XSBuilder::PODTemplate(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation NAME $module FUNCTIONS } ; } # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub gen_pod_func { my ($self, $objclass, $obj, $method, $args, $retclass, $ret, $comment, $since) = @_ ; my $argnames = join (',', map { $_ -> {name} } @{$args}[($objclass?1:0)..$#$args]) ; my $rettext = $retclass?'$ret = ':'' ; my $objtext = $objclass?"$obj -> ":'' ; my $data = qq{ \@func: $method() $rettext$objtext $method($argnames) } ; foreach $arg (@$args) { $data .= qq{ \@param: $arg->{class} $arg->{name} $arg->{comment} } ; } if ($retclass) { $data .= qq{ \@ret: $retclass $retcomment } ; } $data .= qq{ \@since: $since $comment } ; return $data ; } # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub gen_pod_struct_member { my ($self, $objclass, $obj, $memberclass, $member, $comment, $since) = @_ ; qq{ \@func: $member() \$val = $obj -> $member(\$newval) \@param: $objclass $obj \@param: $memberclass \$newval } . ($since?"=item \@since: $since\n\n":'') . qq{ =back $comment } ; } 1; POD ERRORS Hey! The above document had some coding errors, which are explained below: Around line 57: You can't have =items (as at line 65) unless the first thing after the =over is an =item Around line 110: =over without closing =back perl v5.38.0 2023-07-25 XSBuilder::PODTemplate(3)