R is the map with all the bindings of .ft B m .ft R whose key is strictly less than .ft B x .ft R ; .ft B r .ft R is the map with all the bindings of .ft B m .ft R whose key is strictly greater than .ft B x .ft R ; .ft B data .ft R is .ft B None .ft R if .ft B m .ft R contains no binding for .ft B x .ft R , or .ft B Some v .ft R if .ft B m .ft R binds .ft B v .ft R to .ft B x .ft R \&. .sp .B "Since" 3.12 .sp .PP .SS Predicates and comparisons .PP .I val is_empty : .B 'a t -> bool .sp Test whether a map is empty or not\&. .sp .I val mem : .B key -> 'a t -> bool .sp .ft B mem x m .ft R returns .ft B true .ft R if .ft B m .ft R contains a binding for .ft B x .ft R , and .ft B false .ft R otherwise\&. .sp .I val equal : .B ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a t -> 'a t -> bool .sp .ft B equal cmp m1 m2 .ft R tests whether the maps .ft B m1 .ft R and .ft B m2 .ft R are equal, that is, contain equal keys and associate them with equal data\&. .ft B cmp .ft R is the equality predicate used to compare the data associated with the keys\&. .sp .I val compare : .B ('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a t -> 'a t -> int .sp Total ordering between maps\&. The first argument is a total ordering used to compare data associated with equal keys in the two maps\&. .sp .I val for_all : .B (key -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a t -> bool .sp .ft B for_all f m .ft R checks if all the bindings of the map satisfy the predicate .ft B f .ft R \&. .sp .B "Since" 3.12 .sp .I val exists : .B (key -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a t -> bool .sp .ft B exists f m .ft R checks if at least one binding of the map satisfies the predicate .ft B f .ft R \&. .sp .B "Since" 3.12 .sp .PP .SS Converting .PP .I val to_list : .B 'a t -> (key * 'a) list .sp .ft B to_list m .ft R is .ft B Map\&.S\&.bindings .ft R .ft B m .ft R \&. .sp .B "Since" 5.1 .sp .I val of_list : .B (key * 'a) list -> 'a t .sp .ft B of_list bs .ft R adds the bindings of .ft B bs .ft R to the empty map, in list order (if a key is bound twice in .ft B bs .ft R the last one takes over)\&. .sp .B "Since" 5.1 .sp .I val to_seq : .B 'a t -> (key * 'a) Seq.t .sp Iterate on the whole map, in ascending order of keys .sp .B "Since" 4.07 .sp .I val to_rev_seq : .B 'a t -> (key * 'a) Seq.t .sp Iterate on the whole map, in descending order of keys .sp .B "Since" 4.12 .sp .I val to_seq_from : .B key -> 'a t -> (key * 'a) Seq.t .sp .ft B to_seq_from k m .ft R iterates on a subset of the bindings of .ft B m .ft R , in ascending order of keys, from key .ft B k .ft R or above\&. .sp .B "Since" 4.07 .sp .I val add_seq : .B (key * 'a) Seq.t -> 'a t -> 'a t .sp Add the given bindings to the map, in order\&. .sp .B "Since" 4.07 .sp .I val of_seq : .B (key * 'a) Seq.t -> 'a t .sp Build a map from the given bindings .sp .B "Since" 4.07 .sp