W3CExtendedLog(3pm) LogReport's Lire Documentation W3CExtendedLog(3pm)

Lire::W3CExtendedLog - Base implementation of a W3C Extended Log parser

use Lire::W3CExtendedLog;

my $parser = new Lire::W3CExtendedLog;

my $w3c_rec = $parser->parse( $line );

This module defines objects able to parse W3C Extended Log Format. This log format is defined at http://www.w3.org/TR/WD-logfile.html

All attributes of the created object can be overriden by e.g. modules extending the object. The attributes are:

type2regex is a hash containing key-value pairs like

'name' => '([-_.0-9a-zA-Z]+)'

Keys are all data formats for log file field entries as defined in the W3C specification: 'integer', 'fixed', 'uri', 'date', 'time' and 'string', along with 'name' and 'address' types.

identifier2type is a hash containing key-value pairs like

'dns'        => 'name',
'uri-query'  => 'uri',
'ip'         =>

Keys are the W3C defined Field identifiers, with their prefixes stripped off.

field2re is subroutine; when called as


it will return e.g.


Arguments are as found in the Fields directive, so, in an ideal world, should be identifiers. It uses type2regex.

field2decoder is a subroutine; it returns one of \&uri_decode , \&string_decode or undef, depending on, a.o., is_iis. It is used by build_parser.

parse is the preferred interface to this module. It expects a line as its argument, and returns a reference to a hash (like &w3c_parser), or executes &parse_directive.

parse_directive expects a directive in its argument, it fills the object.

w3c_parser is a subroutine; it expects a logline as argument, and returns a reference to a hash, mapping $self->{'fields'} entries to their decoded values. It uses the &field2re and &field2decoder routines. It is build in build_parser.

build_parser is a subroutine, it builds and returns &w3c_parser. It is called in &parse_directive.

log_date and log_time contain strings constructed from the Date directive.

version and software contain strings constructed from the Version and Software directives, respectively.

fields contains the entire string from the Fields directive.

is_iis is set in case the Software directive contains 'Microsoft Internet' as a substring. It is used to enable IIS specific support.

tab_sep is set in case tabs are found in the Fields directive. We assume these will be used in the log itself too, and allow unescaped spaces in the log.


&parse --calls--> &parse_directive
       `--calls--> &w3c_parser
&parse_directive --calls--> &build_parser
&build_parser --calls--> &field2decoder
             `--calls--> &field2re
             `--returns--> &w3c_parser
&field2decoder --returns--> &uri_decode, &string_decode
&field2re --uses--> %type2regex
          `--uses--> %identifier2type

FIXME . Needs to be written. Steal from w3c_extended2dlf's Lire::WWW::ExtendedLog, which ISA Lire::W3CExtendedLog.

w3c_extended2dlf(1), ms_isa2dlf(1)

Francis J. Lacoste <flacoste@logreport.org>

$Id: W3CExtendedLog.pm,v 1.18 2006/07/23 13:16:30 vanbaal Exp $

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2024-07-12 Lire 2.1.1