Mail::SPF::Mech::Include(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation Mail::SPF::Mech::Include(3)

Mail::SPF::Mech::Include - SPF record "include" mechanism class

version 3.20240827

An object of class Mail::SPF::Mech::Include represents an SPF record mechanism of type "include".

The following constructors are provided:

Creates a new SPF record "include" mechanism object.

%options is a list of key/value pairs representing any of the following options:

See "new" in Mail::SPF::Mech.
Creates a new SPF record "include" mechanism object by parsing the string and any options given.

The following class methods are provided:

See "Class methods" in Mail::SPF::Mech.
Returns 'include'.
Returns a regular expression that matches a mechanism name of 'include'.

The following instance methods are provided:

See "Instance methods" in Mail::SPF::Mech.
Returns the "domain-spec" parameter of the mechanism.
Performs a recursive SPF check using the given SPF server and request objects and substituting the mechanism's target domain name for the request's authority domain. The result of the recursive SPF check is translated as follows:
 Recursive result | Effect
 pass             | return true
 fail             | return false
 softfail         | return false
 neutral          | return false
 none             | throw PermError
 permerror        | throw PermError
 temperror        | throw TempError

See RFC 4408, 5.2, for the exact algorithm used.

Mail::SPF, Mail::SPF::Record, Mail::SPF::Term, Mail::SPF::Mech

For availability, support, and license information, see the README file included with Mail::SPF.

Julian Mehnle <>, Shevek <>

2024-09-01 perl v5.40.0