Sum(3pm) LogReport's Lire Documentation Sum(3pm)

Lire::Sum - Lire class that implements the sum operator

use Lire::Sum

Class that implements the sum operator. This operator will compute the field's sum in a group of DLF records.

It's possible to compute a weighted sum in which each value is first multiplied by the value of another DLF field.

Its also possible to express the count as a ratio of the total count for the group or table.

Creates a new Lire::Count object. In addition to the values supported by its parents, the weight and ratio attributes will be initialized to the values specified in the %params argument.

Returns the DLF field's name by which the values will be multiplied before being summed.

You can change the weight field by specifying a new name as the $new_weight parameter. Use undef to remove the use of a weighting field.

Returns how the sum will be expressed. This can one of three possible values:

Default. The absolute sum will be used.
The sum will be expressed as a percentage of the group's sum.
The sum will be expressed as a percentage of the table's total sum.

zLire::ReportSpec(3pm), Lire::ReportOperator(3pm), Lire::Aggregator(3pm), Lire::Aggregate(3pm).

Francis J. Lacoste <>

$Id:,v 1.17 2008/03/09 19:27:31 vanbaal Exp $

Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 Stichting LogReport Foundation

This file is part of Lire.

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This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

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2024-07-12 Lire 2.1.1