Gtk2::Range(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation Gtk2::Range(3) NAME Gtk2::Range - wrapper for GtkRange HIERARCHY Glib::Object +----Glib::InitiallyUnowned +----Gtk2::Object +----Gtk2::Widget +----Gtk2::Range INTERFACES Glib::Object::_Unregistered::AtkImplementorIface Gtk2::Buildable Gtk2::Orientable METHODS adjustment = $range->get_adjustment $range->set_adjustment ($adjustment) o $adjustment (Gtk2::Adjustment) double = $range->get_fill_level Since: gtk+ 2.12 $range->set_fill_level ($fill_level) o $fill_level (double) Since: gtk+ 2.12 boolean = $range->get_flippable Since: gtk+ 2.18 $range->set_flippable ($flippable) o $flippable (boolean) Since: gtk+ 2.18 $range->set_increments ($step, $page) o $step (double) o $page (double) boolean = $range->get_inverted $range->set_inverted ($setting) o $setting (boolean) sensitivitytype = $range->get_lower_stepper_sensitivity Since: gtk+ 2.10 $range->set_lower_stepper_sensitivity ($sensitivity) o $sensitivity (Gtk2::SensitivityType) Since: gtk+ 2.10 integer = $range->get_min_slider_size Since: gtk+ 2.20 $range->set_min_slider_size ($min_size) o $min_size (boolean) Since: gtk+ 2.20 rectangle = $range->get_range_rect Since: gtk+ 2.20 $range->set_range ($min, $max) o $min (double) o $max (double) boolean = $range->get_restrict_to_fill_level Since: gtk+ 2.12 $range->set_restrict_to_fill_level ($restrict_to_fill_level) o $restrict_to_fill_level (boolean) Since: gtk+ 2.12 boolean = $range->get_show_fill_level Since: gtk+ 2.12 $range->set_show_fill_level ($show_fill_level) o $show_fill_level (boolean) Since: gtk+ 2.12 (slider_start, slider_end) = $range->get_slider_range Since: gtk+ 2.20 boolean = $range->get_slider_size_fixed Since: gtk+ 2.20 $range->set_slider_size_fixed ($size_fixed) o $size_fixed (boolean) Since: gtk+ 2.20 updatetype = $range->get_update_policy $range->set_update_policy ($policy) o $policy (Gtk2::UpdateType) sensitivitytype = $range->get_upper_stepper_sensitivity Since: gtk+ 2.10 $range->set_upper_stepper_sensitivity ($sensitivity) o $sensitivity (Gtk2::SensitivityType) Since: gtk+ 2.10 double = $range->get_value $range->set_value ($value) o $value (double) PROPERTIES 'adjustment' (Gtk2::Adjustment : default undef : readable / writable / construct / private / static-nick / static-blurb) The GtkAdjustment that contains the current value of this range object 'fill-level' (double : default DBL_MAX : readable / writable / private / static-nick / static-blurb) The fill level. 'inverted' (boolean : default false : readable / writable / private / static-nick / static-blurb) Invert direction slider moves to increase range value 'lower-stepper-sensitivity' (Gtk2::SensitivityType : default "auto" : readable / writable / private / static-nick / static-blurb) The sensitivity policy for the stepper that points to the adjustment's lower side 'restrict-to-fill-level' (boolean : default true : readable / writable / private / static-nick / static-blurb) Whether to restrict the upper boundary to the fill level. 'round-digits' (integer : default -1 : readable / writable / private / static-nick / static-blurb) The number of digits to round the value to. 'show-fill-level' (boolean : default false : readable / writable / private / static-nick / static-blurb) Whether to display a fill level indicator graphics on trough. 'update-policy' (Gtk2::UpdateType : default "continuous" : readable / writable / private / static-nick / static-blurb) How the range should be updated on the screen 'upper-stepper-sensitivity' (Gtk2::SensitivityType : default "auto" : readable / writable / private / static-nick / static-blurb) The sensitivity policy for the stepper that points to the adjustment's upper side STYLE PROPERTIES 'activate-slider' (boolean : default false : readable / private / static-nick / static-blurb) With this option set to TRUE, sliders will be drawn ACTIVE and with shadow IN while they are dragged 'arrow-displacement-x' (integer : default 0 : readable / private / static-nick / static-blurb) How far in the x direction to move the arrow when the button is depressed 'arrow-displacement-y' (integer : default 0 : readable / private / static-nick / static-blurb) How far in the y direction to move the arrow when the button is depressed 'arrow-scaling' (float : default 0.5 : readable / private / static-nick / static-blurb) Arrow scaling with regard to scroll button size 'slider-width' (integer : default 14 : readable / private / static-nick / static-blurb) Width of scrollbar or scale thumb 'stepper-position-details' (boolean : default false : readable / private / static-nick / static-blurb) When TRUE, the detail string for rendering the steppers is suffixed with position information 'stepper-size' (integer : default 14 : readable / private / static-nick / static-blurb) Length of step buttons at ends 'stepper-spacing' (integer : default 0 : readable / private / static-nick / static-blurb) Spacing between step buttons and thumb 'trough-border' (integer : default 1 : readable / private / static-nick / static-blurb) Spacing between thumb/steppers and outer trough bevel 'trough-side-details' (boolean : default false : readable / private / static-nick / static-blurb) When TRUE, the parts of the trough on the two sides of the slider are drawn with different details 'trough-under-steppers' (boolean : default true : readable / private / static-nick / static-blurb) Whether to draw trough for full length of range or exclude the steppers and spacing SIGNALS adjust-bounds (Gtk2::Range, double) boolean = change-value (Gtk2::Range, Gtk2::ScrollType, double) move-slider (Gtk2::Range, Gtk2::ScrollType) value-changed (Gtk2::Range) ENUMS AND FLAGS enum Gtk2::ScrollType o 'none' / 'GTK_SCROLL_NONE' o 'jump' / 'GTK_SCROLL_JUMP' o 'step-backward' / 'GTK_SCROLL_STEP_BACKWARD' o 'step-forward' / 'GTK_SCROLL_STEP_FORWARD' o 'page-backward' / 'GTK_SCROLL_PAGE_BACKWARD' o 'page-forward' / 'GTK_SCROLL_PAGE_FORWARD' o 'step-up' / 'GTK_SCROLL_STEP_UP' o 'step-down' / 'GTK_SCROLL_STEP_DOWN' o 'page-up' / 'GTK_SCROLL_PAGE_UP' o 'page-down' / 'GTK_SCROLL_PAGE_DOWN' o 'step-left' / 'GTK_SCROLL_STEP_LEFT' o 'step-right' / 'GTK_SCROLL_STEP_RIGHT' o 'page-left' / 'GTK_SCROLL_PAGE_LEFT' o 'page-right' / 'GTK_SCROLL_PAGE_RIGHT' o 'start' / 'GTK_SCROLL_START' o 'end' / 'GTK_SCROLL_END' enum Gtk2::SensitivityType o 'auto' / 'GTK_SENSITIVITY_AUTO' o 'on' / 'GTK_SENSITIVITY_ON' o 'off' / 'GTK_SENSITIVITY_OFF' enum Gtk2::UpdateType o 'continuous' / 'GTK_UPDATE_CONTINUOUS' o 'discontinuous' / 'GTK_UPDATE_DISCONTINUOUS' o 'delayed' / 'GTK_UPDATE_DELAYED' SEE ALSO Gtk2, Glib::Object, Glib::InitiallyUnowned, Gtk2::Object, Gtk2::Widget COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2003-2011 by the gtk2-perl team. This software is licensed under the LGPL. See Gtk2 for a full notice. perl v5.40.0 2024-09-01 Gtk2::Range(3)