Gtk2::Stock(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation Gtk2::Stock(3)


When a Gtk2::StockItem is returned from a function or required as a parameter a hash reference with the following key/value pairs will be required/returned.

    stock_id => (string),
    label => (string),
    modifier => (Gtk2::Gdk::ModifierType),
    keyval => (integer),
    translation_domain => (string),

| Stock-Id                          | Label             | Mod-Key     |
| gtk-about                         | _About            |             |
| gtk-add                           | _Add              |             |
| gtk-apply                         | _Apply            |             |
| gtk-bold                          | _Bold             |             |
| gtk-cancel                        | _Cancel           |             |
| gtk-cdrom                         | _CD-Rom           |             |
| gtk-clear                         | _Clear            |             |
| gtk-close                         | _Close            | <control>-W |
| gtk-connect                       | C_onnect          |             |
| gtk-convert                       | _Convert          |             |
| gtk-copy                          | _Copy             | <control>-C |
| gtk-cut                           | Cu_t              | <control>-X |
| gtk-delete                        | _Delete           |             |
| gtk-dialog-error                  | Error             |             |
| gtk-dialog-info                   | Information       |             |
| gtk-dialog-question               | Question          |             |
| gtk-dialog-warning                | Warning           |             |
| gtk-discard                       | _Discard          |             |
| gtk-disconnect                    | _Disconnect       |             |
| gtk-edit                          | _Edit             |             |
| gtk-execute                       | _Execute          |             |
| gtk-find                          | _Find             | <control>-F |
| gtk-find-and-replace              | Find and _Replace | <control>-R |
| gtk-floppy                        | _Floppy           |             |
| gtk-fullscreen                    | _Fullscreen       |             |
| gtk-go-back                       | _Back             |             |
| gtk-go-down                       | _Down             |             |
| gtk-go-forward                    | _Forward          |             |
| gtk-go-up                         | _Up               |             |
| gtk-goto-bottom                   | _Bottom           |             |
| gtk-goto-first                    | _First            |             |
| gtk-goto-last                     | _Last             |             |
| gtk-goto-top                      | _Top              |             |
| gtk-harddisk                      | _Harddisk         |             |
| gtk-help                          | _Help             | <control>-H |
| gtk-home                          | _Home             |             |
| gtk-indent                        | Increase Indent   |             |
| gtk-index                         | _Index            |             |
| gtk-info                          | _Information      |             |
| gtk-italic                        | _Italic           |             |
| gtk-jump-to                       | _Jump to          |             |
| gtk-justify-center                | _Center           |             |
| gtk-justify-fill                  | _Fill             |             |
| gtk-justify-left                  | _Left             |             |
| gtk-justify-right                 | _Right            |             |
| gtk-leave-fullscreen              | _Leave Fullscreen |             |
| gtk-media-forward                 | _Forward          |             |
| gtk-media-next                    | _Next             |             |
| gtk-media-pause                   | P_ause            |             |
| gtk-media-play                    | _Play             |             |
| gtk-media-previous                | Pre_vious         |             |
| gtk-media-record                  | _Record           |             |
| gtk-media-rewind                  | R_ewind           |             |
| gtk-media-stop                    | _Stop             |             |
| gtk-network                       | _Network          |             |
| gtk-new                           | _New              | <control>-N |
| gtk-no                            | _No               |             |
| gtk-ok                            | _OK               |             |
| gtk-open                          | _Open             | <control>-O |
| gtk-orientation-landscape         | Landscape         |             |
| gtk-orientation-portrait          | Portrait          |             |
| gtk-orientation-reverse-landscape | Reverse landscape |             |
| gtk-orientation-reverse-portrait  | Reverse portrait  |             |
| gtk-page-setup                    | Page Set_up       |             |
| gtk-paste                         | _Paste            | <control>-V |
| gtk-preferences                   | _Preferences      |             |
| gtk-print                         | _Print            |             |
| gtk-print-preview                 | Print Pre_view    |             |
| gtk-properties                    | _Properties       |             |
| gtk-quit                          | _Quit             | <control>-Q |
| gtk-redo                          | _Redo             |             |
| gtk-refresh                       | _Refresh          |             |
| gtk-remove                        | _Remove           |             |
| gtk-revert-to-saved               | _Revert           |             |
| gtk-save                          | _Save             | <control>-S |
| gtk-save-as                       | Save _As          |             |
| gtk-select-all                    | Select _All       |             |
| gtk-select-color                  | _Color            |             |
| gtk-select-font                   | _Font             |             |
| gtk-sort-ascending                | _Ascending        |             |
| gtk-sort-descending               | _Descending       |             |
| gtk-spell-check                   | _Spell Check      |             |
| gtk-stop                          | _Stop             |             |
| gtk-strikethrough                 | _Strikethrough    |             |
| gtk-undelete                      | _Undelete         |             |
| gtk-underline                     | _Underline        |             |
| gtk-undo                          | _Undo             |             |
| gtk-unindent                      | Decrease Indent   |             |
| gtk-yes                           | _Yes              |             |
| gtk-zoom-100                      | _Normal Size      |             |
| gtk-zoom-fit                      | Best _Fit         |             |
| gtk-zoom-in                       | Zoom _In          |             |
| gtk-zoom-out                      | Zoom _Out         |             |

Gtk2::Stock->add (...)

... (list) of Gtk2::StockItem's to be added

Returns a list of strings, the stock-ids.

$stock_id (string)

Returns a hash reference, a Gtk2::StockItem.

Gtk2::Stock->set_translate_func ($domain, $func, $data=undef)

  • $domain (string)
  • $func (scalar)
  • $data (scalar)

Since: gtk+ 2.8


Copyright (C) 2003-2011 by the gtk2-perl team.

This software is licensed under the LGPL. See Gtk2 for a full notice.

2024-09-01 perl v5.40.0